
[Lightning Sky Steps]

'What a sad life?' sighed Jake.

It could be seen from the amount of time he had sighed that the group was jumping from one hot pot to another.

This time, it was even more life-threatening.

With one hand firmly holding the dagger of ice embedded in the wall, Jake scrutinized the pit of fire that increased every second.

He didn't need any further thought to know that the fire was made of special materials, despite the ordinary look.

Even just from the heat, his leather armor had begun to melt. His entire body burned hot from the wisps of the flame.

Slowly, the pit rose to meet them.

Jake and the rest focused on their handholds, they created another one with their free arm and used it to climb the wall.

However, when they were very close to the surface, they felt dizzy all of a sudden.

Jake found his hand slipping. He needed full concentration to keep himself glued to his ice dagger.

'Another trap…" Jake analyzed.