
Secretary of the Empress

Fame. Money. Love. All of this, Joe had for eighteen years, of his life. Until a tragic accident happened before the peak of his football career. Which destroyed it in only a few seconds. When everyone loved him, they left him alone, broken in a hospital bed. Before he could come back, he lost the last members of his family. Then his former club comes with allegations, of a broken contract from his fault, and he lost all the earned money. He was left, with nothing. For eight years, he lived from day to day studying, working, having rehabilitation for his injured knee. As they say, what one time is taken, is given back. As he accidentally becomes secretary of Megan Clark by everyone called Empress. His life changed drastically after it. He found love in his boss, who first say these words to him. ‘Secretary of the Empress’ is a story about love, which slowly grows in the main characters. Because of many things which they will meet in their journey of revenge and protecting each other. -------------------- While now great view on sky and city below show up, boss turned to me, and when she looked at my eyes, she said: “Joe, I have something to tell you.” “Yes, boss,” I said while looking at her eyes, and when she walked closer to me, we looked at each other eyes. She said, “I like you.” While hearing her words, I had no answer for this, and while I looked at her, I asked, “excuse me?” “I love you, I want you to be my boyfriend,” she said, and while I looked at her, I couldn’t believe that this has happened, and while my mind still processed her words, she looked at me, and then she said, “so what is your answer?” ------------------------- Daily upload at 8:30 and 18:00(server time) The cover is not mine.

poziomowiec · Urban
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1776 Chs

Sit and eat

When we had come outside Megan looked at me, and then she said, "so let's go."

"OK," I said to her, and when she started walking, I followed her. When we were doing it for some time, we had come to first place after half of an hour of a slow walk. After coming there, we started sightseeing. When this all was happening, we had come outside, while having a small gift from there, and a photo. After having this, we sit, and while I could see that she doesn't want me to walk all around, we had spent time there for some time. When this was happening, we had to get up after fifteen minutes, and then we walked to another one. While we were doing it, we had come to the centre of the city, in which we were staying, and while being there, she said: "oh, wait a moment."

"OK," I said, and while I looked at her walking inside one shop. When this was happening, I checked if phones I have with me, and while having them, and other things, a smile shows up on my face. While having it, I waited for her to come back. When she walked out, I looked at her, and while she had some balls in a small carton, she said: "Oh, let's sit and eat."

"OK," I said, and when we walked to the closest bench, which takes us around ten minutes of searching. After we finally sit on it. Megan opened the box once again, and while seeing food, she started eating while giving me, too. While testing it, I could feel that it's too sweet for me. While we were eating for some time, we had done it, and then we stayed in this place for some time. At one point, we get up and come back to walking. While doing it, we visited the next place, and then lunch has come. While having time for it, Megan chooses and started walking to one restaurant. After coming there, she ordered something, and while we talked for a short amount of time, food has come. While seeing grilled fish in front of me, I started eating it. When this all was happening, the portion in front of me wasn't so big, but after eating it all, I know one thing, and it's that I can't fit anything more from food in now.

After we had done, she said, "so we will continue our walk."

"Oh, we can," I said while not feeling pain in my leg yet, and while we walked out, we continued walking around. While doing it, we had visited another place. After once again, she had bought some souvenir, and we make a few photos, and when this has happened, the last destination is waiting for us, and we will do a triangle.

While we were walking there slowly, I could feel the pain growing, and while feeling it, I said while seeing the bench, "let's take a break."

"OK," she said, and as we walked there, we had to sit, and while she moved closer to me, she asked, "knee?"

"Yes," I said, and when she nodded, she said, "I will be back soon."

"OK," I said, and when she disappeared for some time, she had come back with ice, and when I put it closer to my knee. When I grabbed it from her hand, I kept it there until the ice melted, and water from it becomes which to help with nothing. While having now, a bag full of water, I just hide it in a small bag, as maybe I will use it later after hiding in the freezer, and we continued our walk.

When this all was happening, we had visited the last place, and after this, she makes the last picture, and then we walked back to the hotel while in the middle. We take a break for dinner, which I almost didn't touch as I was full still from lunch. While the boss looked at me, she somehow took it out. While we walked slowly back, we had come inside our place, and when she looked at me, her phone started ringing. After hearing it, she looked at it and then said, "mom."

"Oh OK," I said while looking at her, and when she answered, I walked to the side, to not listen to what she is talking about. After coming there, I looked at the sky. She comes back. While doing it, I did not know how long I was doing it, but then I could hear doors open. After hearing it, her words come not long after: "good, that excuses exist."

"That's good," I said to her, and when she sits on my right legs, she kisses me, and then she hugged me. When this has happened, we stay like that for some time, and after she realized me, I walked to heat food from dinner when she focused on her laptop. After doing it, I eat, and while looking from time to time at what she is doing, I could see that she is checking something about other branches. While this all was happening, I had done eating, and when I started checking emails if some new one had come. As I was doing it, I could see normal reports, nothing more.

After I had done, she has done too, and when she lay on my shoulder, she started TV, and like that, we watched what was there. When this all was happening, night slowly had come, and after eating supper, she walked to use the outside bath. As I waited for her to come back, as I had plans to use it too. As I was waiting, she had come back. While seeing it, I walked there to use it. After coming there, I could feel nice during the bath there. As I enjoyed it so much, a smile shows up on my face as minor pain, which was coming from my knee, disappeared. After I spend a long time there, while almost falling asleep, I had walked out, and after drying and changing from swimsuit to pyjama, I come back to the bedroom. After coming there, I lay in my place. When I had done this, a hug come. While feeling it, we stayed like that for some time. I could feel that she has fallen asleep while lying almost on me. As I had problems with falling asleep. As I was looking around and her peaceful breath goes on my chest at one point, I have fallen asleep but not understanding how long it took me.