
Secrets Between Two

A Korean Idol and an American model....what an unusual pair.... But do you wanna know a secret? I'm dating SUGA of BTS!! Or when I met him, he went by the name of Gloss. Oh! And I forgot to mention I-....... A pre-debut myg story in which Luna Suarez meets Yoongi long before he was known worldwide.

Nissa03 · Urban
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4 Chs

Truth Behold

"LUNA STOP WALKING SO FAST!" My best friend, Nova Cortez yelled at me as I walked off of the school property, "what are you doing tonight?"

I rolled my eyes because she knows exactly what I'm doing tonight, "puta, you know I have work tonight!"

"Puta all you ever do is work," she whined.

"I'm sorry but you know I make really good money on Fridays," I said with an apologetic look.

She softened her face and giggled "Cariña it's fine, I know you're a hustler.

We then the proceeded to walk towards her house because I told my mom I'd be sleeping over her house, when I'd actually be going to work during the night.

Nova is the only person who knows where I work, and even that I have a job. When we got to her house we just hung out in her room and she told me of a guy she was taking to.

For me that was exciting to here because she barely mentions any guys. We then started to reminisce on how our friendship started and laughed at how I found out my mom's job.


I have known Nova since I first started 1st grade here in California. When I got to school that day, I thought I wasn't going to make any friends but then Nova approached me with a pair of scissors and said "cut my hair." I happily agreed and began cutting. We soon got scolded by the teacher had to sit in time out.

That's when Nova turned to me and said "amigas?"

I replied, "amigas!" And we have been inseparable ever since.

She was always very extroverted and I was the opposite. And it took until middle school for her to turn me into an extrovert. That's also because my body started to develop and she told me I needed to be more confident with myself.

And I listened to her.

Some may say I had a big ass, big boobs, and a tiny waist. And with that apparently I'm a "hoe" "slut" and a "prostituta."

So with I lived up to my names.

When I turned 13 is when I lost my virginity and it was amazing and I wanted more. So I slept around a lot, and which furthered the names I got called. I promise it didn't bother me at all.

It bothered Nova though and she was always there to protect me no matter what. And that's why we are still friends to this day, because we are always there for each other even during the toughest times.

Age 13 was also when I found out my mom's job.

Nova and I had just came out of a late screening of the movie "Cars" and we decided to take the long way home because we were bored. It was about 10pm so the streets were still lively and nobody paid attention to two 13 year old girls walking down, downtown that late.

Nova wanted to go pass by the strip clubs in that area. She always joked about dropping out and becoming a stripper because school is too hard. And thus, I decided it would be fun to go look. Plus we weren't expected back at her house till 11.

As we were walking down the L.A strip I noticed a big sign and when I read it my jaw hit the floor. I grabbed Nova and pointed up, she read the big sign that said:


"I don't get it" she looked at me with puzzled look on her face.

The her eyes went wide. "OMG THAT'S YOUR MOM!"


Dispite our loud yelling we were not heard due to the equally loud crowds surrounding us.

We both stood there dumbfounded, but then were spotted by a bouncer so we ran back to her place. When we got inside her mom asked us why we were running and we just lied and said we were racing.

She shrugged it off and excused herself to her room and Nova and I got some ice cream and went into her room. And that's when it really hit me. "Wow! My mom is a stripper."

"DAMN momma María is a stripper. Omg that makes sense, she's such a MILF. That's why all the guys have the hots for her," Nova exclaimed. She started laughing and began to change into her pj's.

She then sat on her bed and said "Luna say something." And that's when I realized I totally zoned out, I had just been so lost in thought.

"No Nova you're right it does make sense" I began "A bunch of guys asked me if my mom's name was María. That also explains why we moved into a bigger house after such a short amount of time."

I shook my head and started to change into my pj's. Nova was starting at me for a second and then said a little to excitedly, "She must be famous then, let's look her up!!"

And look her up we did, and sure enough my mom is famous. She was world known and apparently some celebrities have went to the same strip club she works at just to see her.

"Wow! Luna you're mom is 100 times cooler than she already was."

I smiled and said, "I know."

That caused Nova to shut down her computer and we went back onto her bed. "I just don't understand why she didn't tell me?" I said sadly to Nova. She replied and hugged me

"I don't cariña, maybe ask her tomorrow?"

"Ok, I'll ask her tomorrow."

For us it was too early to sleep, so we just talked all night long, especially about one of the new guys I had just slept with.

The next morning I packed my stuff, ate breakfast and said my goodbyes to the Cortez family. And as I made my way home I was thinking of what to say to my mom. I also wondered how I never found this out sooner considering her fame status. I decided I was not mad at her but just wanted to know why she didn't tell me.

Maybe she didn't trust me?

As I approached my house I saw my mom's car parked in the drive way and I ran the rest of the way there. I opened the door to find my mom in her pj's with her head down on the counter. Her head shot up and her eyes widened for a split second but went back to normal. "You're home early, how was the movie good, no? The sleep over?"

"The movie was good, and the sleep over was fun as usual," I paused "momma I have a question for you and please answer honestly."

She straighten her back and looked at me with a worried face. "Sí Luna, what's your question."

I asked,"why didn't you tell me you were a stripper?"

Her body tensed up, "who told you such things?"

"Momma," I started, "Me and Nova were walking back home from the movies and we passed a strip club that had your name up as a main preformer."

She said nothing for a while, possibly thinking of what to say and then a tear fell down her face. "Luna you know how I told you at the time I didn't have my documents?" I nodded, and she sighed. "The people here weren't so nice to me when I asked for work because I didn't have my documents. That strip club was the only place that accepted me."

She was now crying "Mí haji, I didn't know what to do we were running low on the money that your father left us and I just wanted you to have a good life. I'm sorry for not telling you, I didn't want to seem as an embarrassment to you, selling myself away for money. But I did what I had to do to provide for you."

I just went up to her and hugged her for a while till she stopped crying. When she did, I pulled away and said, "why would I be embarrassed? You are making an honest living, and that holds a lot of respect. And even now knowing what you do I hold more respect and admiration for you."

She smiled and pulled me back into a hug and squeezed me tightly. "You are so wise and very understanding for you age my dear. I have taught you well."

We both laughed. She got up and walked to the freezer and pulled out some ice cream and then grabbed two spoons.

She then started to tell me about her job, what she does, who she has met and how much money we actually have. The amount was crazy to my ears, and I questioned why we didn't have a big fancy mansion and fancy cars.

She explained to me the finer things in life are the little things, and being with family. That meant there was no need for such extravagant things.

After talking she got up to clean and said to me "Speaking of which" she started "who is that boy who walked you home the other day?"

That question threw me off, I was scared of what she was gonna say, but I answered honestly. "The boy I lost my virginity to"

Her eyes widened and she yelled at me as I ran away "LUNA GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!"

I walked back to her with my head hug low, "sí momma?"

"Was it good?" She asked.

My jaw dropped.

"What?" she questioned because I was staring at her still shocked. "I lost my virginity to your father when we were 13 as well. So answer my question, was it good?"

All I could do was nod. She laughed, gave me a kiss on my forehead, and told me she was going to sleep.

I still stood there shocked, but then called up Nova to tell her everything that just happened.


After finishing play arguing over the ice cream we ate that fateful night, it was now time for me to go to work. So I said my goodbye to Nova and snuck out of her house.