

Hiiiiiiiii guys thank you for reading my amazing book I will be updating it one chapters a day thank you bye love youuuuuu Scarlet an college student leaving with her best friend in the most wealthiest building in all country z couldn't help but fall I. love with her neighbour Carter who is a famous singer from a boy band. not knowing that carter fellin love with her first and h3 is betrothed to her.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!Like it ? Add to library. why do you keep drawing lines between us i love you but you won't even listen to me carter said while banging on scarlet door and scarlet replied just get out of my life you promised to never hurt me and well you didn't even keep it. continue reading to know how they will conquer challenges just to stay happy

cherry_blossom7400 · Fantasy
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38 Chs


At Scarlet's aunt house,sasha who is the only daughter of anne and malcom beam was just scrolling through Instagram when she saw Emily's post she was furious and decides to tell her mother,as she was running down the stairs to meet her mom in the garden she bumps into a maid and shattered a few plate but instead of apologising she shouts at the maid,are you blind can't you see that I want to pass or do you want to ruin my perfect skin,the maid in fear started crying and begging sasha for forgiveness, young miss I am sorry please I wasn't looking I am sorry please don't fire me please i provide for my family please young miss I am sorry I will do anything please,then Sacha thought of a bad idea and said pick one of those broken pieces of plate and cut yourself in the face,gasps is heard everywhere in the room from the servants that are hiding,then the maid who doesn't have any means of feeding her family picked a piece and was about to cut herself when scarlet entered and saw the maid and what she was about to do,stop are you crazy what do you think you are doing she collected the piece of the broken plate she was holding and told her to go back to the kitchen but sasha was furious and she slapped scarlet and took a piece of glass from the floor and was about to cut scarlet on the face but Scarlet caught her hand and said don't you dare,you slapped I didn't say anything now you want to cut me with glass how dare you,with tears in her eyes, you have the f*cking guts to slap me how dare you,my parent may be dead but 5hat doesn't give you the rights to slap me okay, now where is your mother.then anne walked in and then sasha pretended that scarlet hurt her and she started crying,mother scarlet hurt me just because I was correcting a servant, what scarlet how dare you touch my daughter with your orphan hands in my house how dare you then anne slapped Scarlet, now this is the last straw get out of the mansion and don't come back.scarlet was shocked,are you serious so you believed sasha i didn't even touched her she was trying to threaten a servant and i stopped her so does that make me the villain,even if she threatens a servant so atleast they are still being paid for their poor miserable life so get out of here and don't ever come back pack your bags and go anne said,but to everyone's surprise scarlet said,i was coming here to pack them before you said so then scarlet started walking to her she turned around and said aunt just so you know karma is a b*tch then she turned around and left but anne was feeling uneasy cause scarlet owns eighty percent of the share because of her parent's death.scarlet was angry and tired and confused so she decided to walk to the apartment her and emily lives in but on her way she saw an old man trying to cross the road so she decided to help him,sir let's cross together but the old man was adamant and keep insisting that he could help himself and that he was waiting for his grandson but Scarlet who was use to this road told the old man,sir this road at night are always dangerous and uneasy to cross let me help you sir if not I will have to carry all alone the man was shocked about her since of humour and laughed saying you know your sense of humour is over the top and you are kind too just the kind of girlfriend I want my grandson to have but he wouldn't even look talkless of talking to them,scarlet who was still angry couldn't help but laugh at the old man's words and said sir I hope your son finds his true love but for now let's get you to the other side of the road.