
Secretly Loved by the Moon

It takes 7 years for every cell in the human body to be replaced by new ones through natural processes; 3 months for skin to heal from a deep cut. How long will it take for me to forget your touch? Will it linger in my memories? Or will the feeling of your hand in mine be lost once the stitches come out? Evelyn Li, a hardworking -cough-stubborn-cough- nurse with a secret that runs deep. Daniel Kim, a celebrity that lives in the limelight. Opposites attract. Or don't they?

YungYue_WeiHua · Urban
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2 Chs

End of the Night

0714 - Hospital Campus; Neurology Department

"Evelyn, go home! This is your third night shift in a row, go get some sleep!" Tom's voice boomed down the now bustling halls, awakening any patients that were still asleep. The day had just started for half of the hospital staff coming in to relieve the night shift.

For Evelyn, this was a sign that her shift had come to an end. Tom's boisterous voice always woke her up from her mud-riddled mind which was a result of staying awake overnight. Despite how loud the morning greeting was, Evelyn smiled and looked up from her computer station.

"How do you always have so much energy in the morning Tom?" Evelyn asked. Tom set his bag down behind me in the coat closet, "Evie, when you get to my age you'll realize that if you face everything with a positive attitude, there's a good chance things will work out for the better."

Evelyn could only roll her eyes playfully at his positive disposition, "always the happy camper aren't you?" Tom only chuckled in response. He pulled out his patient assignment list and waited for her to start giving him report on how the patients were overnight.

30 minutes later

'Holy crap, I'm exhausted' She yawned and stretched her arms towards the cold blue morning sky. Evelyn had worked the night shift for a while so she should be used to it, but the past few evenings have been pretty rough. Her patient load had been increased due to the shortage of night shift nurses that were available. The weekends were especially tough.

Evelyn looked at her watch, she had finished up earlier than she usually does since Tom was the one taking report from her. He was efficient which contradicted the way he carries himself. She always liked handing off her patients to him because she knew that he was a competent nurse. In fact, he had trained her when she first started.

With the extra time, Evelyn decided to walk home. Her apartment was not far from the huge hospital where she worked at. It was a 15 min walk from the doors of the hospital to her apartment complex.

This famous hospital was located in the middle of a busy metropolitan city. Most of the buildings in the downtown area were a part of this large hospital. Evelyn works in the older part of the hospital, where the Neurology department is. This particular hospital was ranked #1 in their Neurology Department and was known worldwide as the place that had the best patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Since it was a well-populated city, Evelyn had no problem finding accomodations when she first moved here. She chose a cozy 1 bedroom apartment with large windows that let in a lot of natural light. The rent was a little expensive, but Evelyn strongly believed in the phrase, "your home is your palace" so she didn't mind having to pay a little extra for her comfort and privacy.

She started walking home in the chilly September morning. Pulling out her phone and earbuds, she chose to listen to her favorite artist on her walk. The artist's name was "Moonlight", he wasn't well known but Evelyn happened to chance on his debut single that was released a week ago and ever since then she was hooked. It was the lyrics that really drew her attention:

'At the end of the night

Your eyes locked on to mine

You tell me never to go

You say I'll never leave you

But you still walk away

At the end of the night.'

His voice was deep and soulful and it carried a lot of emotions. The way he sang just tugged at her heartstrings. She also really appreciated the way he incorporated the cello into the song. It was melodic and evoked a sense of melancholy. As a fellow cellist, she approved and thoroughly enjoyed the song.

Evelyn was so into it, she wasn't aware of her surroundings. All of a sudden as she was preparing to cross the street, two young women ran past her, almost knocking her over in the process.

"Kyaaaa!! Daniel Kim was spotted a block away from the pharmacy!! OMG I have to get an autograph!!"

"OMGG yess! We need to hurry before he leaves sis, I wanna take a picture with him!!"

The two girls were shrieking at the top of their lungs.

'Who the hell is Daniel Kim?' Evelyn thought to herself, irritated that her zen was rudely interrupted. She gave the girls ahead of her a good death glare before continuing on her way.

'Whatever,' she thought as a huge yawn escaped her small mouth, 'I just wanna get some sleep'.

These are my own lyrics hehe.

Sorry for the short chapter! I'm still trying to get the hang of this as a new author. All support is welcomed :)

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