
Secrets of a Teenage Vampire

September is your average vampire with a psychopathic mother, a caring older brother and exasperating twin. However things go a lot more complex as long hidden secrets float to the surface. She's also the only powerless vampire in a royal family, add that to the fact that she has anxiety issues and that she is more clumsy than a human and her all perfect mother makes her life miserable, then you might have an idea of how September lived her life. But, a long time powerful enemy is resurfacing and it threatens to destroy her family and friends and all that she's ever loved, it's threatening to destroy her world. When it all falls to her to save the world, can she get over her powerlessness and grow out of the empty husk she's becoming to rise up powerful? -*- Come talk to me on discord at Aryna Stan#5852 I'd love to hear your thoughts... -*-

Aryna_Stan · Teen
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145 Chs

Chapter Eight

♦September's POV♦

"Then he just went quiet, like it hurt him to offend his admirer." Arianna says and she and Dane, burst out laughing.

"Are they always like that?" I find myself asking Cameron even if he has been sulking,  since history class.

"How would I know?" He grumbles. "I'm new here." He adds bitterly.

"Oh Cameron..." I trail off, patting his shiny mahogany waves as we take our seat in the middle table for lunch.

"Well, I didn't tell you how Sel and I got detention." Dane starts to say, already chortling.

"No you didn't." Ari affirms, barely recovering from their earlier bout of laughter.

"Right. Remember what I told you?"

"What's that?" Arianna pauses the tomato stabbed on her fork from her salad, on it's way to her mouth.

"About what happened at Club 202?" Dane prods.

"Oh yeah, about her act right?" She nods eagerly.

Cameron and I share a look, then we turn to look at Selena.

"Uh - oh." He mutters.

"Yeah, yeah. Now when we were in class, she..." Dane pauses dramatically at this point, totally ignoring Selena's glare. "Exploded."

They pause to share a look, then they burst out laughing again.

"And poor - poor Miss Huxely, jumbled up differentiation." Dane gasps, flicking midnight locks out of his eyes.

"Then picture this, Miss Huxely asked Sel, if she was gonna comport herself and guess what Sel told her?"

"What? What? Tell me?" Arianna gushes nearly falling in Dane's lap from excitement.

"Sel told Miss Huxely to take her long pointy nose and shove it up her tight, little ass..." He's barely audible at this point as he and Ari double over in laughter.

"You two are something else." I mutter in amazement, I'm sure they don't hear me though, too caught up in their world of jokes.

Selena's eyes glow blood red.

"Dane," he still doesn't hear me. "Dane!" I raise my voice this time.

"Huh? What?" He splutters, still holding his stomach, trying to catch his breath.

"Take a look at your girlfriend." Cameron tells him, jabbing a finger in Selena's direction.

"Crap." Arianna whisper yells.

"Shit." Dane grinds out.

That's weird, Arianna almost never swears and Dane's a demon so... Well, let's just say that Selena exhibiting traffic light-like qualities shouldn't faze him.

   Then I look up to see a stunning chick dressed like a slut march up to our table, her white hair swishing across her net and leather clad body.

"Who's the slut?" I murmur to Cameron.

"Katana Montez," Cameron replies, chuckling.

"How in hell do you even know that?" I ask rhetorically.

"I go out a lot." He shrugs nonchalantly.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes watching her approach our table. "Wait. Power Suit's daughter?"

"I'm guessing Power Suit is Principal Montez, so yeah."

'Wh-What?' I mentally splutter as Katana, swung her ass over to Dane and curled on his lap.

I stare around wondering if people weren't  seeing the drama, going on at our table. And I see everybody, every freaking soul - even the lunch lady- staring frozen at our table. 'Oh well'

Dane was frozen in his seat, his dark eyes full of panic.

I look at my twin to see how she was taking all the love and attention Katana was giving to Dane.

And... Oh boy, she so isn't taking it well.

Snarling, she flew from her seat across Dane and literally ripped Katana from Dane's body.

A collective ooh, swept through the morbidly, captive audience as Selena lifts her by her hair and manipulates her emotions, causing her to shriek madly.

I bet she's not making her feel like rainbows and pastel, purple unicorns.

"Dane," I reach out to shake him, cause the asshole just leaned back and tossed back fries like it was movie night.

"What?" He asks, tossing another fry into his mouth.

"Aren't you going to do something?"

"Nope." He replies, popping the 'P'

Asshole. So smug, because Selena is losing her shit over him. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Cameron." I almost beg, giving him puppy eyes.

"Whoa! Cut out the eyes," he warns, waving his hands at me. "And seriously, do you really want to get in the middle of that?"

I look at what his talking about and... Oh my!  Can it get any worse?

Selena is strangling Principal Montez's daughter with one hand, the other digging into her chest, obviously to rip her heart out.

"No." I gulp, watching with dread as Selena rips out Katana's heart and squashes it in a fist, her expression unreadable. She tosses Katana's limp body to the side, like an empty snickers wrapper.

"That's it! We're dead. How the hell are we going to explain this? Oh my god, Selena is going to go to jail." I babble hysterically, trying very hard not to hyperventilate.

The crowd on the other hand, were too sickened to move, much less take a breath.

"Damn." I hear a voice call out as Selena seats herself and dabs at her bloody hand with a napkin.

I look up to see Cyril, Zack and some other guy, probably another friend, walk up. The other friend carried Katana.

"Uh-oh." I gulp again, waiting for Cyril to explode but instead, he just waves a hand to wipe the memories of every non-supe and tells his friend - a cute guy with red bangs and an odd shade of green eyes - to revive Katana.

Which does by bending over her in his arms, his cute pink lips an inch from her snazzily painted ones, I don't see what happens next but I hear Katana gasp and groan.

"W-What happened?" She muttered, opening her eyes. As soon as she gets her bearings and realizes that she's in the arms of a cute senior, she starts squirming and batting her fake eyelashes furiously.

"Ugh!" Red bangs grunts in disgust. "Succubi." He says, dropping her hard on the ground, like it explains everything.

It actually did.

"Urrgh!" Katana yells in outrage, stomping off.