
Chapter Seventy - four


" Let's play a game. " Annie said to the others ( Eddie, Harry, Freddie and Clifford ) in the dinning room. Everyone looked at her in askance and she returned their inquisitive looks with smiles.

" You always love to play. " Harry said and Annie winked at him. 

" So,we're going to build a tent and just like before, we will be groups and know which group wins. The winner will be given a price. " Annie explained to them.

" What price is that? " Freddie asked her

" All of us will contribute 50 USD and the winning group will sleep in the main building while the other group, serve them for three days. " Annie said.

" What sort of a heartless play is that? And what is 200 USD? Freddie said and scoffed.

" Forget about the price. Let's focus on the fun part. This house is really big. Eddie and I will show you where we will build the tents, right Eddie? Annie looked at Eddie pleadingly.

" I'm not part of such plays. " Eddie said to her without batting an eye.

" Me too. " Harry said.

" What about you, the silence Clifford? " Annie asked with pouted lips.

Clifford laughed out seeing Annie's facial reaction. " I'm really busy for now. I prefer we organize a one day party outside the building. " Clifford suggested and everyone agreed apart from Annie and Eddie.

" Let's do that in the future, Annie. I mean your own idea, because we constantly need to visit Aunt Mary remember? " Clifford persuaded further. Annie finally agreed and Eddie also. 

" Tomorrow, we'll enjoy! " Harry said.


Valerie walked into Smith's Attendance room and requested to see Smith. Andy was quite surprised that Valerie wanted to see Smith through him. " She couldn't have changed so quickly, could she? " Andy wondered and went in to tell Smith. Smith told Andy to let her in.

" You can meet him now, Ma'am. " Andy said still looking at Valerie in a weird manner.

Valerie noticed that but ignored Andy's actions and went in to see Smith.

" You've started using formalities to meet me. " Smith questioned Valerie as soon as she greeted him and sat down. " Why do you want us to see? Because I noticed that today might be slightly different from your previous visits. " Smith said.

Valerie sighed and looked at Smith in the eye for the very first time since she came into the room. " Dad, I want peace to reign, because I'm not interested in Albert again. " Tears rolled down her cheeks and she continued " ... Since Sofia came into his life, he changed drastically. Albert is maltreating me D_d_dad. " Valerie burst into tears.

" I'll summon them here. " Smith said as he clenched his fist in anger. 

" No Dad. I want to leave. It's obvious that I'm not welcomed here. " Valerie pressed further still sobbing.

" Who said so? Stop crying. " Smith made a quick call to Andy to summon Sofia and Albert immediately. 

Valerie's heart raced as she did not know the turn out of events. 

" Why could your Dad summon us? " Sofia asked Albert as they walked to Smith's room. 

" I don't know. Let's hope it's for the better. " Albert told them. They got to Smith's room and went inside after a knock.

" Don't bother to sit. " Smith said to the duo who held their hands together.

Smith queried them about Valerie's decision. The duo looked at him confused. Smith turned to Sofia and began to render insults at her.

" It's okay Dad. " Valerie tried to stop Smith from continuing with what he was doing. " I only came to say my mind. " Valerie said and left the room. That angered Smith the more and he threatened to deal with Sofia if Valerie leaves the house. He also lashed out at Albert who tried to defend Sofia and finally sent them out of his room.

Sofia flinged off Albert's hand and ran off to her room. Albert pursued her and caught her. He began to apologize for what his father had done and promised to protect her no matter what happens. 

" Can't you see that your Dad hates me? I can't enjoy this marriage if things continue this way. So please let me go back to my father's house. " Sofia said sobbing. 

" I won't allow you to do that. Please don't leave me. " Albert embraced her tightly as he apologized. Sofia was adamant. She freed herself from Albert's embrace and walked to her room. 

Albert felt broken at that point. He used to be a womanizer but the entrance of this woman into his life changed everything. She was the best amongst all other ladies and never pursued him for his money. She still loved him depite not been recognized by the world as his wife. He thought about Valerie who was the opposite of Sofia. Greedy, arrogant, envious, heartless amongst other bad characters she possessed.

" No. " Albert shrugged. " I can't lose her. " He was greatly determined. 



Valerie left the house without telling anyone where she was heading to. She left without cars and bodyguards. She had earlier called the doctor she had a meeting with, the other time, Dr. Ken. So, she was heading to his hospital this time around. 


Valerie arrived at the hospital with the directions from the doctor. She called the doctor to alert him of his presence while she stood outside the hospital with her face masked in other not to be noticed by anyone.

The doctor came out and led her to his office. 

" Please sit. " The doctor said pointing to a seat in his office. Valerie sat down. " You're welcome. "

" I only came because of what we discussed last time.  Do you have the materials because I'm going to do that now? " Valerie went straight to the point.

" Yes Ma'am. " The doctor replied and went to the cupboard in the office. He brought out the syringe and sp**m which would be used by Valerie.

" You said you're not sure about it. I want the baby implanted in my womb. I'll pay you for whatever it costs. " Valerie told the doctor. After all that happened at home, she wanted to have a successful pregnancy.

Valerie discussed more with the doctor and they made plans for the artificial insemination.


Smith was fuming mad about Valerie's disappearance the whole time . He summoned Valerie to beg her to change her mind but was told that she left the house and hadn't returned after few hours. Smith tried to reach out to her with his phone but her line was switched off. Smith felt uncomfortable with Valerie's disappearance that he summoned his security guards to go and look for her. He also consulted the Smiths hidden guards but their feedback weren't appealing, so, they went in search of Valerie.

Valerie returned home and met the house in chaos. The security guards at the gate heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Valerie. They knew that the consequences of their actions will be allotted to them in a cruel way.

Valerie noticed the reactions of any guard that set his eyes on her. But she kept quiet and walked towards the main building. Smith was with Andy in the sitting room when she arrived. She greeted Smith after he embraced her.

" Did you get this upset? " Smith asked her.

Valerie pretended to be so sad and began to cry. Smith consoled her and promised to make her his future daughter-in-law. 

" This woman is really crazy. " Eva said to Sarah. They were ordered to search around the premises for Valerie.

" We're those really tears? " Sarah asked Eva almost laughing.

" Fake ones. " Eva replied and scoffed. Eva so much detested Valerie for her cunny life style. The scenario irritated her and she left Sarah who was still looking at Valerie and Smith.

" Eva, wait for me. " Sarah said as she pursued Eva. She was running and Eva was walking yet she didn't meet Eva. " Why is she walking like that? " Sarah mused and stopped running. She gently walked down to her bedroom with hot breaths.


Valerie was smiling to herself when she returned to her bedroom. She was winning. Her plans were working as she desired. Valerie's face beamed with excitement but gradually crumpled. " Why didn't I think about this? " Valerie mused. She almost skipped the part of ' who owned the sperm she was going to use for the artificial insemination.' She told the doctor to get the sperm from the sperm bank. But, it wouldn't be Albert's child after the child's DNA is checked. 

" Something has to be done. " Valerie mused to herself. She quickly called the doctor and told him  that she will bring the sperm that will be used for the insemination. So, everything will be suspended for the time being. " Who else? " She thought after calling the doctor. "Definitely, the Master." Valerie quickly called the Master to explain the matter at hand to him. The Master tried to calm her down when he heard the urgency in her voice.

" Why are you telling me to calm down when things are going so fast and wrong? " Valerie asked on top of her voice. 

" Calm down! Will you? " The Master commanded her. " I have it all planned. Albert will soon leave for a night party with his friends. Everything will be planned out there. Just be at alert and open your ears to any information that you'll soon receive" The Master explained.

Valerie sighed deeply and thanked the Master before ending the call. " Let's see what happens next. " Valerie muttered under her breath with a malicious grin that appeared on her face.