
Secrets of the Arcane

During a reincarnation in Aidinth in Dragon Wolf's year, a baby is born and dies before he can take his first breath. During a reincarnation on Earth in 2001, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale. That baby becomes the 21-year-old Julien Weiz, a weak but strong-willed man. What if there were second chances? Third chances? Fourth chances? Would you eventually be able to save yourself, your people or the world from skirmish Arcanist who kill each other? Would you even want to? The Dark Emperor who is the shadow of Julien Weiz and his truehearted lover, Freya, as their magical lives tumble through turbulent events in different realms, again and again. However, Julien finds himself troubled by his magical ideals and becomes overwhelmed with moral questions. Will his conscience allow him to do whatever is needed to stop the Arcanist? J. D. SHINOHARA explores Arcane, Spell Arts, and Beautiful Empires to full effect in the fantasy novel to end all fantasy novels.

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16 Chs

The Meeting

Dawn is born at midnight. The hooded man sighs and waves his hand and then the space ripples and cuts them in half. He then pulls an ancient book into this dimensional pocket. The surface of the book is rough and it looks like it was made of animal skin. You will feel the profoundness of the ancient Scripture written on the top of it and embedded in the middle is a purple gem that looks like a skull.

He opens the book and flips the pages and subsequently points his woody finger at the second passage. With his breath, he narrates it "Oh gleam of shadow, harken the lord of shadow domain, activate thy Arcane [Shadow of Harken]". After chanting the Arcane Spell, with a loud rumbling sound, an indigo dome covers the whole of Sitherlands city.

With his hoarse voice, "Now that everything is in place, I wonder if they continue their pursuit again. Given that I've already spent a lot of treasure for this domain, if they can still track me, I will just blame it on my bad luck." He sighs heavily as if he released all his stress.


A cold voice that can freeze a lake reverberated beside him and asserted "That treasure you used is worth half their third division treasures, they can only hope of their pursuit. Given that you used that treasure, my estimate is you can get 5 months of relief. Try to accumulate more strength and master other techniques.

The man nodded and he felt a burning passion inside of him and the thirst for revenge.


Julien feels that the tremors are going stronger and it feels that his apartment complex might collapse.

After a few minutes of trembling and shaking he got up and heaved a sigh of relief. Electricity is out and only the moonlight is giving him the light of vision.

As he stood up, he got his phone and checked the messages. As he turns it on the light of his phone flashes and hurts his eyes. "Damn brightness! And there is no signal as well!"

Julien scratched his eyes and decided to open the window. As he opens it he notices that the light outside is different. He started to tremble as he saw a purple spatial rift and a big dome covering the whole city.

The city looks like it has scrambled, the buildings, roads, and even the cars outside are floating and clashing with each other.

This is the adverse effect of Arcane that the hooded man used. If the person with a mana attribute saw the spell it will affect his judgment.

As for normal humans, they will not notice anything.

Julien's body trembled. This is the first time he experienced this and not even in his imagination will this happen in real life. He sweats profusely and he begins to collapse.

The morning continues, the daylight is up and everything looks normal in Sitherlands City. The rumbles, earthquakes, and the dome are no longer seen.


6:30 AM. a loud alarm reverberates the whole room. Julien woke up and got his phone. He turns off the alarm and hurriedly looks outside the window. With a deep sigh "Is that a dream? It looks very real and the earthquake; I'm pretty sure it happened."

He still feels his body trembling with an ominous feeling when he sees the scene outside the window. He feels like his stomach is crunching inside. He shakes his head and begins to think that everything is a dream.


8 AM. Retta Business district. Towering buildings can be seen everywhere and the tallest one which is in the heart of the business district is where his office is.

Julien took a bus to go to work. He is still pondering what happened last night but when he saw the sea of people he began to accept that it was all but a dream. After that, he arrived at his office building. He gets a coffee from a local coffee shop on the ground floor and goes with his normal routine.

17th floor, *ding* With a deep breath... "Here we go again, Julien. Time to show off"

With a big smile, he greets his colleagues "Hey guys! Good morning, good morning!"

A very beautiful voice sounded, "Good morning as well, Julien, how's your travel this morning?"

A very beautiful woman greeted him. The woman has very nice purple eyes that can easily make your heart waver. Combined with her good facial features and very good body, you will know that she's a high-class woman.

"Hey! It is shockingly good with no traffic at all. How about you?"

Niana nodded, "Yeah I feel it odd but it's a good thing, right? Less hassle." With a laugh, she goes to her desk.

Just a normal day in the office, and in a blink of an eye, a day is concluded again.

While preparing to go home, Julien gets a hint of an ominous feeling again. This feeling is the same as yesterday night. He exits and rides down the elevator. *ding* The elevator door opens and the first thing he notices is the tall middle-aged man with a black robe. He has gray hair but his facial features can be considered handsome.

The man looks at Julien and he feels that the man is looking at his soul. It sends shivers down his spine, he hurriedly looks away and pretends nothing is unusual.

While walking, he still feels the man's gaze. "Damn, what hell!? Who is that man? Never seen or met him before. Why does it look like he knows me and his gaze gives me chills." he thought. With a shake of his head, he hurriedly takes a bus.

While on the bus, he recalls what happened earlier and last night, and he still thinks those events happen. That earthquake feels real. He sighed. "Today's event is weird, especially that creepy man."

With his hand on his chin looking at the cars and buildings outside. With a loud rumble a purple spatial rift opens. With a crack sound, a 6-meter tall crack appeared in the space and a man flew outside and gazed at Julien.

Julien's pupils constricted and saw a large rift and crack outside. He saw a man fly outside of it.

Julien knew that was the man in his office building. A shiver went to his spine, "T-That.." he pointed his fingers and looked around, and with his shock, everything around him seemed to have stopped.

He murmured, "Oh God, please help me".