
Seduced By The Devil

(Matured Content) "You belong to me." He said in a husky voice, one that left me shivering in both fear and anticipation. "I belong to no one!" I force out. "You're no one to me." I glare at him. "Not when I'm through. When I'm through with you, you'll know you belong to me, and no one else." He advanced towards me, his intention clear by the glint in his eyes. "I am the predator, and you're the prey."  * Being born as a prince have its perks but not when your life have already being planned out before your birth. Promised to the devil himself when he was still in the womb, Grys is expected to dutifully accept his fate, but he's too headstrong. Determined to fight the devil all the way, Grys asked for a duel. Should he win the duel, he gets to terminate the deal, but should the devil win, he'll dutifully follow him as his bride. The duet determines the outcome. But is Grys ready to give up his life and future for the devil should he lose?

Memexico19 · LGBT+
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148 Chs

I hate you

I stood there, transfixed like a fool, as I tried to process what just happened. It felt as if my mind was on a trip of some sort.

I couldn't form any words, and neither were my thoughts functioning.


Sarit called out to me, in a light tone.

That name alone broke whatever spell the devil might have used on me.

"Let me go!" I pushed the devil. Stunned, he staggered a bit, creating enough distance between us.

I hastily wore my trousers and zipped them off.

Sarit laughed as I ran to where I kept my shirt, and hastily wore it.

"Grys?" The devil called out to me, in a voice that made me stop.

"What's it?" I didn't turn to face him. With my back to him, I stood waiting for what he wanted to tell me.

He strolled to me and touched my shoulders.

"Don't touch me!" I created as much distance as I can while glaring at him.