
secrets of the library

"paper!" he screamed out, "you're telling me that everything I had to do and all the people I killed all for a fucking piece of paper!! what the hell Margaret!" he shouted at the open safe "maybe it's a cheque" said the guy next to him. ..... Adeline, a simple girl living her simple lonely life finds herself unknowingly falling for a girl who works part time at a library. How will she deal with something she doesn't even understand. it's all connected, the books, the co-ordinates, Margaret. Join Adeline on her journey into the deepest darkest part of her past and how she holds the co-ordinates....

Mr_Passek · LGBT+
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13 Chs

I only said I'll hail a cab to get rid of you

Maya looked up at me surprised. I saw an ounce of hope in her eyes or at least I felt like I did.

I give her my hand and she stands up. She used a shopping basket so she kept it my my cart. We moved.

Then it hit me, "I think I saw a direction here earlier. I couldn't understand it" I remembered and said to Maya.

She nodded, "and you think I'll be able to tall what it says"

I nod in response without thinking. Indeed I felt she might be able to decipher the map on it. And Fortunately for us she was able to read the map... Guess her high school days of studying geography didn't go to waste.

Soon we sited two women at a stone's throw distance. We quickly approached them while they were happily picking out baby stuffs.

We seeked direction from them and they showed us the way.

There it was, the exit. What was once far beyond our reach was just ten steps away.

Funnily, we stood there watching. People trooped in and trooped out, there were many at this side of the Mart.

Checking out and coming in.

We exchanged looks and I sigh.

"You did it" exclaimed Maya, she was happy and I felt a smiley sensation coming but I had to stop it.

"Yh" I reply. We checked out the things we bought and made our way outside.

Maya took fast steps to over take me. I frown a bit, this isn't a child's play, why's she acting like it's a race and the first to get to the door receives a price.

So....she's not just weird but a big baby also.

In the next moment, it felt like my words were being shoved forcibly back into my throat. She only took fast steps so she could open the door for me.

My throat runs dry and I almost choked because of her chivalry. Curse my wretch mouth.

I walk through before her, "thanks" I murmur. I still felt guilty for calling her weird and a big baby. It was wrong on my part.

I come in view of her beast power mobile, her bike from yesterday. That's right! Tomboys usually enjoy bike rides especially when they're the riders.

She holds her helmet. A sudden rumbling sound has both of us looking to the sky.

Slowly, the atmosphere became gloomy and the wind blew with cold. The dark clouds begin hovering around in the sky, they hid the sun with their darkness forcibly hiding it's full potentials.

I feel a drop of rain fall on my nose, it was cold intense and somewhat heavy.

I reach out to the top of my nose to brush the liquid off. The rain starts fully, straight and silvery like a punishment of steel rods.

I feel a shiver down my spine. I sigh into the cold weather and so did Maya. Although we weren't directly under the rain we still had our fill of it's rage as it clattered onto the rocks.

"It's raining again" Maya says and looks at me.

Yeah it's raining so what?.

"Why does it rain when we meet, this was same as yesterday perhaps fate is trying to write some new story"

I stare at her dryly. The season is late summer, we're bound to have days like this when rain falls for two or three consecutive days plus us being here together is plane coincidence. Fate had nothing to with it.

"You think so?" I ask her and she nods. She seemed pretty oblivious of the obvious.

"Do you know what fate's telling me?" She asks all of a sudden.


"I think it wants me to give you a ride to your home. Don't you think so?" She asks

I almost laughed. Fat chance.

I see I see... using this opportunity of rain and bringing up fate just so you can know where I live. The rain isn't even heavy, just similar to a sun shower. Too sus, too suspicious.

"The rain isn't much I can manage on my own" I reply her

"Why are you so stubborn, I'm just offering my help you know" she asked me in annoyance.

"I'm just saying I don't need the help you're offering, it's unnecessary. If I wanted a ride I'll hail a cab" I say. It was as simple as that or maybe you have an ulterior motive for wanting to give me lift. Maybe a kidnap?.

She looked at me like I was telling jokes "so you rather spend money for a cab than be offered ride by a friend"

"We're not friends" I reply without thinking.

When I realized, it had already been said. No take backs.

As ugly as it was it was the truth. You aren't my friend and you never were to begin with.

She goes quiet after my quick response before sighing wearily.

"Okay Adeline at least I'll hail a cab for you" she offered

I open my mouth to refuse but she stretched her hand in front of me and a cab slowed down to where we were.

I purse my lips. I had no plans to hailing any cab, how do I explain this. I only wanted her to leave me alone and now.... I stare at the cab driver helplessly.

"Aren't you coming in?" He asked. I look at Maya.

I slowly get in and sit. While inside, she waves at me before putting her helmet on and driving away in the same direction as my house.

I pleaded with the cab driver to wait a little just in case she plans to trail behind us. After a while when I felt safe enough I told him to drive.

I kept looking behind the whole ride and thankfully she hadn't followed. I sigh and get into my house. I have to stop running into her.

A thought comes to me as I shut the door. If she was sent by my uncle shouldn't she already know my home?


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