
Chapter 1

Huh...let me go,Leah kept kicking the air trying to run from the grip of this intruder but this intruder seems to be times 10 of her small, petite self...

drawing her closer to himself,she sniffed getting his cologne caught in the air...Gasps...


let me down Luciano...now... instead of doing as she requested he draped her on his shoulder facing downward directly staring at his ass...

put me down Luciano...I don't like this position...true millions of females out there would have paid to be in her position,but not her,truly she was starting to feel dizzy...

LUCIANO she screamed put me the hell down I'm about to throw up,I'm sure you wouldn't like your half a million suit getting stained with vomits right...with a big smile on her face,she was sure he would be all red with rage right now,she just like teasing this crazy man...but unfortunately what Leah didn't know was that today was the last day she would have the guts to insult,tease,anger,or face him again,he had everything planned out from day one, he hated disrespect,he likes seeing fear in people's eyes, he likes it when they tremble,the fear of the outcome of disrespecting him... but this tiny, petite, chubby thing had no fear or respect for him always finding ways to anger him...today in this same building that she always disrespect him, he would hurt her, he'd tear her apart,with this thoughts lingering in his head,he smiled...

Throwing open the door to the suite in his office, he took long stripes to the bed throwing her roughly on the bed...

Ahh you asshole...what do you want huh,look I have a lot of work to complete besides it's 6 pm already,I have an hour before curfew...hello...can you hear me at all?

trying to get up from the bed only to be pushed right back with his free hand,the other taking off his clothes...yaaa... what are you doing Luciano,are you sick or something??

LUCIANO...do you realize you are stripping in front of someone...

You bastard answer me she screamed...which earned her a slap,a very strong one that shot blood right through her mouth and nose... Fuck she screamed...

Luciano what the fuck are you doing?

I'd make sure your father hears about this you dickhead...

she still even had the strength and gut to curse at him even after the slap...see what I'm talking about...huh!

Shutup whore!!!


you heard me slut...shutup

how dare you Luciano,how dare you call me a whore and a slut, she shouted kicking and punching him...

Stop it Leah


smiling at her...it's obvious little Leah doesn't even know why she's hear so naive isn't she so naive...


you brought me here,how do you expect me to know what I'm doing here?

sighing out loud I pulled my pants down...

Wtf Luciano...what are you doing?

Gosh she's acting all naive and innocent...

Stop acting all innocent Leah,you know why you are here,you know what am about to do to you and I'm sure you'd enjoy it much as I hope I'd enjoy it too... without letting his statement register properly into her head...he pushed her on the bed, climbing on her this time...her eyes almost pulling out of it's sockets...

pulling her hands above her head,she shrinkred because of the pain...fuck...it hurts she screamed.. Luciano whatever you have in mind please stop...right now,you are hurting me she said into his ears brushing against them unknowingly... making his little man down switch...

Fuck...he groaned... pulling at her shirt roughly,the buttons burst open, leaving him to her bra... Red lace....fuck it he loves Red... wiggling under him and trying to free her self from his disgusting touch, he ripped her bra open with a scissor, her big oranges came into view,pink nipples huh,he smiled I'm gonna enjoy fucking this one... bringing his tongue to her breast,she screamed, begging him to Iet her go and not do this...