

Diana stood in front of his door fumbling with the knob. it wasn't like she was scared to enter his room as this won't be the first time she was entering and neither would it be the last. She was about to do something very wild and may be stupid of her but this was the definition of her and it won't change. Sighing and taking a heavy breath,she opened the door closing it behind her and she met him on his bed with his back kissing the surface of his bed...shirtless as usual. he really didn't like putting on a shirt from what she had gathered. "Diana..what the hell are you doing here?" He said sitting up to reveal the cross on his chest and his sleeve tattoo on the left arm. he also had the drawing of a skull at the right. "We made a deal remember?"she reminded him and he raised one brow up to ask 'what deal?' Diana was wearing a smirk looking so wicked and Xavier could not help but wonder what she was up to. standing up fully from his bed,he went to stand in front of her. "What deal Diana?" "I got a tattoo" she bursted the news to him and his facial expression said it all,he was shaken up. "You got a whaa?" "Tattoo....I got a tattoo" "Are you fucking with me.. please tell me you're messing with me Diana" It felt so good to hear him curse. it sounded so seductive coming from him... everything he does is seductive... FOCUS DIANA..NOT NOW,she said slapping herself internally. "I'm being serious" she made it clear to him incase he e was having problems believing it. "Diana I told you not to get a tattoo" "Not exactly as I remember,you dared me to get a tattoo" "Your dad is gonna be mad" "It's my body..I get to do what I want" "How many tattoos did you get?" "Three" "Three? isn't that too much?" "Speak for your self. you got your whole sleeve tattooed, you've one on your chest and you've one on your right arm...who has the most tattoos now?" "That's me, I'm a male and I'm not underage" she scoffed when she heard him. "So now,I'm underage? I'll be 19 next year...I think I'm off age to make my own decisions" "You're still under your father's roof" " I will be moving out...and besides,he won't know...unless you're gonna tell him" Xavier sighed. this girl who stood in front of him could be so stubborn at times. How could such a pretty face be this stubborn?, he asked himself. "Can I at least see the tattoos you got?" "yeah sure." Taking off her shirt to reveal the black tank top she was wearing underneath it, she turned to her side so she could reveal her left arm. "Fuck!! you got a skull?"And for the second time since she entered his room,he cursed again.... why do it seductively?,she said in her mind. "Yes I did..what's wrong with it?" "Couldn't you get a flower or something feminine?" that was the samething the tattooist had said. "If you could get a skull,why can't I?" "I'm a man... Dianne..you're a girl, the whole point of being a girl is being girly and getting a butterfly or flower tattoo is something that is girly" "Well I don't want to be girly if I can't get a skull tattoo" He heard her say " And besides, I got a flower tattoo" She showed her belly which was now very visible as she was wearing a tank top. "And where's the other?"He asked as his eyes scanned her body for the last one. "I rather not say" He scoffed when he heard her.did she really get the tattoo in that place he was thinking of? "Besides you still have to keep the end of your deal" "And what was the deal again?" "If I get a tattoo before Wednesday, you would fulfill one thing I ask for and if I don't get a tattoo before Wednesday,I would do what you want" "I won so you will fulfill one thing I ask for" "Fine,what do you want?" "Kiss me...."

Ava_precie · Teen
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23 Chs

Compliment Me...

"Don't be stubborn, I'll drive you to school"

"I already said Callie was taking me already"

"Now is no time to be stubborn Diana, I'm taking you to school"Any time he calls her by her name like that,it seems to have effect on her.

"Okay" She managed to say.

"Let me get my keys"He said before disapearing from her view. she looked at herself one more time.she was wearing exactly what she wore yesterday but this time she was putting on a white t shirt and a black beanie with the inscription 'baddie'

"How do I look?" She asked him when he appeared with his car keys.

"Get into the car"He told her ignoring her question.

"Rude"she muttered. she asked him a question and he ignored her question like she didn't say anything.

While he was driving,she kept stealing glances from him.

'I asked him a question and he ignored me like I didn't say anything' She muttered under her breath as she looked at him

"Anything on your mind?"Xavier asked after noticing she had been stealing glances from him.

She didn't even want to talk to him but she couldn't deny the urge to lay her complaints at his feet.

"Yes, actually.... I asked for your opinion and you failed to give it to me"

"What opinion?".He asked her acting oblivious to what she was saying.

"Now you pretend to not know? I asked for your opinion on how I look and you disregarded my question"

"Why do you want my opinion?"while his hands were controlling the

"I don't know maybe because you happened to be here"

Nodding his head,he glanced at her and returning his eyes to his wheels,he said "You look good"She heard him say.

"You do not even know how to give a compliment to a girl...." She scoffed when she heard him.

"Even chickens are better than you at giving compliment"She stared at him and he stared at her back,both looking into each other's eyes.

"Then please, enlighten me" His voice was very seductive making her feel something.

"You...you should say you look beautiful, you look breathtaking , you're glowing,Girl you're looking drop dead gorgeous, you look stunning, you're capable of taking my breath away. you can tell her she looks hot. just tell her anything apart from you look good...I swear that compliment makes my blood boil."

"Hmmmm" he nodded his head at her. she was teaching and he was listening. even though he was aware of all this,he heard her out.

On the other hand, Diana was waiting for him to compliment her after she ended her speech but it seems like he didn't get it.

"Anything else?"He asked her as she was still staring at him.

"Forget it"She didn't want to talk anymore and she faced the window looking outside.

"Did I say something wrong?"

She didn't respond to him and just continued facing the window. she couldn't believe she was angry at him and she didn't even know why.

"At least,look at me"He told her as his eyes never left her.

She scoffed when she heard him but still she didn't listen to him and continued what she was doing.

At a point,she brought out her phone and decided to reply to messages sent to her. she had a total of seventeen messages. three from dad,four from Callie and a total of ten messages from Aiden.

'Urghhh!! Why won't he just leave me alone?' She said in her mind but her facial expression said something was wrong.

"Did something go wrong?" He asked her seeing there was a change in her expression.

"JUST.LEAVE.ME.ALONE!!"She said it at loud as she typed it on her key board with forceful fingers sending it to him. she sent him a dagger coated with blood right after that.

Xavier having suspicions about who she was texting tried to peep from where he was while still driving.

"Who're you texting?"He asked her but he got no replies as her focus was on her phone and the way she typed was like she was trying to vent her anger on the keyboard.

Still not getting any reply,he grabbed the phone away from her with one hand and the other hand still on the wheels.

"Hey,give me my phone!!" she told him trying to take it away from him.

"So now you want to talk to me?"

"You took my phone away from me. I won't be talking to you if you were not with my phone so give me back so I can stop talking to you!!"She said still trying to reach for her phone.

"What's getting you so angry?"

"You....and the other idiot on the phone" He heard her say and he stared at her phone.

"Hey!!! stop staring!"She told him but he didn't listen to her.

"GODDAMNIT!! how are you still able to drive while staring at my phone?"She asked him unable to understand how he could still drive. what type of driver stares at another person's phone while driving?

"He's still giving you troubles?"

"None of your business. take the phone if you want it" She said finally giving up as she would only get the phone when he wanted her to. she retracted her eyes away from him and kept her eyes forward.

"Stop looking at me" with arms across her breasts,she told him with with turning to look at him.

He chuckled as soon as he heard her and for a moment he stopped looking at her but as soon as a smirk appeared on his face,his eyes were back to her.

She unable to bear him looking at her tried not notice he was looking at her and kept her eyes forward but it was too hard.

"I remembered saying not to look at me" she reminded me.

"I am not looking at you. I'm looking out your window"She heard him say but she didn't buy it.

"Are you playing games with me? I know you're looking at me and I said not to" Even though she was not facing him,she could see his face.

"How for a matter of fact did you I was looking at you?"

"I..." She was quick to realize what he wanted her to say so she stopped.

"I just happened to feel your gaze on me" she said to him.

"Could you stop staring?"She asked him even though she knew his answer. He was making it hard for her to breathe.

"No"came his answer. How the hell could he drive? and more importantly, couldn't he stop staring?

"Fo...Focus on your driving"Giving him a glance,she said to him.

And with this,the car came to an halt with a screeching sound being made. she turned to look at him trying to figure out why he stopped the car only to hear him say..

"What if I want to focus on you and not my driving?"


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