
Secrets: The Beginning

Skye finds herself in the middle of a police investigation after her husband's accident. More twists makes her question who her husband really is. Investigations continue, as she struggles to keep her secret hidden. It turns out there's more to her husband's accident than she realizes. She's not the only one with something to hide. The lines of morality and loyalty are crossed as she meets the dashing Randall, a businessman who allegedly has a hand in alot of illegal activities.

JaceAlto · Urban
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 15

Randall and I sat at the balcony that evening, I have to admit his taste in wine was exquisite. His chef made dinner while we talked.

"What was it you wanted to talk about earlier?"

"Don't worry about it" I shrugged

"It seemed important, the look in your face said a lot. Talk to me" he refilled my cup

I gazed at the view before speaking "I did something, Jack knows but he doesn't have proof"

"Yet" he added "people can make up proof with the right connections you know that right? What exactly happened?"

I speedily drank my wine and placed the glass down.

"I almost killed him" I blurted out not looking at him.

"And?" He sounded like it was normal

"And? He might tell the cops. He ended up in a hospital Randall"

"I thought it was something more...I don't know. Something more"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he being serious? Considering he was known to have affiliations with the wrong people, I shouldn't have been surprised.

Lorenzo, the chef served us dinner and it was delicious.

"I'm gonna have to steal your chef" I commented

"I'll get you another one" joked Randall

I stopped for a moment wondering if he could actually do that,I continued with my meal.

We were done with dinner and back to drinking wine but indoors on the couch facing the TV. We talked and laughed for what seemed like hours and I was sleepy, my head was on his shoulder.

"Whatever happens, I'll protect you. Don't worry about Jack" he whispered

"Just don't kill him okay?" I mumbled sleepily

A light laugh escaped his lips as he smoothed my hair almost cuddling me

"You should head to bed" he said lifting me up from the couch and ushering me to the room I currently occupied. We lingered at my door way making me queasy with anticipation and hesitance at the same time.

"I'll see you in the morning then" he said

"Goodnight Randall. And thank you" I smiled


I threw myself on the bed and exhaled through my mouth loudly. I had to keep myself together, I only needed his help, everything else was just....I didn't know what it was. I dragged myself into this anyways.

Randall wasn't at the house for the next three days, It was a bit nice being alone for a while, Lorenzo still came over to cook. The night Randall finally returned, he looked exhausted and wouldn't eat. He changed his mind when I intervened and insisted Lorenzo go make him something

"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked as he took a seat beside me on the couch

"Yeah, it's just work. I'm fine." He said pouring himself a shot of whiskey "I'd like you to accompany me tomorrow"

"Somewhere important?"

"It's a meeting at a partner's house, he's hosting a dinner at 6pm"

"Okay? Do I really have to be there?" I asked

"I want you by my side"

The statement sounded like it had a double meaning, he had an expression I couldn't quite read on his face. I must have been distracted for a moment when he pulled me out of my thoughts

"Skye are you okay?"

"Sorry, I'm fine. Just thinking if I have any deadlines. I'll go with you"

"Wonderful. I'll send a dress tomorrow afternoon."

"That won't be necessary Randall" I shook my head, he had already done enough. Also, I didn't wanna end up being in a situation where I'd have to pay back everything he'd given me.

"Don't worry about it. It's nothing." He said with a tone of finality

I tried glaring at him but failed miserably making him smirk at me. "Fine. But I'll pay you back" I insisted

"Nonsense, nothing of the sort. Think of it as a gift" he laughed using a finger to play with my hair

"Thank you" I smiled

He nodded and stared at me "you really are something you know?"

"How so?"

He shook his head chuckling "you wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain" the finger had left my hair and his hand was now cupping my face

"Try me" I replied

He pulled me closer and our lips connected. It felt like sparks erupted all over my body making me push my body against his. Kisses trailed down my neck, his hand went under my shirt and teased my nipples touching them lightly but hard enough to make me shudder. My shirt was up and his fingers on my nipples were replaced with his mouth sucking on them. I gasped in pleasure as the sensation made me spread my legs and soon my back was on the couch as his hands roamed my body and he left kisses all over.

Suddenly he pulled back, his dark eyes not leaving mine, but my body missing his touch. On impulse my hand flew to his pants, tugging them down as he stopped me before pulling mine down and plunging his tongue into my pussy. My back arched from the couch, my hand going in his hair as I was grinding against his lips. Soft moans escaped my lips as he kept licking, I heard the sound of his trouser go down and felt his cock tease my dripping entrance. I looked up and saw the size making me gasp and shudder in anticipation. His lips were on mine as the head of his cock was already easing in when Lorenzo's voice pulled me out of my lustful trance

"Shit! Not again" Randall muttered so low under his breath I almost wouldn't have heard, My cheeks were flushed as I pulled away

"Mr Bailey?" Lorenzo called out from the doorway, he hadn't come into the room yet giving me and Randall time to adjust.

"We'll have dinner here" Randall announced ushering Lorenzo in with our food

I tried to sit still as our food was served, and stole glances at Randall whose eyes were on me the whole time.

Later after dinner I got up "I should go to bed. Goodnight Randall" I said shyly as I scurried away

What was wrong with me?

True to his word, the next afternoon I got a black dress from Randall. I knew it would be expensive, I sighed as I dressed up, Randall was coming to get me soon.

He showed up looking sharp and handsome as always, I did my best not to ogle at him. The dinner was lovely as we all sat at a round table, there were seven of us. Three men including Randall, each with a female guest, then the host whose name was Foxx.

Time came when the men had to move to the study,

"We won't be long. Just relax, okay?" whispered Randall in my ear. I nodded then he squeezed my hand lightly before leaving to join the other men.

We were only three now, the ladies. The two of them were sexily dressed and looked very alluring.

"Cigarette?" one of them asked

"No thank you. Wine is fine" I smiled

She handed the other one a stick "You've never smoked?"

"As a teen I guess, not since then" I replied

She nodded her head " I'm Sarah" extending a hand

"Skye" I said taking her hand and shaking it

"I'm Esme" the other said waving "Let's smoke on the porch. Join us Skye"

We made our way outside and sat on the white sleek chairs, I was holding my glass of wine as Sarah and Esme smoked while we talked.

"So, how long have you and your man been together?" asked Sarah

I shrugged "He's just a friend"

"Just a friend huh?" Esme wiggled her brows "C'mon, just tell us. Are you one of the new girls? His favorite perhaps?"

"What?" I was confused, new girls? His favorite? My brain trying to grasp what she was hinting at in disbelief.

Sarah looked me over curiously as Esme continued "Oh! I thought you were one of.."

"Esme!" Sarah cut her off "that's enough" she said sternly then the man Sarah accompanied came towards us

"What do we have here? You look so radiant my dear" he said taking my hand and kissing it. "Call me Sloane. What is your name?"


I felt his scrutinizing gaze on me as he walked around me as if inspecting a package. I frowned at his actions as I pulled away making him chuckle.

"You'd be an interesting addition to our new batch"

"Excuse me?" I was offended greatly. I noticed Sarah and Esme had matching tattoos, they looked a bit timid around Sloane. Was this some kinda trafficking meeting? What the hell?

"Skye?" Randall called out making his way in our direction I walked to him reducing the distance.

"Take me home" I ordered angrily

"What's wrong?"

"I want to go home Randall" I said firmly

He didn't argue and followed me to the car leaving the house.

"What the hell is going on Randall? What are you involved in here? Is this some sort of prostitution ring?" I yelled

"It's not like that" he said

"What is it then? Because I spoke to Sarah and Esme and.."

"What did they tell you?" He cut in

"Oh! So it's true then. You asshole! Did you take me there to show off? Was it some kind of auction? I saw the tattoos!! You're trying to advertise me?" I screamed

"No I'm not Skye" he yelled suddenly "calm down let me explain"

"No. I don't wanna hear anymore lies from you" I said

For a moment I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes "Have I ever lied to you Skye?"

"Take me home"

"We're going home" he said

"I mean my house. My place." I looked away "I'll come get my things tomorrow or rather you could send Darren with them"


"No. Please, just take me home" I bit my lip "you're manipulating me. Amy was right. You're all the same" tears threatened to fall as they gathered blurring my sight

"I'm not" He stressed

"You're saying you actually care about me?"

He remained silent for a while and his grip on the steering tightened. "Skye...I"

"Save it. There's no need, I know the answer" we had reached the front of my house. I stepped out of the car tears spilling and didn't look back as I went into the house.