

Zohan is a high school student who has recently returned from his uncle's funeral on his death anniversary. As he prepares for his new school, he discovers a unique marking and survival system at the academy. He soon finds himself meeting rivals who have crossed paths with each other before. Join Zohan on his journey as he navigates through the challenges and mysteries of high school. Will he be able to survive and thrive in this new environment? Stay tuned to find out!

MK47_1404 · Realistic
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15 Chs

Chapter 13: Zohan, an ability holder?

6th August,

6:05 pm


Zohan was standing at the balcony as he was glaring at the setting sun and having a cup of coffee. The redness of the sky was falling over him, as he could hear the sea crashing into the shore from a distance, pondering over all the challenges he had encountered.

His doubt regarding the academy's rules found to be perfectly right as he had imagined from the day of entrance examination, which they revealed in just a day.

Xina to be found as one of his past's rival.

An unknown named Nicole, claiming to be of someone, known from his past.

The incoming of his enemies from the juvenile detention itself with which he had conflict with.

And many other difficulties which are coming towards him.

But, as Cain informed him the most important of them, Ava.

"We have arrived."

Yeshwin said as he entered with George, Taehoon and Cain.

"Come in."

Zohan invited them, placing his cup of coffee near the balcony before heading towards the kitchen.

As all of them took their seats together near the sofa, Zohan arrived with five cups of coffee and settled in front of them.

"Hey George. Don't change your words later.

Remember to pay my money."

Yeshwin said as he closed the room's door.

"I never break my word."

George replied.

"Well, you shouldn't regret, because the horse you had put your bet on was clearly defective from the start. And I had already warned you about it."

Yeshwin mocked him as he also made himself comfortable nearby him.

"What are you talking about? Gambling or something?" Cain asked as he took a cup from the table

"Not gambling, but a bet on Taehoon, that he will forget the thing that he hadn't noted."

"What was it?"

"It was to help you enter the class, because George knew that you are really bad at lying. So, the main purpose to send him was so he could lie for you instead, and as I had anticipated that he would forget and he did."

Yeshwin explained it to him.


Well, I still got saved by an angel."

Cain said as he smirked.

"You better thank that angel of yours, or you could have gone through hell, if the clash was found out by teachers."

Yeshwin replied with a smile.

"First of all congratulations for getting out of juvie to all of you.

So, should we start the discussion?"

Zohan said as he took a cup of coffee from the tray.

"Yo, Kingpin, you've gotten all soft living with regular folks that you even fell for the trap set by that whatever red vixen.

Man, what would you have done if Cain hadn't sniffed her out with his pre-existing connections?"

Taehoon asked in a sarcastic tone.

As he made this comment, Yeshwin and Cain burst out into laughter.

"What? Have I said something wrong?"

Taehoon asked with a curious look.

"No, you're right."

Zohan said as he kept down the cup.

"But the thing where you are wrong is that- Our nature must always be an act before the world, and our real world should always be at the end of its shadow.

If you're asking about Xina, well, I had her on my radar right from the start.

It all began when I was just silently resting with my eyes closed due to a headache before going to a deep sleep in the cab, riding alongside her, when I overheard her mentioning something about knowing me, a terrible mistake by her.

Plus, during our second brawl in Gartex block, I noticed her panting way earlier than any average top-class fighter, hinting at some serious breathing issues that back up my second point.

Also, I never forget the eyes of a person whom I have fought before.

And let's not forget, whenever she waved her hand at me, I couldn't help but notice that faded logo of her Scarlet Punk crew."

To which Cain also continued, looking at Taehoon.

"That's the reason why he never got surprised by seeing you at first day, but rather instructed to stay away from him.

Now, in my case, he was already known to the fact that if I crossed her path, she'd recognize me in a heartbeat, because I never covered my face.

And guess what?

She did, but she slipped up by spilling the beans to Zohan about knowing me truly.

Big mistake, if you ask me."

Yeshwin also looked at Taehoon before talking,


And you were doubting the kingpin.

Haha, hilarious.

Hey, you still haven't told me how the hell did you grow so tall?"

"Dude, I already told you.

I just ate and do workout in juvie.

Nothing else. How would I know."

Taehoon retorts making Cain laugh.

"Then, where the f**k did I go wrong?"

Yeshwin asked himself in a faint voice, to which both Taehoon and Cain laughed out loudly.

In the midst of their laughter, George took out his tablet from his pocket and placed it near Zohan, showing him a place.

"Sir, I had done some research on the streets of the Hyund slum nearby the Steryo tower, and we came to know that unusually many new youngster of our age group roaming in turfs.

If you hear me, its absolutely the sign of a new faction in a gang."

Zohan took the tablet and looked at it carefully,

"And all juvie pass out students were released just 2 days before, which means..."

"Which means that they are now planning to join other senior or existing gangs instead of reorganizing their own group since most of their members are still in juvie like us.

And like always, the major factor that remains is the large amount of raw cash.

Bigger city means bigger crimes—smuggling, prostitution, drug trafficking, and all sorts of illegal activities. They are trying to establish a strong base for the future.

I have a question, did you notice any remarkable names from our past?"

Zohan asked George after explaining the whole matter.

"Sir, several of them. The list is also at the tablet. Please do check them."

George replied to Zohan's question.


Onyx and Viper have joined hands? Interesting.

And from Crimson Syndicate and Venomous Vipers in total 14,15,...,21?

Good numbers."

Zohan was counting as he checked the records.

"George, the payment? What about it? Do you have any info on it?"

"The academy has just given an update, that the money the students earn anyhow can be converted into Mokab points.

So, this means illegal mode is also on."

George replied to Zohan's quest.

"So, what do you think, kingpin?

Should we also join any territory for a start?"

Yeshwin asked as Zohan was in his own thought.

Zohan switched off the tablet and started talking,

"My goal was set from the moment, I had started 'Scythers'.

The dream of us being at top of the underworld."

He got up from the seat and started slowly walking towards the balcony,

"I had always led all of you, and it depends on you again if I should take the lead once more.

Though we don't have that much members we used to have.

But, we would be having a head start until they return from juvie.

So, what do you all choose, a normal school life or do we go back to our way of work?

It's up to you four."

He picked up his unfinished cup of coffee from the balcony,

"You see this cup of coffee?"

He tuned towards them to show it to the four, sitting staring at him with a serious expression.

"One sip, and you could embrace the allure of a normal school life, blending in with the crowd, playing by the rules, promised comfort and safety, happily pass out, done.

While on the other hand, put some nicotine to this cup of coffee,

it feels like adding a shot of adrenaline to it.

The same everything, but with an unknown thrill, a sense of power and liberation with a feeling of intoxicated freedom.


Zohan keeps the cup at that place and returns to his chair,

"What do you choose, comfort zone or powerplay?"

All four of them looked at each other for some moments, before Taehoon spoke up first.

"I joined you because you were the only one who helped me during hard times. So, whatever happens, I have always believed that your dream is also my dream."

"Well, I also think the same."

Yeshwin agreed to Taehoon's opinion.

To which Cain and George also agreed the same, by nodding their heads.

As Zohan sees all of them agree to the same decision, he turns towards George.

"Find the zones and groups from which we can begin, George.

Our first task is to acquire boundless riches.

If we follow the academy's rules, we can legally make trillions upon trillions from it.

So, we have to focus even on academic competitions.

And also make a debut in this city

So, think over it again because if you enter the occupation there's no coming back from there.

Therefore, you all better go to your room, think it over in a calm mind, and then give me an answer.

"Yes, sir," George replied, rising from the sofa. "I think we should take our leave."

With that, Yeshwin, Taehoon, and George left Zohan's room by bidding him bye, while Cain stayed behind to discuss something with him.

"Hey, Zohan, you should check on that silver bi**h, as we discussed. The image I sent is completely genuine, so don't take it lightly."

Zohan nodded to his advice to which Cain also left his room by closing his door.

"F**k this sh*t man.

No peace I guess."

Zohan picked up the tray from the table and went up to the kitchen while thinking,

'Finally, I am being close to know my past.

Nicole, Ava, chairman, three of these.

I have to know about my origin from them in any way as possible

My family's roots, the weird phenomena of me being flashing randomly to my unknown pasts, not being able to go past a month's memories before I met with the accident with my mom and finally,

my unnatural ability of possessing Truth Analysis.'

Truth Analysis, an ability, named by Zohan himself, which he never revealed to anyone.

This possessed him a heightened intuition or perception that allowed him to discern the truthfulness of statements made by others, regardless of whether the speaker intended to deceive or not.

Also, this ability enabled him to quickly assess the accuracy or sincerity of someone's words, providing him with valuable insight into the authenticity of the information being conveyed.

Zohan had used this ability several times without experiencing any drawbacks, which had always made him doubt himself.

However, when he discovered that it is exclusive to himself, he began to utilize it in any field he decided to pursue, whether it was mind reading, clearing any doubts for himself, or obtaining information on anything he desired.

However, in order to achieve this, he had to evoke an emotional change in the person he used his ability on.

He needed them to react to him as Zohan anticipated. For instance, if he wanted someone to hate him, he had to trigger a response in them that matched his expectations.

He even tried to use this on Xina, but he couldn't succeed. Not even once during their conversations did he manage to uncover her true self. Every time Zohan attempted to influence Xina with his affectionate behavior, hoping to evoke disgust or hatred by portraying a kind side of him while she knew of his cruel nature, it had no effect on her.

This made Zohan believe that his words weren't altering her emotions. Despite her smiles towards him, they lacked genuine feeling.

In the end, due to his growing suspicion and Xina's persistent mistakes, he had to seek help from Cain.

In this meantime, Zohan had completed washing the coffee cups.

"Where the hell did the other cup go!"

Zohan thought to himself with fury, as his eyes fell on the balcony.

"My memory is literally becoming like Taehoon's." he said to himself as he went there with a scrap of cloth to clean the spilled coffee.

As he began cleaning the spilled coffee, his eyes unintentionally moved towards the outside of the balcony, but he found no one below. However, his instincts were telling him that even in the corner of his eye, he had seen someone for a split second looking directly at him.

For some moments, he tried to find that person, but finally he decided to gave up.

"I really need to take a nap. Sometimes, this much caffeine can be too much." he thought to himself before he jumped on his bed