
Secrets of a Teenage Vampire

September is your average vampire with a psychopathic mother, a caring older brother and exasperating twin. However things go a lot more complex as long hidden secrets float to the surface. She's also the only powerless vampire in a royal family, add that to the fact that she has anxiety issues and that she is more clumsy than a human and her all perfect mother makes her life miserable, then you might have an idea of how September lived her life. But, a long time powerful enemy is resurfacing and it threatens to destroy her family and friends and all that she's ever loved, it's threatening to destroy her world. When it all falls to her to save the world, can she get over her powerlessness and grow out of the empty husk she's becoming to rise up powerful? -*- Come talk to me on discord at Aryna Stan#5852 I'd love to hear your thoughts... -*-

Aryna_Stan · Teen
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145 Chs

Chapter Seventeen

♦Cyril's POV♦

"We're here." I tell my baby sisters. "Now, maybe you'll finally stop all your bickering." I snap, unnecessarily ticked off that I can't get a bit of what they've been talking about since we left the house.

"We aren't even saying anything." Selena smirks.

"That's what makes it so unbearable." I tell her, locking up the car after they both get out.

"But that's the only way to keep secrets from you." September smiles coyly.

"Talking with your eyes." I scoff, "that's ridiculous."

"Really now." She drawls. "Selena killed Count Finn." She calmly adds.

"You broke the twin code." Selena accuses her sister.

"Well he was making fun of it, I had to defend it." September fires back.

"This is starting to get a little old." I snort before blinking. "Wait. What? You murdered my goldfish!" I exclaim in realization.

"Uh...umm." They stutter, looking very ready to bolt.

"Oh hey! You guys are here!" Arianna yells from the school entrance in denim jump shorts and an oversized white shirt. "You took forever." She adds, obviously throwing an arm around September.

Arianna rarely touches people unless she has an ulterior motive. Now she laces her arm with September, trapping her to her side.

Almost like she's trying to keep her away from something.

"Hey my man." Zach greets me as we walk inside - startling me.

"Wh-What? Oh it's just you." I shake him. "What's up?"

Then I catch him staring at September with a soft expression.

Hold up! That's a no way.

"So what's happening?" I ask a little too quickly, trying to distract him from - one sec. I threw up in my mouth a bit - my sister.

There's honestly nothing wrong with Zach, I mean if it were anybody else I'd lock them up in the underground dungeon of my castle but it's Zach so I'll overlook it as long as it doesn't get serious.

"We're just about to get started." He informs me.

"Who's the teacher on duty?"

"Axel." He says out loud, in his head he's complaining. 'Okay, Arianna has crossed the line.' He leads the way to the class Axel will hold us captive, not realizing I can hear him loud and clear.

'I'm the elder brother for heaven sake. She's so beautiful...'

At this point I hiccup - not on purpose, mind you - I just sorta, kinda choked on vomit.

My plans for today did not include having to suffer through my friend fawning over my baby sister, even if I had no business prying through his mind anyway.

   "Are you alright?" Zach asks me - that hiccup must have been pretty loud.

I struggle not to let it show that I've been sneakily nosing through his mind. 'Yeah." I mutter, going in first.

The class is pretty full, there's Dane, Cameron, Lucinda, Travon - expected - Ciaran, and some other girl not counting the Laccrosses and the Mistletoes.

  "Take a seat." Axel all but snarls at us.

I take mine, in between September and Zach - not on my watch. Huh? Arianna seems to have lost her prisoner, I look around for her and see her batting of Ciaran.

  "Christ! You're such a pest." She mutters in frustration.

"Say something Mistletoe?" Axel questions her absently.


"Better." He agrees, raising his head from the notebook he was perusing. "Listen to your names and for the record, I'd rather shave my head with an axe than be here."

"Duly noted." Cameron mutters .

"Mistletoe Zachary."


"Ivor Ciaran."

"In the house!" He hoots - typical.

"Nyx Dane."

"Here." It's a surprise he even knows to answer, staring at Selena and all. I know I'm way stricter with September but have you seen Selena? She acts like my Great Aunt most of the time.

"Mistletoe Arianna."

"Present," she waves coral pink nails. I don't think she ever runs out of shades of pink nail polish.

"Laccrosse September."


I struggle not to glare, Zach is staring at her - Again!

"Laccrosse Selena."

"Here." She says in a bored tone, throwing a scrunched up piece of paper over Axel's head.

"Books Lucinda."


"Azul Nadia."

"Present." Nadia answers softly, she's actually easy on the eyes. Black, long straight hair, aquamarine eyes, pretty face, the works.

"Gage Travon."


"Wolfe Cameron."

"With an 'E'." He drawls in his British accent.

Axel looks like he's a step away from throwing a tantrum.

"And Laccrosse - and another one - Cyril."

"Pre..." I start to answer.

"Wait you are the Cyril Laccrosse?" Axel asks me, sizing me up. "Not bad." He murmurs under his breath.

"Uh, yeah?" I say, totally confused, just what is going on here.

'This is the one Kazandra wants?' He muses mentally.

"Lucinda, go to the restroom."

"But I don't wanna." She whines, perplexed.

"Now." He insists his eyes gleaming.

"Yes master." She agrees bowing low, hurrying out.

"You compelled her you bastard!" Travon yells, throwing his chair backwards as he gets up quickly.

"Yes and it doesn't hurt one bit. Now get settled, I'm not staying here for the ten hours you're going to be here."

"That's a little cruel." Selena mutters, knowing it's Axel that set the punishment.

"You've got to be kidding me." Cameron sighs.

"You are to be clearing, cleaning and arranging the basement." He starts, ignoring everyone's obvious argument.

"But it's eight in the morning." Arianna complains, probably expecting to get trapped in a class for a few hours.

Not that I blame her, nobody here signed up for hard labor but it seems like that is exactly what we are getting.

"Which means your imprisonment on the school premises will be terminated at the hour of five in the evening." He drones in a dead voice.

"Could you stop doing that." Dane mumbles.

"And just in case you think of escaping." He continues, looking directly at Dane for emphasis. "This should keep you in place." He grunts, creating a dark blue ball out thin air.

"Could that be..." Ciaran trails off, his voice wavering - that's a first.

"Exactly what you're thinking. The lock of the three clouds, only in our case rain clouds because we're fallen angels and..."

"Oh great, we've found another one." Selena interrupts, voice dripping sarcasm.

"...it's one of the few magical locks that can't be broken." He continued like Selena hadn't said a word.

"How can you even do it? Only the first fallen angels, The Ancient Ones can and very few in my dad's generation. In ours - Nada." Ciaran gushes - another first, what's he going to say next? That he's a damned virgin.

"So you're going to have to come back here to release us." September says.

"Do you love my face that much?" He asks sarcastically. "No, the upside to it is that I can release it from anywhere in the world."

"So that's why you sent Lucy away." She muses to herself.

"Do you ever stop talking?" He questions rudely - the asshat.

"How did you even know I was a supernatural?" Nadia asks, executing a perfect hair flip.

"We all know each other where ever we are. Now enough chit chat." He snarls out like an imbecile.

"You don't have to snarl out everything like an imbecile." Selena corrects calmly - we are definitely family.

"Whatever." Axels says nonchalantly releasing - I have to admit - magnificent black wings.

"Ta ra." He flies into a portal he opens up.

"Just great." I face palm.