
Secrets of THE KING

I am POWER. I am destruction. Chaos Reigns. But I was not always like this.. MY Humanity is slipping away with each Town, with each Village, with each City that I burn - that I CLAIM. Fire consumes ME in MY thirst for more. I will not stop until OUR WHOLE WORLD sets ablaze.

Tory_Nichols · Fantasy
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14 Chs


"Good morning, MY QUEEN." I Awaken HER as Promised. Será opens HER eyes sleepily and stretches HER naked body across the fur-covered bed.

"Make LOVE to ME as the sun rises." I pull The QUEEN close, shifting HER beneath ME.

"YOU are insatiable, Xave." SHE Answers, still groggy, as I position MY thick member between HER legs. HER folds slickening, I Give HER a Knowing grin

"Mmm... always so ready for ME." I murmur, stroking HER bud with MY length. An Appreciative shiver runs through HER as SHE matches the rhythm of MY hips with HERS.

Instinctively, SHE reaches down, cupping and massaging ME with HER hand. I groan in Pleasure at the unexpected Sensation.

Thrilled by MY Response, SHE explores further - wrapping HER hand around MY shaft and stroking. Increasing the pressure with each pump, Será earns HERSELF another husky groan.

Feeling MYSELF Begin to dissipate, I move MY body just out of reach and push MYSELF up onto MY knees. I lift HER smooth, milky legs, resting them upon MY shoulders. MY cock presses against HER moist entrance.

"Take ME." The QUEEN Commands. MY eyes flash darkly in Response.

Será lifts HER hips needily as I push slowly into HER, HER Need turning urgent with each slow pull. Enjoying the slow burn, I continue MY slow-paced torture - in and out. The tension builds. HER sweet cunt tightens around ME, and I jerk inside of HER. SHE gasps and wriggles, desperately trying to Relieve HERSELF as HER inner walls throb.

Pleased, I watch as HER eyes roll back with each steady stroke. "Ohhh.. Xavier.." SHE moans.

I roll HER nipple between MY fingers, OUR hips now moving together. I Give HER a sharp pinch, causing The QUEEN to take over without Thought, Allowing ME access to the other. HER muscles clench as WE both moan in Pleasure.

I grab Será's free hand, placing it at HER mound. "Pleasure YOURSELF, MY QUEEN." I Demand HER.

HER breath hitches as I guide HER fingers between HER folds. OUR fingers slid together over HER sensitive bud, and SHE thrusts HER hips more fervently, taking in MY length.

"Patience, Será. The Release will be sweeter if YOU allow ME." I lean in, biting HER lower lip. A drop of blood meets MY tongue, and I enter HER mouth, sucking ravenously. HER body Ignites, and OUR Needs further press into a volatile heat.

The QUEEN moves HER hands to MY hips, pulling MY cock in Deeper. Releasing HER mouth, I drag MY fangs to the nape of HER neck, desperate for more. I sink MY teeth, and HER warm honey trickles down MY throat. I gulp as the Sound of HER pain-filled Pleasure rings out. I am unable to resist HER Scent any longer. I swallow again, a sliver of Control washing over ME, and I Release HER from HER fate.

"Do not disobey ME, Será." I growl angrily. "I WILL have MY way."

Begrudgingly, I remove MY cock from within HER. SHE whimpers in protest. Placing distance between us, I stand and walk toward the fire. The beast settles, Momentarily soothed.

Daring to tempt fate once again, I summon HER. "Come here, MY QUEEN."

SHE hesitates before choosing to obey MY Command.

"Get on YOUR knees." MY cock throbs as SHE lowers HERSELF, HER breath heating MY sex. HER face tilts Upward, emerald eyes captivating MINE. Lust-filled Passion burns between US, as OUR primitive natures beckon OUR innate Desires forth. HER strengthening Scent heightens MY Awareness.

"Open your mouth." I Command HER.

Será does as SHE is told, as I slide easily into HER warmth. SHE delicately runs HER tongue beneath the head of MY shaft, stroking an overwhelming Sensation of Pleasure. MY head falls back, and I Release an involuntary groan. SHE instinctively sucks and swallows each pump of MY length. I Marvel as HER cheeks hollow out, demanding MY Response. I lose MYSELF in HER tangled curls as I ebb closer.

"Ahhh.." An unrecognizable moan escapes MY lips. Damn this WOMAN.. I curse inwardly before MY Mind goes blank with a new rush of Pleasure.

A Dainty hand cups and rolls ME upwards, and SHE clasps MY base with the other. I cannot resist thrusting Deeper, as SHE works MY cock down HER throat. Swallowing and stroking, SHE swirls HER tongue and takes ME whole. I am nearing the brink when SHE flicks MY head and constricts. The beast roars to life, ready to fuck, Freeing MYSELF from HER sweet torture with a loud, wet pop.

"Stand up and turn around." I grit through clenched fangs.

The QUEEN's nipples harden and I smell HER sex dampen. HER eyes hood in sultry compliance as SHE slowly slinks into position. A furious growl rips through MY chest. I See HER shiver, but SHE does not back down. MY eyes blacken, and The QUEEN chooses this Moment to lean in and sensually graze HER teeth along MY collarbone before circling in place. MY hands flex, and I bring a sharp slap across HER milky rear.

Before SHE even registers MY savage behavior, I bend HER over - firmly grasping HER curves into position. The QUEEN lets out a pained gasp.

"That hurt!" I can Hear the tears in HER Voice, drawing an unfamiliar Sense of Protection out of the darkness I had just been shrouded in.

"Good." I Reply. "YOU may Be QUEEN to YOUR People, but inside of this bedroom.." MY eyes flash. "YOU are MINE."

SHE swallows dryly, emerald eyes going wide. "Then claim ME." SHE dares ME.

HER words bringing ME to MY Senses, I release HER hips. WE stand there naked in a Moment of Silence.

"Get dressed, MY QUEEN." I Resolve MYSELF. "It is Time."

SHE stands before turning to face ME, a look of stunned rage reflects in HER gorgeous eyes. A storm brews hostility, as Será draws HERSELF into a regal stance.

"How DARE YOU!" HER words a sharpening blade ready to attack.

The monster inside of ME dances in Delight, as I lick MY lips in anticipation, leaning against the stone hearth. Never have I laid witness to such a Powerful WOMAN, naked - in steeled stance - uninhibited by the compromising position in which I Knowingly placed HER. Intrigued, I smirk and fold MY arms against MY chest - waiting for HER to continue.

SHE does not budge as fire spreads across HER skin. MY cock hardens eagerly again. I want to fuck this WOMAN over and over again.

A strange look passes over the QUEEN's face, and SHE relaxes before walking sutrily toward the door. HER hips sway with each step. Slipping on HER heels, SHE bends over seductively, displaying a full view of HER Perfect, slick folds. Slowly, SHE picks up HER dress from the floor and drapes it over HER arm.

"I will be back after Council. I suggest YOU take some Time to Better prepare YOUR alibi." SHE lowers HER Voice Authoritatively.

"Is that a threat, MY QUEEN?" I cock an eyebrow, excited by this unexpected side of HER.

"No, MY Beautiful Stranger." SHE silky Answers ME. "It is most definitely a Promise." SHE turns to leave.

"Wait." I counter.

SHE pauses.

"This is not over." I Remind HER, flashing a wickedly chaming grin.

"Isn't it?" SHE Answers in nonchalance, closing the door behind HER.

"Check, MY QUEEN." I grin mischievously.