
secrets of the vampire king

Dishu_Mandal · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Man wolf.

When Sumo and Tannu came out and saw, they were standing in a very scary dense forest, this forest was so dense that even the sunlight was barely falling on the ground below.

Seeing this, Tannu held Sumo by the wrist, when Sumo looked at Tannu, he found that she was very scared.

Seeing this, Sumo took him off his lap and made him stand on the ground, and whispered in his ear, I have heard that ghosts also live here.

After listening to Sumo, Tannu acted a little and asked, do ghosts also live here? Then showing her biceps she said, I am so thin, even a ghost would not be able to fill his stomach by eating me.

Seeing this acting of Tannu, Sumo started laughing loudly, then while lightly hitting Tannu on the head he said, yes yes, even I will not be satisfied after eating you, leave alone the talk of ghost. And both of them started laughing.

Just then Raj's voice came, brother, this bungalow is so big.

You are right, this bungalow is very big and beautiful, Payal said.

After listening to both of them, Sumo and Tannu saw that the bungalow was actually very big and beautiful.

Shivam said to the driver, if you want, you can stay here with us. No sir, when your vacation is over, you call me, the driver said, and started the car and went away from there.

Sumo said, let's go inside, it's going to be night in some time, so we can't go anywhere in the forest right now.

After listening to Sumo, they all went inside the bungalow, after reaching inside the bungalow they all saw that this bungalow looks beautiful from outside, but from inside it is much more beautiful than that,

Inside the bungalow, there were dim lights burning everywhere, from the stairs to the door, a red carpet was spread, in the middle of the hall, a big chandelier was hanging from the ceiling, and all around the hall, there were big flower pots. This bungalow was two storeyed, with 5 big rooms on the upper floor, 3 rooms below, a big kitchen, and a store room.

All of them were just looking at the bungalow, then Shivam came forward and said, first everyone chooses their own room, then after freshening up we will meet here.

Hearing Shivam's words, they all left the room, then Tannu also held Sumo's hand and both of them went to a room upstairs.

After reaching the room, both of them kept their things, then Tannu said, I will come after freshening up, saying this she went to the washroom.

While in the room, Sumo opened the screen hidden in his mind and started checking it, then he remembered that he had not taken out the lighter till now, as soon as he remembered this, he took out a small cage-like box from him. And opened it, as soon as he opened the box he saw that the lighter was in a bad condition, his hair was scattered, and he was smoking heavily. Then Sumo extended his hand towards the lighter, then the lighter removed Sumo's hand with his small claws, seeing this Sumo understood that the lighter was angry with him, seeing the lighter in anger, Sumo first said sorry, then moved on. Said, okay, now I will not keep you in this cage.

As soon as he heard Sumo's words, the lighter became happy and started jumping in his place. Seeing the lighter happy, a smile appeared on Sumo's face too.

Just then Tannu came out of the washroom and came into the room. Sumo got lost somewhere after seeing Tannu, Tannu was wearing black jeans and white kurti, her skin was whiter than milk, it was shining even more, her red lips were looking like a rose, and were open. Her hair was falling lightly on her cheeks, she was looking so beautiful right now, that Sumo got lost in her beautiful face.

Just then Tannu's eyes fell on the lighter, as soon as Tannu's eyes fell on the lighter, seeing such a cute animal, she became happy and ran towards the lighter, then as soon as Tannu extended her hand towards the lighter, the lighter gave her a Thinking of some danger he moved away from her, seeing this Tannu became a little sad, seeing Tannu sad, Sumo said to the lighter, you have no need to be afraid of this, then he told the lighter about Tannu, Sumo Hearing this, the lighter calmed down a bit, and slowly started moving towards Tannu. When Tannu saw that the lighter was understanding Sumo's words, she became happy again, and lifting the lighter in her lap, said, This is yours. He also understood the things, then after pausing for a while she said, this is very cute, where did you get this from?

After listening to Tannu, Sumo started thinking, should I tell this the truth? Or no, if I tell her the truth, will she get scared of me and leave me? Then another thought came to her mind, if she really loves me, then she will not leave me even after knowing my truth. Will go, and then sooner or later he will come to know about me, before anyone else tells him my truth, I should tell him all the truth myself.

Thinking all this, Sumo told everything to Tannu, how he became a vampire in that forest, and sat on the bed with his head down, then there was silence in the room for some time.

Tannu also became interested after listening to Sumo, then she placed the lighter on the ground, and ran and sat on Sumo's lap, and said, whether you are a human being or a vampire, I will always love you.

When Sumo looked at Tannu after listening to him, Tannu was sitting on his lap and looking at him very lovingly.

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Sumo's face, then he hugged Tannu, and started caressing her hair very lovingly, then slowly he laid Tannu down on the bed, and placed his lips on her lips, then he Both of them closed their eyes and started kissing each other deeply, then after some time Sumo separated from Tannu, and caressing her hair he said, you go down, I will freshen up and come back.

Then Tannu shyly nodded yes and went away from there.

As soon as Tannu left, Sumo went to the washroom and started freshening up, then after a while, came out wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans.

As soon as he came into the room, he heard someone shouting loudly.

As soon as he heard the sound, he came running with lightning speed into the hall. After coming into the hall, he saw that all his friends, hearing that sound, were running out of the bungalow, seeing this he also ran out quickly. He ran, came out and saw that his heart started beating loudly.

Tannu was sitting on the ground in front of him, crying on her knees, Tannu's hand was badly hurt, seeing this, Sumo went to Tannu and hugged her, then Tannu pointed towards the front crying. , When they all looked in front, all Sumo's friends started trembling with fear.

They all saw that a wolf-like animal was standing on its two legs like a human being, it had big teeth from its mouth, two big ears on its head and a long tail coming out from behind, its eyes were black. And his nails were very big, his size was twice that of an ordinary wolf, and he looked like a monster.

In front of that beast, Lighter was fighting the beast in his full form.

Seeing this, Sumo made Tannu stand near his friends, and while running, stopped in front of the animal.

As soon as he reached in front of that animal, Sumo heard the same voice again, there is a level 1 human wolf in front of you, defeating it will increase your level by two levels.

As soon as he heard the voice, Sumo said, "Human wolf, I have never seen such an animal till date. Sumo had just said this when the wolf attacked him. Seeing the wolf attacking, Sumo moved away from his place." , and that wolf's attack went in vain, then without wasting any time, Sumo punched a joint into the wolf's chest, and the wolf went flying in the air and went away. When Sumo saw that the wolf had been thrown away from him by a single attack, he was shocked to see his increased strength, then the wolf stood up again, and ran towards Sumo, when Sumo attacked him. When he saw the speed, he said, how can this wolf run so fast? As soon as he said this, Sumo took a leap, and in one jump he reached the wolf. As soon as he reached the wolf, Sumo caught hold of his tail, threw him in the air, and then started raining blows on him. Soon the wolf got badly injured and fell on the ground. Then Sumo's nails started growing and he sank his long nails into the wolf's chest, then tore the wolf's chest and took out its heart.

Then again he heard the same voice, you have defeated the human wolf, your level is increased by two levels, then the same screen opened again in front of him, and his level was showing 3 on the screen, then again The same voice came from him, you have the heart of a level 1 human wolf in your hands, feed it to your vamplepard, feeding it will increase the level of your vamplepard to 5.

As soon as he heard the sound, Sumo stood up from his place, and went near the lighter and placed the heart in front of him. As soon as he saw the heart, the lighter started eating the heart, and within a short time he ate it completely.

Then again Sumo heard the same voice, congratulations, your vampire has reached level 5, one skill has been unlocked, the speed of a leopard.

Hearing this, Sumo said that it is just like a game, in which as the level increases, one gets new powers.

Then when he looked at the lighter, the lighter was slowly getting smaller again, and after a while, it turned into a small leopard, but this time the lighter seemed to have increased in size a little. And he was looking even more beautiful than before.

Seeing this, Sumo went to the lighter, and taking it in his lap, started walking towards his friends. When he looked at all of them, he stopped at his place.

All Sumo's friends and all those girls were looking at Sumo with wide eyes.

Then Sumo took down the lighter from his lap, and just as he was about to say something to all of them, Tannu came running and hugged him, then nervously started checking Sumo to see if he was hurt anywhere. Has not come.

Seeing Tannu so nervous, Sumo lovingly caressed her cheeks and said, nothing has happened to me, I am absolutely fine, but you are badly hurt, let me apply medicine to you.

Then Adi shouted and said, Brother, there on the other side of the lake. As soon as he said this, Adi ran towards the lake.

When they all looked in that direction, there was a man lying there in a very injured condition, then Adi ran towards that man, seeing this they all also started moving in that direction, but then they all saw that, Two sharp teeth emerged from the man's mouth, and the man sank his teeth into Adi's neck.

Seeing this, all of them stopped at their places, then Sumo quickly ran towards Adi, and pushed the man away from Adi, as soon as he went away, Adi heaved a sigh of relief, then Sumo went to that man. , and holding his collar, said angrily, Who are you? And what were they doing?

Hearing Sumo's words, the man stopped Sumo and said, Wait, wait, I am not your enemy, I am also a vampire like you. Hearing this, Sumo was shocked and said, but what are you doing here, why did you attack my friend and how many vampires are there with you?

Hearing so many questions from Sumo, the man slowly removed Sumo's hand from his collar, and then took a deep breath and said, The animal you just killed came here to find me. Then pausing a bit, he continued, My name is Titu, I was badly hurt, so to heal myself, I drank a little of your friend's blood, and there are no other vampires with me.

Titu is very handsome and attractive in appearance, his height is about 6 feet and he has a strong body, which looks like he is about 25 years old but it is very difficult to guess his age.

But what are you doing here? Sumo asked.

Titu said, I have come here to save my life from a werewolf.

Hearing him, Sumo said, Werewolf, what is this? Then Adi interrupted and said, I know, I have heard in stories, that werewolves are the biggest enemies of vampires.

While they were still talking, all Sumo's friends and Tannu came and stood near him, then Sumo's eyes went to the injury on Tannu's hand, then he said to Titu, until you tell us everything. Till then you will have to stay with us, after that Sumo picked up Tannu in his lap and they all went inside the bungalow, then Sumo went to his room with Tannu.

All his friends were still sitting in the hall, talking among themselves. Kamal, Vimal and those girls were unable to understand what was happening?

Then Titu looked at the lighter and said loudly, how can this happen? Hearing his words everyone started looking at him.

Shivam said, what happened? Why are you shouting?

Till date, I have never seen any animal turning into a vampire, so how did this leopard cub become a vampire, Titu said, Hearing him Kamal Vimal and those girls said together, What? Is he also a vampire?

Then Raj said, yes, it was Sumo who turned him into a vampire, then started telling them everything, the incident with Sumo in the forest, and how Sumo turned into a vampire. Then Shivam asked Titu, but how did you know that he is a vampire?

Hearing him, Titu said, we vampires have sharper noses than any normal human or animal, so we can tell just by smelling which one is a human being, which one is an animal and which one is a vampire.

Now Nisha and Payal also got answers to their questions, Nisha said, how terrible all this is. Then Payal said, but where did that strange pyramid-like thing come from in that forest?

I have the answer to this, Titu said.