
I Really Don't Know

QWyatt grew more curious about Joaquin as he approached him and asked, "Do you really understand it?"

"Of course." "Both Pierre and you are mad!" "You are the mad one," Joaquin refuted dispassionately. Wyatt took the book from his hands. "Stop reading and have a chat with me."

"Sure, but you have to explain this to me first." Joaquin took back the book and pointed at somewhere on a page. Seeing that, Wyatt gasped. It wasn't that he couldn't explain it, but he just felt that the young kid wouldn't understand it. After all, he was only four years old. "Brat, this is a professional topic."

"Oh, so you don't understand it either." Joaquin tried to look for his laptop as he wanted to run a search online.

"Who told you I didn't understand it? There's nothing about medicine that I don't know!" Wyatt grabbed the book and started explaining it to him, but he wasn't sure if the young kid could grasp it.