
Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Every story needs a great evil for the hero or heroine to defeat… The wicked stepmother who torments Cinderella. The fearsome dragon who kidnaps the princess. The fake rich daughter who bullies the real. An evil demon queen hell bent on destroying the world. Yet sometimes these villains defeat the heroes. Agent 214 has been tasked to enter these dangerous worlds and eliminate these evil villainesses before they have the chance to win. But why is every story a little different than what it first seems?

HopelesslyRomantic · LGBT+
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355 Chs

Zombie Empress (72)

(Forested Outskirts- Rest Site)

(Inside One Of The Tents)

Gong Li's question hung in the air and a contemplative expression flashed across Liu Yifei's face. 

She had also given the matter quite some thought since she had heard about the creature that was hunting down Eve.

Liu Yifei also agreed that tracking down Subject 001 was dangerous but could see Qin Lan's point that it was bigger threat if they decided to do nothing.

The ability to connect different spatial locations using portals was a terrifying one since it meant that an ambush could occur at any time or place.

In the middle of the night, in the afternoon or even in the morning…

It would be impossible to remain vigilant twenty-four hours every single day without eventually becoming paranoid or suffering from insomnia.

Liu Yifei hummed thoughtfully as she shifted her body closer to Gong Li and rested her head against her friend's shoulders.