
Secrets of the Arcane

During a reincarnation in Aidinth in Dragon Wolf's year, a baby is born and dies before he can take his first breath. During a reincarnation on Earth in 2001, the same baby is born and lives to tell the tale. That baby becomes the 21-year-old Julien Weiz, a weak but strong-willed man. What if there were second chances? Third chances? Fourth chances? Would you eventually be able to save yourself, your people or the world from skirmish Arcanist who kill each other? Would you even want to? The Dark Emperor who is the shadow of Julien Weiz and his truehearted lover, Freya, as their magical lives tumble through turbulent events in different realms, again and again. However, Julien finds himself troubled by his magical ideals and becomes overwhelmed with moral questions. Will his conscience allow him to do whatever is needed to stop the Arcanist? J. D. SHINOHARA explores Arcane, Spell Arts, and Beautiful Empires to full effect in the fantasy novel to end all fantasy novels.

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Old Man and Sil

Within his consciousness. Julien dazes for a while and immediately snaps out of it. He noticed that his surroundings were all white "Oh dear God, am I dead? Is this what they called the afterlife? Am I doomed? Damn that old man! Daaaaaamn!"

He wails and screams like a little girl and then after a few moments, a person suddenly appears. He walks slowly like mist with the grace of a hero.

The old man's face is familiar, he has good facial features and you can consider him handsome.

Unknowingly, Julien began to relax as if he was enthralled, and then the old man began to talk.

"Kid, how old are you?" The old man began to ask a question. With hesitation, Julien responds, "I'm 21."

He then suddenly snaps as if he was mind-controlled. "What. W-what!? Wait! Who are you? Why did I answer that question? Who-whoo! Oh, God!" Julien began to panic and stammer again.

With his hoarse voice, the old man said, "Kid, relax I will not harm you. I am here to confirm a few things. I promise with my lifeblood oath that I, Vel'krim, will do you no harm!" After he said that, a black line shot out directly from his heart and linked it to Julien.

Everything happens swiftly which makes Julien freaks out internally. Vel'Krim is a person who works without too much talking. He is a man of action.

Vel'Krim snorted "With that lifeblood oath if any way I do you harm, I will instantly turn to dust!"

Julien was baffled for a moment and relaxed for a bit. He said, "This is all too shocking to me, what the hell is happening, what's all this black line now?

The old man replied "We will go into that, kid. First, I want to introduce myself. I am Vel'Krim and here is my companion." With a whooshing sound, a misty shadow appears behind him, a young man formed from the shadow and he looks terrifyingly handsome that you will get entranced once you look at him. "This is Sil, my other consciousness and partner."

"Greetings, young man." With his red pupils and very beautiful face he nodded and greeted Julien.

In Julien's thoughts "Damn this duo, so weird but both handsome. I'm pretty sure both are lady killers."

"I am Julien Weiz"

"First I do apologize for what happened. I know you are shocked and I have a valid reason why I am doing this." Vel'Krim said.

He explains, "Currently we are in your consciousness, I used an Arcane in your world, you people call it sorcery or magic. The spell I used was called [consciousness quagmire]. This is safe and I just do it so that we can talk properly without any intervention outside."

- [ SoulSet Technique ] [Consciousness Quagmire]: A high-level Arcane Art that uses mana to target opponents' consciousness.

The higher the opponent's level of mana base the more difficulty of using it.

There are a lot of techniques that I will introduce in this book and SoulSet is one of the most profound techniques.

JDSHINOHARAcreators' thoughts