
61Chapter 061 One month later, the sect entrance test officially begins

"Oh? Show me!"

Chen Xuan raised his eyes slightly!

Wang Zhumo immediately presented the Sect Master's token and the Sect Master's badge with both hands!

The token was not big, only the size of a palm, with the word Sect Master engraved on the front and the word Piao Miao Sect engraved on the back!

The badge was even smaller, only the width of a thumb and half a finger long, with a buckle on the back for easy buckling on the chest! ! The word Sect Master was also written on it!

Seeing these two things and feeling their hardness, Chen Xuan nodded with satisfaction! !

"Not bad, not bad!"

"Sect Master! These items are all added with Hunyuan Stone, and their defense is strong and difficult to destroy! And because of the special effects of Hunyuan Stone, they can also record the characteristics of the disciples' breath. Even if the token is lost, you can tell whether the other party is a sect disciple by the breath in it!!"

Wang Zhumo smiled and explained again! He doesn't look like an emperor at all! !

It's like a meritorious official who is waiting for praise! !

"You two are really thoughtful!"

Chen Xuan nodded, and then injected his own breath into it!

Sure enough, his information was retained in it! And ordinary means can't remove the information in it at all! !

"Thank you for the praise, Sect Master!"

The two of them saluted at the same time!

"Okay! In this case, let's distribute it!! In addition, make some more and distribute them to new disciples when the time comes!!"

Chen Xuan buckled the Sect Master's badge on his chest and waved to the two of them!

The two of them immediately saluted and left!

And after the two of them left the hall, the first one to give it to Liu Yue who was closest!

"Liu Yue, this is the identity token issued by the Sect Master, representing each of their identities in the sect, you keep it well!!"

Several willow branches have grown on Liu Yue's trunk, and the charred body is also green! ! The recovery is getting more and more vigorous!

Hearing the elder's words, she immediately emerged from her torso and said, "Thank you, elder!!"

"Yes! I'll put it on the branch for you!"

Wang Zhumo put two tokens, one large and one small, on Liu Yue's trunk! Then he went to find others to distribute them!

The three elders Canghai Xiao and the other four disciples were all distributed one by one!

Even the errand elder Ye Junlin and Fenghua Xueyue, who were bending over to collect energy in Shenyuan Mountain, received tokens and badges!

However, the badges of Fenghua Xueyue and the two girls said "disciple in training"! !

"Sister, this little thing is really beautiful~!~"

"Sister, we have status now, work hard and try not to be driven off the mountain!!"

The two girls stood in the misty Shenyuan Mountain, their figures looming, holding the sect tokens, with smiles on their faces!

Although they have to come to Shenyuan Mountain to collect energy every day, the abundant spiritual energy here makes their cultivation progress faster than when they are outside! !

Even if it's just work!

But while working!

I broke through!

I don't want to go down the mountain! !



Outside Piaomiao Sect!

As the time for Piaomiao Sect to open the mountain approaches!

More and more monks come here to participate in the sect test!

Especially as they get closer, more and more people come, and the number of people increases by tens of millions every day. Especially in the past few days, the number of people has skyrocketed, and nearly 100 million monks can come every day! ! Resulting in overcrowding outside Piaomiao Sect!

And the closer to the sect gate, the more crowded the crowd! There is even no place to step!

If you stand on the sect gate and look up, you can see at least hundreds of millions of monks standing outside the mountain gate! !

The entire Luan Gu Mountains are full of them! !

The scene is so vast that many monks have never seen it in their entire lives! !

"Fuck! There are too many people!"

"Damn! Another batch is coming from the sky!"

"Brother, can you help me find the location? I need to go to the toilet 200 miles away!!"

"Can't you bear it for a while? The test will start in a few days!!"

"Damn! I can't bear it. I have been bearing it for half a month!!"


Difficult days always pass slowly!

Under the hard endurance of hundreds of millions of cultivators, every day is torture!

But time passes quickly!

Endure and endure!

Everyone waited for the day when Piao Miao Sect opened the mountain! !

This day!

All the elders and disciples of Piao Miao Sect gathered in the main hall of the sect! !

Wearing the sect badges neatly!

Waiting for Chen Xuan to speak! !

"Are you all ready?"

Chen Xuan straightened the badge on his chest and looked at everyone majestically!

In the hall, everyone looked down at their badges, then clasped their fists and said at the same time: "Ready!"

"Okay! Let's go! Open the school and recruit disciples!"

Chen Xuan nodded and walked forward first.

Then the five inner sect elders followed closely, followed by the five disciples! Finally, the training disciple Feng Hua Xue Yue and the miscellaneous elder Ye Junlin followed closely behind! !

A group of people!

Walk out of the master's hall!

Then he soared into the air and flew to the gate of the sect! !

With the appearance of everyone!

There was an uproar outside the sect, and they were extremely excited!

"Look! Someone is coming!"

"They are coming out, they are coming out, the people of Piao Miao Sect are coming out!"

"It's time to open the mountain! Quick, go to the woods two hundred miles away to see if the young master has finished his toilet, and ask him to come back quickly!"

"Immediately notify the young lady three hundred miles away~! Piao Miao Sect may start recruiting disciples!"

"Uncle~ Everyone is up, you are going to fly up quickly, is Piao Miao Sect going to start recruiting disciples~~"

"Xiao Chen, wake up~"

"Sorry, I won't sell the things for now, I will sell them after I join the sect!!"

For a while!

Hundreds of millions of cultivators collectively cheered up! All of them looked at the square in front of Piao Miao Sect! Then they stared at everyone's badges to distinguish their identities!

After all, apart from Canghaixiao, Fenghuaxueyue and Ye Junlin, the others have never been seen, and many people don't know them! !

Especially the leader of a sect, Chen Xuan, and his handsome and beautiful disciples, who are even more eye-catching! !

Of course, among these people, the most eye-catching one is Liu Yue!

She is a soul body, her feet do not touch the ground, with a pure breath, she looks quite extraordinary!

"That woman seems to be a soul!"

"Fuck, it's really a soul! Judging from the badge, she seems to be a direct disciple! Is Piao Miao Sect so powerful? They even accept souls?"

"Teaching without distinction? That shouldn't be the case. At least she is a person!!"

"Good fellow, no wonder they dared to ignore the Soul Palace a month ago. It turns out that there are souls among their disciples!"

"This soul is not ordinary. The soul energy is very pure. If the people in the Soul Palace know about it, it will be troublesome!"

"Hmph, Piao Miao Sect doesn't take the Soul Palace seriously at all. I'm not afraid of it! I must join Piao Miao Sect!"

"Is the one in the middle the 108th generation leader of Piao Miao Sect? So young! I heard that he slapped three emperors to death with one slap!!"

"It is indeed a hermit sect. It seems that there are not many disciples. I just don't know if the requirements for recruiting disciples are high! ! Hey!"

"Ancestor, ancestor! Look, that's our Ye family's ancestor, yes! That's the miscellaneous elder, hehe, our Ye family!!"

Hundreds of millions of cultivators were excited! !

Seeing this!

Chen Xuan raised his hand slightly and released the test ladder!


A 999-story white jade ladder suddenly appeared! !