
secrets of the vampire king

Dishu_Mandal · Fantasy
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15 Chs

vamp leopard.

Sumo was running very fast from the deserted road towards the forest in the dark night, cutting through the air, Sumo was surprised to see that even in such darkness, he was able to see everything clearly, then for some time After reaching the middle of the forest, he stopped, and slowly went near the ditch, when he went near the ditch and looked down, he suddenly said in a trembling voice, "That thing, that thing like pyramid, where is it?"

Then he remembered that this afternoon he had seen in the news that the police force and the research team had reached here.

As soon as he remembered this, Sumo said, it seems that the same people have removed that pyramid-like thing from this place, now there is no use in staying here, saying this, Sumo turned back to go towards the road. When he turned, he heard the sound of bushes moving, Sumo got scared as soon as he heard the sound, then he laughed in his mind and said, I have now become a vampire, so why do I need to be afraid, The one who is behind the bushes should be afraid, thinking this, he slowly started moving towards the bushes.

Then when he reached near the bushes and saw, he was suddenly shocked and said, it looks like the baby of some animal. In front of him, there was a baby of an animal lying in a very injured condition, it was clear just by looking at it. It was feared that he would not be able to survive for long.

Just then Sumo, running, went to that animal's baby, and picked it up in his hands. As soon as Sumo picked up that animal's baby in his hands, he heard the same voice again, a cheetah baby has been found. , would you like it to be your partner? yes or no?

On hearing this, Sumo narrowed his eyes and said, now what kind of trouble is this? Should I say yes? What if I say yes?

Thinking all this, Sumo said yes, as soon as Sumo said yes, the same voice came again, to make him your companion, to make him drink your blood,

Hearing the voice, Sumo muttered, Why should I make him drink my blood? What will happen if you drink my blood? But then one thing came to his mind, whenever I have heard this voice, it has helped me, why shouldn't I accept it? Thinking this, he pressed one of his fingers between his teeth. , and blood started coming out from his finger,

Then Sumo, without wasting any time, started pouring the blood coming out of his finger into the leopard's mouth. As soon as his blood entered the leopard's mouth, the leopard started screaming in pain, and after coming out of Sumo's hand, he fell on the ground. Seeing this, Sumo started thinking, what is all this happening? Is there some kind of poison in my blood? While Sumo was thinking all this, again he heard the same voice, Congratulations, the procedure was successful, you have created a Level 1 Vamplepard, and the same screen appeared in front of him again.

This time, there was a different column at the bottom of his screen, on which it was written in big letters, Your Vampire Force. Seeing this, when Sumo focused his attention on that column, that column opened, Right now, there was a picture of the same leopard cub, and level 1 was written on it. Sumo was just watching the screen when suddenly he felt something wet on his hands, and it started to tickle slightly.

When Sumo looked at his hands, the same leopard cub was there, absolutely safe and sound, and was licking his hands very lovingly. Looking at that leopard cub, Sumo started thinking in his mind, I have given it a If I turn him into a vampire, will he now also drink blood like me?

While Sumo was thinking all this, he heard the same voice again, Your companion is hungry, please feed him some meat, and once again the same screen appeared in front of him, and the column of leopard cub On the front, HP 5% was written.

Seeing this, Sumo said, now from where should I get the meat for him, then he remembered something, and he became a little happy and said, yes, the meat that Adi had brought for me today, I can feed him from the meat, then He picked up the leopard cub in his lap and walked towards the hostel.

After some time he reached behind his hostel and started looking towards the balcony of his room, his balcony was at a height of about 10 meters, then suddenly Sumo took a long jump and reached the balcony. After arriving, Sumo looked down once, and said, Well, there are some benefits of becoming a vampire, then went inside the room, and placed the leopard cub on the ground, in front of it, all the meat that Adi had brought. As soon as he saw the meat, the leopard cub pounced on it.

Seeing this, Sumo heaved a sigh of relief and lay down on his bed. As soon as he lay down on the bed, Sumo started practicing how to call the screen hidden inside his mind and make it disappear. Don't know when his eyes fell, I didn't even realize.

In the morning, Sumo and his friends were sleeping very comfortably on their respective beds, when suddenly, the sound of someone shouting reached their ears. As soon as they heard the sound, they all got up on their respective beds. He sat down, rubbing his eyes, and when he looked towards the voice, he stood up in his place, trembling. They saw that the entire room's belongings were scattered on the floor, and Adi, scared and frightened, was looking towards a corner with a stick in his hand, when he looked in the corner of the room where Adi was looking. So he too was shocked for a moment.

In that corner of the room stood a fierce leopard-like animal, about 5 feet tall, its teeth and nails were much larger than those of an ordinary leopard, its entire body was glowing like lava of fire, and what's more His eyes were also glowing red, the animal was staring at Aadi.

Then the animal slowly started moving towards Adi, seeing this they all got scared, then suddenly Sumo disappeared from his place like lightning, and stood in front of Adi, as soon as the animal saw Sumo. , then he stopped at his place and started staring at Sumo, then in no time, the animal started changing in size, then within a few moments, he changed into a small cute animal, seeing this, all their eyes Suddenly, Raj and Shivam also came and stood near Sumo.

Then Shivam, stammering a little, said, what was all this, brother? Are we not dreaming?

Hearing Shivam's words, Sumo, who had been looking at the same animal like an idol since then, suddenly came to his senses and said, I myself am not able to understand, what is going on?

Sumo had just said this, when suddenly the leopard cub came near Sumo and hugged him at his feet. When Sumo looked at the animal carefully, he remembered the incident of the night. Yes, he understood everything, and smilingly, he lifted the animal in his lap, then went and sat on the sofa, and started caressing the leopard's head. The leopard also placed his head in Sumo's chest. Kept it down, and sat comfortably.

When his friends saw that Sumo was comfortably sitting on the leopard in his lap, they too slowly went and sat on the sofa in front.

Then Raj asked, now will you tell us what is going on? And how did this animal come into our room?

After listening to Raj, Sumo took a deep breath, and then started telling them all about the night.

When they all heard about Sumo, they were surprised.

Then Aadi got a little upset and said angrily, You alone were not enough, you also turned a voiceless animal into a vampire.

Listening to Aadi, Shivam said, you shut up Aadi, whatever Sumo did was right, if he had not done all that, this poor animal would not have survived.

Hearing Shivam, Raj also agreed, then Aadi muttered a little and said, people keep dogs or cats, and we will keep a cheetah.

Hearing this, Raj said to Sumo, don't feel bad about his words, he is a bigot, he keeps saying anything.

Hearing him, Sumo also nodded yes, then they all started talking among themselves. Aadi was saying this because he was very afraid of animals, whereas Sumo, Raj and Shivam loved animals a lot.

Then Shivam saw the leopard in Sumo's lap and said, can I take it with me? It won't bite.

Hearing this, Sumo took a look at his friends, then looked at the animal, caressing it, and said to the animal, These are all my best friends, so there is no need for you to be afraid of them, these people will do nothing to you. They will not harm you, just as I take care of you, these people will also take care of you, so you should also make friends with all of them. Hearing Sumo's words, the leopard cub also looked at all of them once. , then jumped from Sumo's lap and sat in Shivam's lap.

Seeing this, Shivam also became happy, and started caressing her head.

Then Raj said, he is very sweet, and he also understands what we say. Hearing Raj's words, Sumo smiled and said, yes because he is more intelligent than any common animal.

Then Adi said, yes yes, why not, you have turned him into a vampire. Hearing Aadi's words, they all started staring at him.

When Adi saw that he had said too much, he became silent, but perhaps the leopard did not like what Adi said, so the leopard took a leap, and after coming out of Shivam's lap, Adi He went and sat on his pants, then Adi felt something wet on his pants, so he picked up the leopard from his lap and placed it next to him, and started looking at his pants, then he found that the leopard had touched his pants. Seeing that you have made him suck, all his friends started laughing loudly, then Aadi shouted at the leopard and said, you leopard child, if you do such a thing again, I will leave you back in the same forest. I will come, as soon as he said this he got up from his place and went to the washroom to clean his pants.

Here Sumo, Shivam and Raj started talking among themselves, Raj looking at the leopard asked, have you given it a name or not? So Sumo said, no till now, no good name has come to my mind for this, then Shivam said, I have a name in my mind, after listening to Shivam, both his friends and that leopard cub, towards him. Started looking, seeing this, Shivam further said, when it was in its full form, I saw that something like lava was shining all over its body, from that a name came to my mind, then pausing a bit, he He further said, why don't we name it lighter.

Hearing Shivam's words, the leopard started jumping from place to place out of joy.

Seeing this, Raj said, it seems that he liked this name very much, so from today onwards we will call him lighter only, on this Sumo also nodded yes, then a voice came in the ears of all of them, if it has been named then So, should we make some further plans?

Hearing the voice, when all three of them turned and saw that Adi was standing behind them, then Adi moved forward from his place and sat on the sofa, then he further said, right now our college is closed for a few days. So why not, we all go out somewhere with our girlfriends and friends.

Hearing Aadi's words, Shivam and Raj immediately agreed, but Sumo did not give any answer. When all three of them saw that Sumo did not give any answer, they all started staring at Sumo with questioning eyes.

So Sumo said, brother, you all know that I do not have much money.

Hearing this, all three of them said together, Look, don't worry about money, we are here, brother, you are our best friend, if you don't come with us, we too won't go, Shivam said.

Hearing this, Sumo said, no no, don't spoil your vacation because of me.

Then Raj said, then you also come with us, then the lighter also jumped and came in Sumo's lap, and started rubbing his small paws on his chest, as if he was saying that he also wants to go for a walk, all that Seeing him insisting so much, Sumo also said yes.

Then they started deciding where they should go?

Then Adi said, why don't we all go to the forest outside the city, I have heard that in that forest, near the lake, there is a very big and beautiful bungalow, where many people go to visit every year.

But then Raj said a little scared, but brother, I have heard that whoever goes there dies, and till date there are very, very few people who come back alive from there.

After listening to Raj, Shivam said, Hey, this is all just a story in the mind book, if something like this had happened, this thing would definitely have come in the news and paper.

After that Adi also said, yes man, this is just a Man Granth story, and anyway if anything happens there, then we have Sumo with us, na and this leopard's baby is also there, both of them will save us with their power.

Then Sumo said a little irritably, will I go there as your bodyguard?

Then Shivam said, don't pay any attention to these things, there is nothing like that there, and anyway that bungalow belongs to someone I know, so no one will come there to trouble us, then after pausing for a while he said further, That bungalow was earlier inside the government, but a few days ago, it was bought by my friend's brother in an auction, and I had also gone there a few days ago, but I did not find anything strange there, after listening to Shivam. They all agreed.

Then Raj said, okay, you guys do the packing, I will arrange for a vehicle till then, and then he left from there.

As soon as Raj left, all three of them started packing their clothes.

Then Sumo suddenly shouted, "Dude, I can't go out in the sun."

Listening to him, Adi said, don't take tension, that forest is so dense that even sunlight cannot reach there properly.

Hearing Adi's words, Sumo was shocked and said, if that forest is so dense and dangerous, then who built that bungalow in that forest.

That bungalow is very old, everyone says that it has been there since the time of Raja Maharaja, Shivam said.

Then just then Raj came into the room and said, I have called my father for a car, it will be arriving in some time.

Then all of them together finished their packing and started waiting for the car.

They were still waiting for the car, when Aadi said, why don't we call all the girls here too, listening to him Shivam said, no, we call all the girls in the park near the college. And they are asked to wait for a while, because before going to the forest, we will have to buy some essential items from the mall and market, because no one lives in that bungalow right now, so we will have to buy food, drinks and all the other things we need. , We will have to take it from here.

Hearing Shivam's words, they all asked all the girls to come to the park and wait, and then their car also came down.

Come on, our car has arrived, Raj said.

And they all left the room and went to the car, They all reached near the car and saw that a black colored Nano bus was standing in front of them, then two boys came out of that bus.