
Sect Master of the Hidden World

Lin Shu, a traverser alongside with a system on the Planet called Blue Star. This system made him a Sect Master and gave him a 'Hidden World'. In which every time he accepts a disciple that passes the qualification, the aura thickness on that 'Hidden World' increases by 1x which is based on the aura in the outside world where his entrance to the 'Hidden World' is located. ... 1 Year later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 10,000th disciple. Now, the aura in the hidden world is so thick that, when a regular person breathes in the air in that world. It will allow him to transform into a Warrior with a thousand year vitality 3 Years later. The Linshu Sect accepted it's 100,000th disciple. The aura is so thick that, whenever a disciple enters the hidden world. This aura activates the hidden Ancient Bloodline in the depths of their bloodline. Great Demon! Ancient Dragon! Angel! And even the legendary Pangu, although it is incomplete, but still. That's Pangu!

Zoroku · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Ancient Family?


The next day, when he woke up, he was surprised that more than half of the disciples are now wearing the Hanfu weaved by Wan Qiu. Looking at it, it somehow gave him a sense of accomplishment.

On the ground floor, below the mountain, thousands of disciples were waiting anxiously here with a look of surprises on their faces. When Lin Shu saw them, maybe because it wasn't the first time he saw such a scene where thousands of people had their mouths opened wide, his expression was no longer the same as before, where he showed a triumphant prideful smile.

Then, with a flick of his sleeve, he shouted: "The recruitment begins!"


When he was slowly flying his way on the top of the foggy mountain. He was surprised that an unfamiliar face flew passed by him with ridiculous speed.

"Interesting!" His face revealed a smile when he used his Spiritual Sense and saw the figure's youthfulness.

When he teleported above the mountain where his temple resides. With his spiritual hearing, he hears the gradually increasing volume of a wind making a 'whoosh' noise.

5 Minutes later, the figure whom he saw just a few minutes later landed neatly in front of him.

The figure then said:

"Meet the Sect Master!" Making a fist in palm salute, he made 45 degree bow facing Lin Shu.

Seeing his reverence, the smile on his face became wider.

Whilst floating in the air, he asked.

"I wonder what this little brother's name is?"

The figure's mouth twitched when he heard the word 'little brother' from Lin Shu's mouth.

His inner thoughts were:

'Little brother?! The fuck? Dude, we're just similar in age okay?'

"Your excellency, my name is Bai Quan, from one of the ancient family surnamed Quan from outside the Twilight Kingdom."


Touching his chin he murmured: "Ancient family huh??...."

"I wonder how you got the news of my sect's recruitment?" Lin Shy looked at him curiously.

"Sect Master, a subordinate of my family brought the news back into our manor, and when they got the news that this sect has a few Nirvana Tribulations, or someone who's above this level. They sent me out to train under your Sect." When he said that, he used his spiritual consciousness to use the spirit ring on his fingers.

Suddenly, a few weapons, pills, and array flags appeared out of nowhere.

"I know that with your Majestic Sect's background, these things are not worth that much. But the patriarch said that it came from the bottom of their hearts, and they hope that this Sect can fulfil his wish of cultivating me."

When he saw the piles of medium to high grade weapons, tier 2-4 pills, and array flags he knew that this so called Ancient Family is not that simple.

"Tell me about your Quan Family." He diverted the topic to his family.

Bai Quan quickly explained the Quan Family.

"The Quan family is a family with a history of more than 2,000 years. Our family has a total of almost a few thousand members especially cultivated using our resources. The patriarch of my family has a total of 4 Nirvana Tribulations, the highest of them is the ancestor of course with a cultivation level of Tier 5 Nirvana Tribulation, the patriarch, which is my dad has reached tier 3, and the the other two, which is his right man and left man reached tier 1 and 2."

"But why did they only sent you?"

Bai Quan continued seeing Lin Shu's confused face.

"The patriarch hoped that the sect can train me wholeheartedly so they only sent me despite the other juniors pleading. The patriarch thought that if they sent a few more juniors out, the resources given by the sect will be divided. So, the patriarch sent me, the most outstanding junior of the Quan Family to this sect." Bai Quan raised his chin when he said the last few words, as if showing off that he's a genius.

Seeing his childish look, he slightly patted his forehead and said without the majesty of a Sect Master, and just like talking with his old friend.

"Fine, but you should go first?"


After taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

Eh? Why am I going?

With a slight pleading face, he looked back at Lin Shu: "So I was not accepted?"

"No, but you should go home first and let the juniors who also want to join this sect come."

With a bright smile he said: "REALLY?!"

"Yes, now you should go."

"OMG, Thank you Sect Master!"

Flying towards Lin Shu as if pouncing on him, Lin Shu suddenly reacted then flicked his two fingers before Bai Quan could come closer.


The strong wind produced directly stopped Bai Quan's momentum and started to fly uncontrollably away from Bai Quan.

Now, using his divine powers, he conjured a golden bubble which wrapped around Bai Quan and started to fly towards the Hidden World's entrance.


Outside, Bai Quan looked at his dishevelled clothes aggrievedly.

Taking a deep sigh, he started his long journey back from home.

But, before he started, he saw the sky in front of him, a small crack appeared and a figure which came out of it suddenly rushed up to him.

That figure suddenly grabbed a hold of a certain part of clothing on his back and carried him unscrupulously towards the space crack.

Before entering, Sun Liu asked despite seeing Bai Quan's vigilant and anxious look: "Where's your home?"

"Who are you?!" Bai Quan asked her coldly.

"Me? I'm an elder of Linshu Sect." She replied expressionlessly.


Bai Quan's vigilance instantly diminished and he pointed towards a certain direction.

"On that direction!"

Sun Liu shook her head slightly when she saw Bai Quan almost instantaneous move when she told him her identity.

'Tsk, tsk, tsk I believe that this man is an idiot. Just because I told him my identity, he suddenly believed it?'

With that inner thought, they both entered the space crack.


Every few miles or so, a space cracked appeared then two figure comes in and out of each of them.

This is the unique power of a nirvana tribulation.

Of course, she couldn't just teleport directly to where the Quan's manor is. Or else the toll will far exceed her body's capabilities and will make a backlash.

So, for long ventures, they had to resort to this kind of thing...

Doing this multiple times regardless of the figure shouting frantically, they finally arrived at the Quan's manor.
