
Chapter 12

"I realized how much I tried to change ever since I was the president of class one. I become too happy and too positive about everything except for my own personal life because I can't really handle my life right now when I'm back at home." Layla told Alex while they're all watching the election of the student council members which is too long for her liking and she began thinking about her life right now. It's something that can't be solved within a few days; it's something that can be solved for a long time. It isn't easy to deal with it and no matter how much she likes to distract herself, she'll always end up thinking about what's making her miserable.

Alex glanced at her and then back to the front, they have been talking and Alex purposely wanted for her to open up which she did now. Layla has her arms folded onto her chest while also glancing at Alex with sad eyes as she said that. "I don't even know why I am opening up to you this much because I usually deal with most of my problems alone and I wouldn't open up to anybody this quickly. I guess you're nice to talk to."

"But I don't think that you changed, I think that you always have it in you all along but now you have a good reason to reveal that side of you which most of us likes. And it's because you are a class president now." Alex explained to her, remembering when he first talked to her, she was extremely nice and helpful and friendly and was fun to be around even when everyone told him that she was quiet and likes to be all alone—Alex thinks the opposite of her, he thinks that she just needed someone to be much more persistent and will always try to have a good time together, she needs someone even though she always shows that she doesn't need anyone other than family.

"I don't know...I really try my best to cheer up everyone around me so they can do their best and they'll not be too nervous because that's how I want to be a leader. I even try my best to cheer myself up constantly because I know to mourn and being depressed will not do me any good."

Layla sighs while rubbing her temples, feeling so miserable and guilty for being miserable when she needs to be there for everyone and they need her optimism and leadership. Sir Arthur would even tell her to cheer up because bad days will pass and good days will come—just like what he always told her.

Alex looked at her and focused himself on her, not caring if he is missing out on what's happening. "Layla, every people can mourn and be sad, it's really okay for all of us if you just let yourself take a break from what's happening. It'll make us glad too because we can see how much you are suffering from all of this. Don't you see how much we care about you? We wouldn't help you if we don't you know?"

Layla nods while blinking fast, trying not to let out the tears that are daring to come out of her eyes, looking up and clicking her tongue. Alex placed his hand on her shoulder and rubbed her back gently, seeing how much pain she is in.

"You're a really great leader, anyway. You have proven yourself to us and to yourself. You are great just the way you are and we're going to help you in every way that we can." Alex continues saying to her while comforting her and glancing around to see if anyone notices them talking but they're all occupied with the election that they don't care about what's happening between them. Layla was glad that nobody intrudes and interrupts their heartfelt conversation.

"Yeah, I know, thanks...but I don't want anyone to get more worried." Layla told him, whispering next to his ear and Alex nodded, understanding her while he keeps looking in case someone wants to interrupt them. To Alex's surprise, Layla places her head on his shoulder, resting and keeping herself feeling comfortable with him. Alex was surprised because she never treats anyone like a friend, but right now she's just completely opening up to him without feeling like a burden or a mess which made Alex happy and he just lets her rest even after for only a few minutes.

Layla wants to say to him that she thinks of him now as her friend as she rests her head on his shoulder but she's too shy because of how comfortable she suddenly is with him. She just likes how comforting he is even though sometimes he can be annoying but that's what makes them similar because they often like to smile and show other people that they're happy to cheer up others.

Their classmates around them looked at each other after they secretly saw how affectionate they are towards each other and they grinned. "I think that Layla has a friend now! Omg!" Zara, one of their classmates mouthed at her fellow classmates and they nodded.

"Yeah, I think so too." Then they all turned their attention towards the front, not wanting Layla and Alex to notice them while they all feel so giddy and excited for them.

In the end though, after the election, Zoey didn't become the student council president but she has become the secretary which made everyone that voted for Zoey to be happy but also angry for her not making at the high position. Layla approaches her before anyone else can and she hugged her immediately.

"Are you okay? It's nerve-wracking, isn't it? But don't worry now, you achieved your goal! Next year we'll aim for the president right?" Layla told her with a big grin, feeling cheery even after the conversation she had with Alex.

Zoey hugged her back and thanked her. "Thanks...but I think I made a lot of people disappointed..."

Layla gently pulls away from her and looked at her straight in the eyes. "They're idiots and don't know how to be grateful. Just ignore them and let them see that you have achieved your goal because that's what matters. Just think about how proud I am! Man, I feel like your mother!" Layla hugged her again, tightly.

Zoey thanked her and nodded. Layla's right, Zoey feels happier when Layla congratulated her before anyone can and how supportive she is of her. But before neither of them can say anything more, many students come and approaches Zoey, congratulating her success although it's evident in some of their faces that they are a little disappointed. Zoey took Layla's advice and just didn't mind them while also saying thank you to all of them.

Zoey was surrounded by many students and Layla quickly walks away because it was getting kind of awkward and too noisy. She walked towards the seats but Jace approached her and told her to take Zoey because they'll have their meeting now. Layla nods and turned around to call for Zoey but it was noisy and crowded. Jace noticed and decided to help her.

"Don't worry, I'll get her, just stay here." Jace walks over to the big crowd and the students quickly realize it's him so they gave space to let him walk over to Zoey. Jace helped Zoey get out of there and Layla chuckled, realizing now how powerful and scary he can actually be towards the other students.

"Come on, let's go." They all walked together with the other class presidents and the new student council members.

"Layla, you look tired." Zoey whispers at her, not wanting anyone to hear but Jace heard and looked at Layla while nodding, also noticing how tired she looks like.

Layla smiles at her, dismissing her thought. "I'm good." She still lies.

Jace couldn't help but interfere with them as he was also worried about her. "Layla, you can go home or just take a nap in your classroom. I can tell them that you're not feeling well and I'll make sure to tell you everything." He told her, also whispering at her while leaning closer to her so no one other than the three of them can hear while the rest are chatting and being noisy.

Layla once again dismisses their thoughts. "I'm fine. I need to be fine anyway because I still have so much to do for the rest of the day." It's the truth, Layla has still so much to do even after she can go home now because she still has to work in the cinema, a part-time job, in the evening but she needs to ask Amon to help her with her illness first before she can work.

Jace was feeling suddenly annoyed at her for being too hard-headed so he stops walking and moves in front of her. All of them looked at him, wondering what he's doing but he just ignored them. "I'll walk you out of here or else you'll not listen." He grabs her hand and looked at the rest of them. "Grace, lead them all and proceed walking. I'll be there in no time."

They nodded and continued walking but Zoey didn't leave Layla's side as she was worried for her. They still can remember what he said to her and Zoey was afraid something might happen to her. "If she says she's fine, then she's fine. She can manage herself." Zoey told him with a glare and they both looked at her.

"No, it's fine, he's quite right. I trust him, don't worry, just go." Layla assures her and Zoey didn't bulge but when Layla poked her, she sighs and nodded.

"Fine, just be careful." She walks off while looking back at them.

"Come on, let's go." Jace lets go of her hand they both walked back Layla's classroom.

"Thanks though." Layla tells him and Jace nods.

"No problem. Just please, next time tell and be honest if you're not well enough so we'll not cause a scene."

Layla softly laughs while looking down at her feet. "Seriously? You were the one who made a scene!" She argued back.

"But you were the one who caused it." Jace told her calmly. "But, seriously, you need to take care of yourself properly because you need it and people need you. I know everything's hard as of now but learn to take care of yourself first before anyone else."

"Yeah, I'm not really well right now but this will eventually pass." Layla smiles at him and they both walked in silence until they reached Layla's classroom. Layla once again thanked him and he just brushed it off before leaving her.

Jace walked and saw one of Layla's classmates who is very close to her, laughing and joking with his friends so he approached him to tell about Layla.

Alex looked at him with a wide grin. "Oh, hey! Jace, right?"

Jace nods. "Um...can you accompany Layla? She's inside your classroom and I think she'll head home." Jace puts his hands inside his pants pockets and Alex sighs, feeling so sorry for Layla for what's happening in her life.

"She's not well, isn't she? Thank you for telling me." Alex said and Jace nods again.

"I should go."

"Yeah, thanks again." Alex bids goodbye as he walks away and he turns back to his other friends, telling them that he needs to go.

"Yeah, sure! Good luck with your girlfriend, man!" Alex rolled his eyes but did not bother correcting them.

Alex surely cares for Layla but it isn't like what most people think because he actually had a girlfriend and he doesn't want any more relationships at the moment, he just wants friends and it'll be weird for Layla if that ever happens. It'll be weird for the two of them. They're just genuine friends although he's not sure if Layla considers him now as a friend. He just adores her as a friend and likes her the same way.