

They met when they never should have. Pushed together and then pulled apart by the world. Catrina and Alex's worlds collide. Her dark, tortured soul was born in secrets and lies. His ruthless, eccentric personality protects what he forged with lies and deception. After losing everyone she has ever loved at the hands of a manipulative, ruthless psychopath Cameron 'El Demonio' Navarr, it becomes Catrina 'Cat' Banning's mission as an Undercover CIA Agent to seek revenge against him. At all costs. Her life takes an unexpected turn when, eight years later she comes face to face with her past. Alexander Michael James Knight has had a tough upbringing. His story may read like the typical 'rags-to-riches'. But he has had to sacrifice his dreams and true self to raise his family legacy - Knight Inc to new heights. A new device made by the company catches the attention of 'El Demonio' that has the power to destroy the world in the wrong hands. He has to protect all that he has built. At all costs. Even if he has to stand up against his past. Will they ever be able to uncover the secrets and lies between them? Will they ever find out about the other's deception? Can they overcome their past to reunite?

HDAria · Urban
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150 Chs

Beware the fury of a patient man – JOHN DRYDEN

How was this possible? Her Alex Danver was Alexander Michael James Knight? It was his company that was under a secret review for suspicious activity, fraud, and conspiracy?

By me.

Mentally turning from her reverie, Cat remembered what she was actually there for when she heard his deep voice shake something inside her, "Yes, I did, and please make yourself comfortable," Alex waved to the chair, she had literally sunk in. "Couldn't give you my news. After all, you left in such a hurry. I didn't know where to send my welcome-back-to-the-family party invites."

The initial shock was wearing off and Cat didn't want to deal with rehashing their messed-up history.

"I know it's been a long time. It seems you've managed to do well for yourself. I always knew you would. Congratulations."

An understatement, but it was the best she could do under the circumstances. He leaned back in his chair as he rested his elbows on the arms and tented his fingertips in the air taking her in derisively.

"Did you? We, sure, have a lot to catch up on, then."

She didn't miss the menacing inflection or the ignorance of her well-meant but patronizing felicitations. Her thoughts were racing but she couldn't give him the satisfaction of flustering her. Hurriedly, she tried to steer the conversation away from dangerous waters.

"Mr. Knight, as you know..."

"Alex will do just fine...After all, we knew each other, once. Didn't we?"

Cat was getting chilled by the second as his voice gradually lowered. The feeling of numbness that had wrapped her up in a warm cocoon was slipping away. As she fought to control a rapidly deteriorating situation, she felt like she was trying to stop a free fall with a balloon string and a napkin.

Cat tried to assert a semblance of control and chose to prod the sleeping tiger. She'd never been good with backing away from challenges, anyway.

"Mr. Knight, we knew each other a long time ago. That has nothing to do with the job I have been assigned to do now. So if you..."

"I don't think you are in any position to be making demands. You are here solely because I allow it and whatever may have happened in the past, I know you cannot leave here before you finish reviewing and analyzing Knight Inc.'s viability."

She tried to mask her response but her eyes widened at his angry tone. His arrogant high-handedness and the underlying threat in his voice at the end, literally, instilled fear in her. Oh Lord, how was she supposed to face him after what she had done? But remembering her job and all the reasons she was here, in the first place, helped straighten the spine she felt breaking with tension.

Placing the papers he'd been going through on the desk, Alex came to stand before her. He crossed his arms and leaned against the desk. Cat looked at his beautiful profile glinting in the sun. From the shining gleam in his dark-blonde hair to his broad shoulders displayed in a fitted blue shirt, dark tie, and coat, his lean physique with hips tapering to strong thighs and a sizeable bulge made Cat feel dizzy with weakness. Cat felt a rush of such intense longing, guilt, and hurt that her stomach cramped and her heart squeezed as she grew breathless.

It had always been this way with Alex, she remembered. To her, pain and pleasure were intricately linked concepts as far as he was concerned. So, she shouldn't be too shocked now.

"Have dinner with me," Alex leaned towards her as if he too couldn't resist the pull of energy between them.

Cat blinked and thought for a split second that he'd been inviting her on a date but then quickly regained her senses.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Knight but..." He pulled away and strode back to his chair.

"It's not like I'm asking you out on a date Catrina, but you did come in late. I have a meeting I had to be in half an hour ago. I'm sure you also have to settle in. My car will take you to your hotel and we'll continue to talk about your fascinating professionalism at dinner."

He got up and came toward her by which time she'd worked herself up at his casual dismissal and uncaring tone. A bit shaken by his ability to read her thoughts after all this time Cat was lost for adequate words. But she was here to do a job. Throwing mental darts at his head while she suffocated him with his papers, gave her childish satisfaction. But she couldn't do much as she realized Alex was right.

Damn him.

She had been late and it was fortunate that he had even agreed to see her despite their...complicated history. She promised herself then and there that even if it killed her she was going to complete this assignment.

Besides, she was curious to see if time had wrought any more havoc on Alex's charming person. How she would deal with the unresolved issues that stretched between them like the black hole was something she would think about later.

"Fine. But I don't need your car to drop me. I'll just meet you there," She bit out in a brisk and efficient tone and stood up.

He thrust his hands in his pockets and snapped his suit jacket closed smartly. Alex then walked over to stand so close to her that her senses rioted as she drowned in his unique scent. He leaned in as if to whisper a secret in her ear, "Don't be a child. Jason, my driver has already been told to deal with your luggage and I'll be there to pick you up. Be ready by eight o'clock."

After the door closed behind him, shudders racked her lithe frame. Her breath grew choppy and nausea rolled up inside her.

Fuck. This is going to kill me.