

shengkiee · Teen
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2 Chs


STUDENTS GET A CIRCLED PAPER. Others just write quietly. Others read wattpad. And of course their Teacher Dane. She just muttered with a voice that was almost hoarse because she was preaching to the student.

"What the hell is this Section Destiny! Change now. This school year is the last year you'll be together but you still haven't changed! If it's not chaotic, it's deafening silence!"

The whole Section Destiny can be described as a wet chick. This is how their day always starts. Nothing changed.

"Even if it's just this year. Give time to get to know each other."

The teacher was already down and his voice was almost hoarse because of the impending tears.

"The sermon is over. Let's start the class."

The teacher wiped his face because of some tears escaping from her eyes when suddenly a loud crash was heard by the whole class. This was repeated until their door was violently opened and it spat out a student who had tripped?

The female student stood up and shook herself. The eyes of the whole class followed her. She fixed her messy hair and picked up the bag that had fallen when she tripped. She left suddenly and they were left dumbfounded.

The entire Destiny Section was in that position when the Head teacher entered, dragging the girl who had landed here earlier.

"Teacher Dane, do you know that this student should have been in this classroom before!" Everyone was surprised by the loud shouting of the Head Teacher.

"S-sorry Sir, I didn't know that there was a transferee here in the destiny section" the teacher said softly.

"You? Didn't you immediately go to this classroom?" The Head Teacher said angrily.

"I'm not aware that this is a section destiny. There is nothing written outside this classroom that says this is a section destiny" the transferee answered indifferently.

"And why you still answering??!"

"You asked, so I'll probably answer"

Teacher Dane does NOT know how to feel whether to feel sorry for the student or amazed because of the way she answered.

The Head Teacher couldn't contain his anger anymore so he went out of the room and violently closed the door and it created a loud bang.

The teacher didn't know what to do anymore and the whole room started to riot. They even shouted as they heard how the transferee answered the Head Teacher.

"Class be quite" the student still didn't say anything even though the teacher reprimanded them so they just continued talking whether they would listen or not.

"You have a new classmate. Please introduce yourself" the entire Section Destiny cheered and waited for the transferee to say.

"I'm a backstabber when I get close to someone so avoid me".

The whole class cheered again. Some students shouted the word scary. Some remain silent but most of them create noises. The transferee started walking and sat down.

Teacher Dane is frustrated because of the way the student introduced herself. She didn't mention a name so she didn't know what to call her in class.

"What's your name?" The teacher asked the new student.

"Law" Teacher Dane was confused by her answer.

"Rule. My name is Rule"