

Zohan is a high school student who has recently returned from his uncle's funeral on his death anniversary. As he prepares for his new school, he discovers a unique marking and survival system at the academy. He soon finds himself meeting rivals who have crossed paths with each other before. Join Zohan on his journey as he navigates through the challenges and mysteries of high school. Will he be able to survive and thrive in this new environment? Stay tuned to find out!

MK47_1404 · Realistic
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15 Chs

Chapter 15: Recess Drama-I

7th August,

11:15 am,


Academy's canteen

"So, what's up? I've been sitting here for a straight 5 minutes, and you haven't said anything," Kyla asked with a smile as she readjusted her sitting position, making herself comfortable.

"Uhm... yeah, sorry about that," Cain replied, nervously scratching his neck. "I wanted to thank you for yesterday."

"Oh... Just that?"

"Yes... only that much," Cain replied in a tense tone.

"H-HAHAHA. You were just tense about that much?"

Kyla burst into laughter at his reply.

Cain stared at her face with a blank expression for a moment, but finally, he also smiled and continued,

"I am really bad at conversations with girls. Don't mind."

"What? Is there any difference?"

"Ah... Anyway. Can I know which middle school you graduated from?" he asked, adopting a serious tone.

"Uh... Why?"

"Just curious," Cain replied casually.

"Well, I graduated from Shardel Girl's middle school. It's not so popular; you may not know about it," she replied with a smile.

"Oh... I know about it. Haha..." Cain smiled, agreeing with her while he kept thinking to himself.

"It's quite far from the place I live. I don't think she might be the one."

"You haven't shared yours? Where did you graduate from?" she asked with a smile.

"Me... Uh... Lt. Martial Feudrite middle school. It's 15 kilometers away-"

"Woah! That's incredible! I didn't know your father is a soldier," she exclaimed in amazement as she tried to pick up the sandwich from her plate.

"Ah- it fell down."

Cain looked up from his plate while eating and noticed that the sandwich slipped from her hand, falling onto the table, while she looked at it with disappointment.

"Have mine; it's the same flavor as yours. Don't worry, I didn't take a bite of it. I'll get another one."

"Oh, no. How can I?"

"It's okay. Let me get another one."

Cain got up from his seat and started walking towards the catering center. As he approached the line, he noticed Zohan standing at the end of the queue.

"Keep this." He handed Zohan the ticket he had received from Ava that same morning.

"Hmm? What's this?"

"I'll explain it to you after school. It's from Ava."

"Got it." Zohan replied as he moved forward in the line.

"I found out from George that you were tense about something last night. Did something happen?"

After a brief pause, Zohan turned around to reply as he gets his lunch plate.

"Nothing much, I'll handle it on my own.

Who you having lunch with by the way?"

Zohan asked him as he starts eating his meal, standing in the line.

To which Cain replied with a smirk while pointing his finger toward her

"You see that girl over there? With her."

"Can you please move aside. We are also in the line."

A student tries to interrupt them but none of the both cares.

"Hmm... Good choice."

Zohan commented without hesitation.

"You wishing me? or complementing her?"

Zohan laughed in reply.

"Take it any way you want."

The student behind Cain asked him again,

"Hey! Can't you both listen to me? If you don't move, I'll complain about-"

"Can you shut the f**k up?"

Cain interrupted him with an annoyed look.


Suddenly, a loud sound rang out as if someone had slammed a table hard.

"Remember to return the goddamn money, or you'll be six feet deep," a voice echoed through the room.

All eyes turned to the table where the incident was unfolding. Silence fell over the room as everyone witnessed a group of boys surrounding the table.

"Huh? What's happening? I can't see anything."

"Move, dickhead," Cain pushed the guy standing behind him to get a better look.

He was shocked to see that the table they were gathered around was the same one where he had been sitting with Kyla.

Straining to see clearly, he noticed the same guy he had a knife fight with on the second day of school, gripping Kyla's wrist as she struggled in pain to free herself.

"That motherf**ker didn't get a proper beating from me that day,"

Cain muttered, rolling up his sleeves and preparing to charge towards them.

But before he could make a move, Zohan abruptly halted him by pulling him back by the collar.

"What the-"

"Look behind him. It's Lestron Dew,"

Zohan instructed, pointing towards a guy with spikey hair.

Lestron was sitting in front of Kyla comfortably, smoking a cigarette and crossing both of his feet on the table, showing the soles of his shoes towards her.

"You're not going to break the silence, I guess.

So, here's a warning in a single line: return 50,000 bucks to the Crimson Syndicate by the end of this week, or you know what's going to happen,"

Lestron stated, blowing the smoke in the direction of Cain and Zohan, indicating that he was already aware of their presence.

"Hester, that's enough. Let's leave it here."

Lestron commanded as he got up from his seat and started walking towards the door with the group of guys he came with.

"Lucky bi*ch. See you next time."

Hester muttered as he announced in a loud voice,

"And everyone here, no one saw nothing.

I am in no mood to break a witness's jaw."

He then continued to follow Lestron and the others outside. But as he was about to exit the door, he made the "I am watching you" gesture towards Cain.

In response of which Cain gave no reaction.

As they left, the chat between students sparkled immediately,

"Did you see how they treated her? She looks really hurt!"

"Yeah, that's crazy..."

"I hope they won't do anything stupid to her!"

"I think she must have been also involved somewhere in their wrongdoings. Who in their right mind takes such big amount of loan from street rowdies?"

"Yeah, that's also true."

Zohan released Cain from his grip, at which Cain starts readjusting his shirt.

"Man... Is there any red flag system on us?

Firstly your Xina and now, Kyla with whom I had just started talking to."

Cain shook his head with frustration.

"Excuse me? Who..... who's Xina did you just say?"

"Ah... My bad. By the way..."

Cain replied in a haphazard manner and tries to dodge the question.

"I didn't know Lestron was here too."

"It's his first day. George had already informed me that he will be here.

And listen here, don't open yourself too much in front of her until George haven't dig out her background. Got it?"

"I know, I know. I won't reveal myself."

Cain replied as he takes two sandwiches from the caterer and began walking towards his seat.

Bzzz.... Bzzz.... Bzzz....

Zohan's phone rang, and he noticed an incoming call from an unknown number. It was unusual for him to receive calls from anyone other than George, as he was the only one who knew his phone number. With a slight frown, Zohan answered the call.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Zohan.... Please... please help me... I... I can't breathe..."

It was Xina's voice. Zohan's truth analysis ability confirmed her statement, leaving him alarmed.

"Okay, where are you? I'm coming there."

Zohan replied calmly, placing his tray down and hastily leaving the canteen.

"In the store... store room..."

"Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? F*CK!!!"

Zohan yelled through clenched teeth as he ran towards the main building, feeling frantic.

"Why am I even rushing to help her? If it wasn't for Mr. Norman, I wouldn't even care if she dies. Now, where the hell is that room..."

Zohan muttered under his breath as he entered the building.