
Chapter 2:Silas, his name will be Silas.

(Please read chapter one for basic history)

Chapter 2 : Silas, his name will be Silas

"Oh please help me to bring my son to safety."

A woman cried out as she run, behind her, was a group of knights who seemed to enjoy making the lady suffer. Soon enough, they surrounded her. The leader of the knights, Bruno smiled as he said,

"Lady Novalie just gives us the baby and His Majesty will gladly forgive you for your Sins and take you back."

"Never! Go away and tell your Emperor that I'll never give him my baby!" Novalie said in anger and loathe.

"My lady I am sorry but that wasn't part of what His Majesty tasked me to do, he explicitly told me to bring you safely to the palace."

Bruno said in such a righteous tone as if he was an angel forgiving a sinner for his sins. But Novalie knew that the moment she agreed, she would never see her son again.

"So what will you do to my son if I agree to go to the palace with you?"

Novalie knew the answer to her question but couldn't help but ask.

"My lady, haha, I believe what we will do to your baby will be a little bit gruesome so we can't tell you, but believe me after, your son will forever be in peace," Bruno said

"You plan to kill my baby right?"

Novalie asked with a sad smile hanging on her face. Bruno gave her a sad smile with a nod. Novalie then gently put her baby on the muddy ground as she did, a tear slid down her face, she then kissed her baby on the cheek, got up and then folded her hands under her chest. Bruno was quite surprised, he thought that Novalie would put up a fight.

'Well, this makes my job much easier.'

Bruno went down and took the baby as he removed the cloth on the baby, he realised that he had been tricked! There wasn't a baby it was just a pile of fabrics


He cursed inwardly, he then glared at Novalie who was putting on a smirk.

"Why? Didn't you find the baby?" Novalie asked sarcastically.

"My lady, do you think this is funny?" Bruno asked.

"Of course dear Bruno this is quite funny you know, I tricked the all so great and mighty Bruno, of course, it is a little bit funny ya know."

Bruno wanted to reply, but he knew that once His Majesty got wind of this he would be given a punishment that would be worse than death.

"Collison, you and your team should escort Our Lady here back to the palace, the rest of you spread out and find that cursed child.


Meanwhile, in a type of city, a young girl was fighting to move in a crowd of people in her hand was a baby who looked not older than a month.

' I'd be there very soon I hope my lady is okay'

The young girl thought as she run faster. Five minutes later she arrived at a humongous gate.

"What took you so long?" A slightly older woman asked.

"I am sorry, it was just that the guards were a lot today so I had to look less suspicious." The young lady replied.

"All that doesn't matter now." The older woman replied.

"All of the greats, all of the precious I ask thee to open thy gates!"

The gates then opened slightly.

"Hurry and enter I can't hold this spell for too long." The older woman said as some blood began to drip out of her mouth. The young girl then hurried and entered.

"Finally we are here baby." She said as she kissed the baby's cheek. She then went forward to check which portal she should let the baby in.

"My lady said that she doesn't want her baby to grow up as a pig so I should let him enter a silver portal."

As she was letting go of the baby in a silver portal, someone crashed into the baby and sent him flying into a RED portal.

"NOOOO!" The young lady cried out.

The person who crashed into the baby thought

'I am dead'

He then immediately run out of sight.


"I see the baby coming, push some more," A midwife said as she encouraged a woman who was sweating buckets on a bed to push the baby out.

"One final push," She said again.

The soon-to-be mother then gave it one final push and the baby came out, she then began to greedily suck in the air around her and fell on the bed, panting. She then realised that she didn't hear her abnormal baby cry.

"Give me my baby!" She demanded, she then gently snatched (this is an oxymoron if you don't know what it is ask google^~^) the baby and began to pat its bum.

"Baby cry for me, cry for Mama okay." She said as she continued to hit the baby soon after the baby began to cry which made everyone sigh in relief. A few minutes later, a man dressed as a king came in which made everyone stop what they were doing and bow.

"Your Majesty it is an honour to have you here." The lady who was holding her baby said as she got up to bow but before she could get up the King stopped her.

"Elaine you just gave birth and you want to get up? What's the rush?" The King asked.

"Well King James, I just wanted to show you common courtesy," Elaine answered.

"Ooh please Elaine, what courtesy ever since I met you, you have never shown any form of courtesy and know you are all about it." King James said.

"I guess having a baby makes one change," Elaine said as she looked at her baby who was busily sucking her breasts as if there was no tomorrow.

"What gender is he?" King James asked.

"He is a boy" Elaine replied

"He has your hair." King James raised his hand to caress his cheek.

"What is his name?" King James asked.

"Silas, his name will be Silas."


I hope you like this chapter there will be more coming *wink*