
Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Every story needs a great evil for the hero or heroine to defeat… The wicked stepmother who torments Cinderella. The fearsome dragon who kidnaps the princess. The fake rich daughter who bullies the real. An evil demon queen hell bent on destroying the world. Yet sometimes these villains defeat the heroes. Agent 214 has been tasked to enter these dangerous worlds and eliminate these evil villainesses before they have the chance to win. But why is every story a little different than what it first seems?

HopelesslyRomantic · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
355 Chs

The Hunter Who Killed Immortal (105)

(Central Region- Jade leaf City)

(Old Dragon's Tavern)

"Did you hear the news?"

"No tell me… was it about the saintess from the Pure Spirit Sect?"

"Yes! That's the one! Keep this between the two of us but I heard that she has a secret addiction… gambling… believe or not… I got a buddy who said she once lost two thousand spirit stones in just one single night."


Loud whispers, jeers and mocking laughter filled the air as dozens of men and women all dressed in robes with weapons attached to their hips sat down on the cheap wooden chairs.


A horrific scream cut through the noise for a moment and the room briefly fell silent. All eyes turned to a middle-aged man who was lying down on the floor while holding his face in pain.

A younger woman presumably his daughter rushed over to help him all the while a female cultivator wearing light blue robes crossed her arms over the man's body and smiled.