
Secrets of THE KING

I am POWER. I am destruction. Chaos Reigns. But I was not always like this.. MY Humanity is slipping away with each Town, with each Village, with each City that I burn - that I CLAIM. Fire consumes ME in MY thirst for more. I will not stop until OUR WHOLE WORLD sets ablaze.

Tory_Nichols · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Not Tonight

The day slips by slowly. Without a proper meal, one may even go as far to deem MY Choices SELF-torture.

Footsteps quietly approach. HER Fragrance fills the cell.

"Right on Schedule." I smirk.

"Silence." SHE Commands. "This is the only Path Forward. YOU will be MY Guest. No one must Know."

Intrigued by HER demeanor, I Ask HER. "And how will YOU explain MY escape?"

"I have MY enemies." SHE Answers matter-of-factly. "An explanation will not be needed. Let them concern themselves with their own investigations."

"Mmm, MY QUEEN." I goad HER, MY Attraction continuously growing. "YOU are irresistibly cunning."

Paying little heed to MY Words, SHE quickly ties MY hands behind MY back before hooding MY head.

"YOU must not Know where WE are Going, but YOU will be Safe there."

I chuckle at HER words. "My, my. YOU are a naughty QUEEN."

"The king has gotten nowhere using these same tactics." I Hear HER flame. "Perhaps it is Best to hold YOUR tongue."

The QUEEN pushes ME along the corridors firmly as WE walk silently to this undisclosed location. We take a few turns, and I Hear exerted movement. After a Moment, the hood is finally removed and I Find MYSELF untied.

I let out a low whistle as I look around, circling until OUR eyes meet. I stop.

"By what name do I refer?" SHE Asks ME.

"Xave." I respond nonchalantly. "So. QUEEN. What name shall I call YOU?"

"Any customary Title will be Acceptable." SHE replies.

I smirk at HER Formalities. "How about WE get a bit more Personal." I prod.

"I Hope YOU Find your accommodations to be more than adequate. We will begin tomorrow morning." SHE turns to leave, reaching for the mechanism to unseal the room.

Unwilling to wait any longer, I grab HER wrist and spin HER around. Pressing MY body against HERS, SHE is pinned to the wall.

"Let US start now." I Whisper.

HER breath hitches in Desire. Relief floods MY systems, and I can no longer hold MYSELF back.

Crashing down upon HER lips, I coax HER to open up to ME. I move MY tongue expertly against HERS as HER flesh begs to Be Freed. In an Effort to take MY Time, I pull back. HER body protests, breaking MY Focus.

Devouring HER sweet mouth, I explore every crevice with MY tongue. I can Sense The QUEEN losing Control, clinging for Support.

Unexpectedly, HER body stiffens, and I reluctantly pull back.

I study HER Beautiful face as SHE Allows HER Emotions to flow Freely, HER eyes bright and sultry. I watch with Pleasure as I wage war within HER. Chaos wreaks havoc in HER Mind, while lust draws HER in.

I seize MY Opportunity. "I have missed this." I Speak lowly. "US. YOU. The way YOU Taste. The way YOU Smell." HER Scent maddening, I place MY hand behind HER head and pull HER face near. Afraid of draining the one Woman I have ever craved, I Make an uncharacteristic Offer. "Tell ME YOU Do not want ME, and this will end."

SHE stares Silently into MY eyes. HER Heart races. I Observe as HER eyes shift from uncertainty to Resolve. MY Own dissipating as I pick up on HER heady Scent.

"Should I take that as a yes?" I Inquire.

SHE weighs MY words before Answering. "Yes.."

Music to MY ears. Losing Strength to let HER leave, I Confirm. "Yes, what?"

SHE trembles in MY arms, working up the Courage to Tell ME what I want.. what I Need to Hear. As the seconds tick by, I Begin to Prepare MYSELF to Be able to walk away.

"Yes, I would like to Experience more." SHE Gives HER Answer.

An Amber Fire Ignites within ME. I can no longer resist. I reach for HER wrists and secure them firmly above HER head as I work through the clasps at the back of her dress. HER breaths becoming heavier and deeper, I pour into HER eyes - absorbing every Thought, every Desire.

"YOU are so Pure." I Read HER SOUL aloud. Heat continues to climb and HER body Submits to MINE.

"I will Show YOU how a REAL QUEEN should be Treated." I groan, lifting HER skirts and sliding MY hand between HER thighs. HER entire body quivers, evoking a faint smile. "My QUEEN, YOU are soaked." MY Member hardens. "Let me Help YOU out of these clothes."

Releasing HER hands, I release HER skirts and slide off the gown. The dress falls to the ground.

SHE now stands before ME in nothing but sheer undergarments, a garter belt, heels and laced stockings. Unaccustomed to the Appreciation of Women, I cannot Help MYSELF but to take a step back to View HER fully. I smile approvingly.

Instinctively, SHE lifts HER hands and removes the pins from HER neatly piled hair. Loose, auburn curls spill around HER shoulders as SHE lifts HER eyes to meet MINE.

"Mmm. YOU are a Natural Seductress. How could I possibly resist?" I Respond, stepping forward and scooping HER into MY arms. I carry HER to the fur-covered bed and lay HER down, continuing to savor HER every curve.

I can Smell the Need pulsing between HER legs. SHE involuntarily squirms for Relief, sweat beading HER brow as SHE lays spread and waiting before ME.

Running MY eyes over every inch of HER body, I imagine HER taste. MY fangs Lengthen and ache for HER sweet honey.

SHE watches hungrily as I slowly meet HER line of Vision. I grab HER ankles and pull The QUEEN toward ME, flicking the clasps of HER corset. HER full breasts spill out.

SHE blushes in response to MY Bold Behavior, Exciting ME further. MY manhood strains against MY pants. Lost in the Moment, SHE reaches out to Help Relieve the Pressure.

Quickly I grab HER hand, pinning it to the bed. "Fuck.." I inwardly Think, almost losing Control of the Situation. I want HER alive.

"Tsk tsk, YOUR Majesty." I warn. "YOU are at MY Mercy. Not the other way around." I flash a wicked smile before lowering MY head to HER breast.

Gently, I drag MY teeth slowly upwards from the base of HER nipple to the tip. HER Scent strengthens, Becoming needy. SHE arches HER back, allowing HER knees to spread. HER body desperately begging, SHE gasps. "Please!"

An evil grin stretches across MY face. "Please what?"

I graze MY tongue across HER other breast, this time clamping down and sucking with Intense Desire.

"Ohhhh..." I hear HER moan.

I trail MY tongue up along HER collarbone, HER neck, HER jawline - sucking and teasing along the path, HER movements Becoming Urgent.

I work MY way up towards HER ear. Nipping HER lobe, I Breathe. "Please, this? YOUR Majesty."

"Yes." SHE exhales raggedly.

I slide MY hand beneath the thin fabric covering HER mound. One sharp pinch of HER bud and SHE is gasping for breath.

"More?" I tease HER.

With pleading eyes, SHE nods HER head yes.

I slip two fingers between HER dripping folds.

"Oh GODDD.. Xave..." SHE moans, HER body twitching.

Rotating MY fingers, I tug gently on HER soft, spongy bundle. I Marvel as I Watch HER body Respond to each tug and pull. Bringing HER to the Edge of Release, I stop.

SHE whimpers and bucks HER hips involuntarily.

I laugh wickedly as HER Mind is once again thrown into turmoil. I bring MY fingers to HER mouth. "Suck." I Command HER.

HER eyes widen in shock, but SHE does as SHE is Told. The Sensual act stirs MY inner beast, HER willingness to Submit without Being entranced driving ME into dangerous territory.

SHE swallows.

Feeling MYSELF snapping, I stand, working MY fingers through MY frustratedly through MY hair. To keep the beast at bay, I shift direction, loosening and removing MY belt.

HER eyes grow large with fear. I laugh humorously in Response. "Turn around." I Demand.

"No." SHE bravely Answers.

"So un.. Trusting." I chuckle to MYSELF as I flip HER around and bend HER over, tying HER hands behind HER back.

HER Heart is pounding, positioned facedown in the bulked fur covers of the bed. "Mmm.. THIS is a quite a Sight for a Man." I Speak with Pleasure.

Unable to hold back any longer, I drop to MY knees and suck HER sweet bud into MY mouth. Fuck.. SHE tastes Better than anything I could have Envisioned. HER Breathless gasps fill the room, and HER knees give out. The Desire to Claim HER grows stronger as I explore every inch of HER nub. Nipping and massaging HER tightening bundle, I skillfully alternate speed and pressure. I Know SHE is ebbing nearer to the edge.

HER gasps turn to restrained moans as SHE moves HER hips in Time with every flick of MY tongue. I slide MY finger inside, gently circling HER inner sponge. SHE is so close. I insert another finger and twist.

Body shaking, HER juices spill out onto MY hand and face. HER hips buck, yet I Do not ease the pace. Uninhibited cries of Pleasure echo, as wave after wave erupts, HER legs spasming. I continue taking HER body to new heights, climbing and falling. HER body insatiable, SHE begs for more.

Lifting MY face, I lick MY lips and untie HER. SHE collapses into the furs, and I give into the strange urge to gently kiss HER shoulder.

"Do you want more?" I hungrily Whisper into HER ear, unsatisfied with MY fill.

SHE inhales sharply, HER Scent immediately thickening as SHE dampens the fur. SHE turns to face ME, HER naked body exposed with the exception of a pair of innocently pink heels and sheer lace stockings. HER eyes dance eagerly, Trusting ME wholly.

Taken aback, I reconsider MY selfish Motives. "YOU are a Sight to behold, MY QUEEN. How could I Say no?"

SHE Allows HER knees to fall, opening HERSELF to ME. So Willing.. so Ready. "Mmmm..." I groan, MY bulge pressing tight against MY fabrics. "YOU are too tempting.." MY thirst Becoming unbearable, I deny MYSELF. "But no, MY QUEEN. Not tonight."