
Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Every story needs a great evil for the hero or heroine to defeat… The wicked stepmother who torments Cinderella. The fearsome dragon who kidnaps the princess. The fake rich daughter who bullies the real. An evil demon queen hell bent on destroying the world. Yet sometimes these villains defeat the heroes. Agent 214 has been tasked to enter these dangerous worlds and eliminate these evil villainesses before they have the chance to win. But why is every story a little different than what it first seems?

HopelesslyRomantic · LGBT+
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355 Chs

The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (101)

There was only one word that could be used to describe this world.


This place… it was a paradise.

Xu Lu could feel all the worries and stress in her mind slowly fade away as she closed her eyes and felt a warm pair of hands gently wrap themselves around her shoulders.

Her girlfriend was lightly touching her unblemished skin and purring softly in her right ear. The sweet sensations assaulting her body was making Xu Lu squirm in anticipation as her lover planted soft kisses along her neck.

She opened her eyes and was greeted by a breathtaking landscape of vibrant colours. The pair were currently sitting down on a blanket in the middle of a field of flowers.

A gentle breeze lightly brushed against Xu Lu's face, and she could smell the fresh scent of flowers as pollen travelled along the gusts of wind. The faint hum of insects could be heard as well but she could not see any nasty critters.

She deserved this peace.