
Seducing Miss Perfect

One story, Two female leads. Kathleen Okorie, a very hard-working yet churchy and judgemental young lady, finds herself working for a new boss who is way younger and far more attractive than her former boss who happens to be his father. What happens when his eight years old daughter decides that Kathleen is the mother she wants? Kimberly Abamba a very immoral and promiscuous young lady from an influential family is given an ultimatum from her father to bring a husband home, or be disowned. How does she find the right man for the job? What price is she going to pay to keep this man? (PS, Cover photo isn't mine.)

Naijabooks · Urban
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304 Chs

"Is That Possible?"

"How did the session go? What do you think about him?" Eric asked an hour later as he drove her back home. 

Initially she had felt he wasn't professional because of the way he kept talking about God while talking to her, she had wondered how he would attend to atheist and Muslim 'friends' if he couldn't separate religion from his therapy, and so she had asked him. Then he had told her he addressed each person specifically based on whatever religion they put down in their form. That was a different level professionalism entirely. 

"He is good. Really good and worth every Kobo." Kimberly said as she rested her back in her seat. 

"I'm glad you think so."

"So what were you doing while waiting? It must have been boring." Kimberly said, looking at him curiously. 

"I just played games on my phone. I overheard you saying you were meeting your step mom tomorrow?" He asked, since that had been what was on his mind the whole time he had been waiting for her.