
Seducing My Butler Husband

Synopsis Zoe Abigail Quinn woke up with the news slapped on her face that she will be married the next day. She knew this is her fate but she didn't expect that it will come sooner. Zoe has no choice but to obey. It turned out that her groom is the very aloof and frigid city mayor's personal butler, which she has been adoring and enamoured with the day she saw the gentleman. Will she, the wife, get her husband's loyalty and attention that had been committed to his master since a long time? She only thought of one thing, and that is using her charms to seduce her butler husband.

cammae · Urban
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38 Chs


MINUTES PASSED BUT Zoe was still pacing back and forth inside their bedroom. She read again the paper on her hand.

"Operation Hans...

15. Join him in doing his hobbies."

According to Aunt Dhalia, Hans usually goes fishing in the lake after breakfast so Zoe thought that it will be a good time to start her plan.

She was not sure if her ice-cold husband will let her join his little activity.

The gentle and protective Hans last night was not a guarantee to make Zoe believe that the man is getting a soft heart towards her.

It may be a pure gesture or was just forced because of his responsibility as her legal husband. Either way, Zoe swore to herself that she will get Hans and make him like her back.

Taking in all the courage in her system, she went downstairs and looked for Hans. The living room was dead silence at the moment.

She saw Hans just gone out of the house's door. Even just looking at the form of his broad and lean back through his fitted shirt, Zoe couldn't help but to admire her husband.

Running towards him, she called, "Hans!"

The man paused and slowly turned to face her. Deep gray eyes met Zoe, his always cold and alluring gray eyes.

Zoe put on a smile and asked, "Where are you going?"

Hans looked at her for a while before answering, "Fishing."

"Can I go with you?" Zoe smiled brightly.

"No." It was firm and final.

With that, he walked away, leaving her heart shattered into pieces again.

Zoe lowered her head to hide her disappointment and sadness. Of course, Hans will be indifferent towards her since it was only the two of them.

No eyes are watching.

No expectations to fulfill.

With a heavy heart, Zoe turned to go back inside the house.

With a long face, she slumped down into the long couch that made her bounce a little.

Zoe bit her lower lip unconsciously and stared at the floor. It was a habit whenever she fell into deep thinking.

She just come to realize that pursuing a person that hates her is such emotionally draining.

With her woman instinct, Zoe knew that based on how Hans treats her shows his great despise towards her.

Or she was just overthinking?

But still, it hurts her.

Zoe has been thinking of something bad she had done to Hans, but she couldn't find any, other than they were forced by their parents into marrying each other without even giving a prior notice.

Arranged marriage is horrible but it is much worse when there is an unrequited affection inside that relationship.

Zoe fell into that situation and she's trying to make the marriage work.

Her adoration to Hans deepened each day for the past years. It grows every single time she laid her eyes on him.

She ended her thoughts and decided to do some productive work.

Opening her phone, she checked her schedule sent by Fern for the upcoming workdays. Next week will be a hectic one. She will have photoshoots and different product modeling throughout the week.

Probably, tomorrow is a work-out day to prepare her body and shape for the following days.

Zoe thought of something so she called her Dad which he immediately answered.

"Dad! I missed you!"

"Princess, we missed you too. How are you?"

"I am good here, dad. It still felt strange living from a different house and away from all of you there," Zoe spoke sadly.

"That's fine. You will soon get used to it. So, how is your husband?"

"H-hans.. Hans is fine!" She stuttered as she answered her father.

"Oh. Good. Tell us if there's a problem or you need something," the old Mr. Quinn said on the other line, his voice is gentle for his daughter.

Zoe then remembered her motive about calling her dad.

"There's something I actually need, dad."

"Yes. What is it?"

"I need a car."

"You have cars here at home. I'll ask someone to bring it there."

Zoe shook her head, "What I mean, is to drive my own car, dad."

"No," her father instantly refused.

It was the second 'no' she received this morning.

"Dad, please. I need it for work," Zoe tried to convince her father.

"I will just hire a driver for you."

"I will be really busy these next days and it will be convenient if I drive on my own," she still reasoned out.

"No matter how busy you are, your driver will drive for you wherever you will go," old Mr. Quinn was also persistent.

"Dad, please..."

"Zoe Abigail, no."

Her third 'no'.

Hearing her full name from her father, Zoe didn't argue anymore. It was a sign to already shut her mouth.

"I understand what you want, but princess, we also want your safety," her dad consoled her in a gentle voice.

"I know, dad. I am sorry."

"You don't need to apologize. In the right time, you can drive on your own again."

Zoe hummed and nodded as if she was talking to her father face-to-face.

"If there's nothing else, I'll hang up now. Your mom is waiting for me at the car."

"Yes, dad. Please say hello to mom for me. Bye dad."

Old Mr. Quinn ended the call and Zoe was left feeling defeated. But she's still hopeful.

She dialed another number and after one ring, her call was answered.

"Zeke!" Zoe greeted cheerfully.

"I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it, Abi."

"What? I haven't said anything yet!"

"I know why you called and that is to ask me for help in convincing dad to allow you to drive by yourself."

Zoe was dumbfounded. How could he know the reason for her sudden phone call.


"Dad just called me," Zeke answered, understanding what she meant by her one-word question.

"Help me, big bro. Let's just keep it as a secret."

There's no one who could help her in this matter other than Zeke.

They were partners in crime since they were young. Zeke is three-year older than her and the two of them have the best siblings' bond.

Growing up, her big brother has been there to support her and Zoe knew she could always depend on Zeke.

"I can help you with anything but I agree with our father that you shouldn't drive yet. I will find the most trustworthy driver for you," Zeke spoke in a low voice, "and even if you keep it as a secret, dad will still know."

All the little hopes Zoe was holding onto, vanished as she heard Zeke.

This is the first time Zeke has declined to help her and Zoe couldn't help but to feel sad.

"Alright, Zeke", her voice was evident with gloom, "There's no need to hire a driver, Uncle Herman is here."

"Who's Uncle Herman?"

"Hans' driver in the house."

"Are you comfortable with him?"

"Yes, of course. Uncle Herman is nice."

"Good. As long as he is reliable, I have no problem with it."

"I assure you don't need to worry."

Zeke responded on the other line with a little hum. There is a background noise of keyboard tapping and turning pages of papers. It looks like Zeke is busy at the moment.

"Zeke, I'll go now. Don't overwork yourself."

"I won't, Abi. Call me anytime you need help, okay?"

"Yes. Goodbye."

Zoe ended the call after hearing Zeke bid goodbye and decided to look for Uncle Herman. Since Hans is out there fishing on his own, then she will also do her thing.

At the back part of the Hans' house, there built a simple modern bamboo house that added to the refreshing atmosphere of the place.

It is where Uncle Herman and Aunt Dhalia stays after their work. It is their warm home.


Aunt Dhalia called her as soon as she saw her standing outside the house.

"Hello, Aunt Dhalia. Is Uncle Herman there?"

"Yes, he is. Come here, dear."

The helper walked towards her to take her inside but Zoe smiled politely and said, "I won't stay long, Aunt Dhalia. I just want to ask Uncle Herman if he could drive for me to the city."

"Of course, he will. I'll tell him. Are you sure you don't want to come inside?"

"Ah, maybe some other time, Aunt Dhalia! I need to go somewhere."

"Sure dear. I will tell Herman to prepare now."

"Thank you, Aunt Dhalia."

She walked back in the house to freshen up a bit and take her bag.

Hans hasn't gone home yet. He is sure enjoying his time there alone.

Shaking her head, Zoe wanted to free her mind with Hans.

Just for now.

She's quite busy for the next days and she wanted to focus first in her job.

She isn't holistically prepared yet in seducing Hans! With their encounter earlier, she has just gotten a taste of how difficult it will be to atleast get close to Him.

He keeps on rejecting her and avoiding her as if she was some deadly disease.

'More courage and patience, Zoe!'

"Miss Zoe, are we going now?"

Upon reaching the living room, she heard Uncle Herman's voice on the door.

"Yes, Uncle Herman."

Zoe told Uncle Herman the address of their destination. While on the ride, she also informed the driver about her busy schedule next week and she asked if he could drive for her to the city every morning and the latter gladly said yes.

They reached the place in just thirty minutes and as soon as the car stopped, Zoe saw children playing on the playground.

Her lips instantly curved into a soft smile.

"Uncle Herman, I might stay here until evening. You can just go back and fetch me again later at five."

Uncle Herman looked at her at the rearview mirror and nodded, "Yes, Miss Zoe."

"Thank you!"

With a big smile, Zoe got out of the car and walked towards the large gate of the establishment.

As soon as she entered, she heard small voices from afar.
