


  “What’s he? A punching bag, you can punch anytime you’re angry?” Karen asked and Mrs. Smith drop her hand immediately.

  “How dare you!” Mrs. Smith yelled and made to slap Karen, Karen hold her hand in the air and glared danger at her.

  “I am not your son,” Karen said politely. “Who are you to poke your nose into family affairs?” Mrs. Smith asked angrily.

  “Why will you bring your family affairs inside the office, didn’t you know your son is a model? Or did you need someone to elite you that his face matters a lot to his career” Karen replied.

  “Did I look like I care about his career?” Mrs. Smith replied.

  “I knew it, you’re heartlèss woman, enemy of progress, you want to destroy what your son has been building for years?” Karen said and Jayden rushed to her side and cover her mouth with his palm.

  “Hey did you wanna get sack?” He whispered to her.