
Secretary of the Empress

Fame. Money. Love. All of this, Joe had for eighteen years, of his life. Until a tragic accident happened before the peak of his football career. Which destroyed it in only a few seconds. When everyone loved him, they left him alone, broken in a hospital bed. Before he could come back, he lost the last members of his family. Then his former club comes with allegations, of a broken contract from his fault, and he lost all the earned money. He was left, with nothing. For eight years, he lived from day to day studying, working, having rehabilitation for his injured knee. As they say, what one time is taken, is given back. As he accidentally becomes secretary of Megan Clark by everyone called Empress. His life changed drastically after it. He found love in his boss, who first say these words to him. ‘Secretary of the Empress’ is a story about love, which slowly grows in the main characters. Because of many things which they will meet in their journey of revenge and protecting each other. -------------------- While now great view on sky and city below show up, boss turned to me, and when she looked at my eyes, she said: “Joe, I have something to tell you.” “Yes, boss,” I said while looking at her eyes, and when she walked closer to me, we looked at each other eyes. She said, “I like you.” While hearing her words, I had no answer for this, and while I looked at her, I asked, “excuse me?” “I love you, I want you to be my boyfriend,” she said, and while I looked at her, I couldn’t believe that this has happened, and while my mind still processed her words, she looked at me, and then she said, “so what is your answer?” ------------------------- Daily upload at 8:30 and 18:00(server time) The cover is not mine.

poziomowiec · Urban
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1761 Chs


When we were in the restaurant, I looked at the boss, and when I moved the umbrella a little. When I had done this, I left it there after closing doors, and I walked after her as she didn't look at me. When we come to one room, we were greeted by men there and when we had done this meeting started. As it was ongoing, they talked about many kinds of stuff, and as orders come, I was the only one who orders nothing.

As this meeting was going on, I remembered what was going on and what was more important. We spend their longer time than we expected as a new deal needed to be printed and someone come here with it.

While having it, I checked it with the old one, and now no mistakes were there, boss signed it. When we walked out after this, I looked at the boss, and then I said: "I will be back soon, I need to use the bathroom."

"OK," she said to me, and when I walked there and done what I needed, I could hear the voice of men with whom we had a meeting, "I didn't expect her to find it."

"Me too," his assistant or vice said and then first said, "so now what?"

"We need to do something," the other said, and while hearing it, I walked out, and when they saw me, I looked at them, and when I washed my hands, I could see that they run away. While seeing it, I wanted to laugh at this, but I stopped myself, and when I go out, I looked at the boss who was talking on her phone. When I come to her, she has done, and she said: "know what."

"Another meeting," I said while taking paper, and when I show it to her, she nodded, and she said, "let's go."

"OK," I said, and then we walked out, and as no rain was now, we go to the car, and then we got another one. While being there, it was a short one as it, was about continuing with the company to keep the contract, as they wanted to have more time than it was in the original one, to which the boss agrees, but the penalty they will need to pay, five thousand each day which goes. First, it was ten thousand, but she went down after small talks. When we had done this, and once again, walk to the car, I looked at the boss, and then I said, "next one in an hour in the company."

"OK, we're going back there," the boss said, and when we come there, after twenty minutes, I followed her, and as we come to the top floor, she looked at me, and she said, "take a break."

"I will soon," I said to her, and when I walked to my room, I looked at pills that Marcus told me to take, and then I take the first part while ending with cold tea, which left in a cup. When I had done it, I come back to work. When I was doing it, I could see that no emails come in time I was out, to which I was happy, so I could do those which I still had. As I was doing it, I had done with two, and then the intercom makes a sound, and boss words go out, "you don't need to go with me."

"OK boss," I said, and then I come back to work.

In CEO office. (Megan POV)

When I contacted Joe, I get up, as now I have a meeting with Sofia as in plans which Joe show me was a mistake. When I get up, I walked to the elevator, and when I go the floor below I go to her office, and when I come there, without knocking, I could see that she was eating. While seeing it, I said, "so what you wanted to talk about."

"Look at yourself," she said, and when she gives me a piece of paper, I looked at it. When I was doing it all was about a piece of land which is located, in not so good area, but from I know, the government has plans for this area in the future. While I looked at it and then on her, I said, "so we should buy it."

"I know but look yourself," she said, and when she moved the monitor to me, I looked at photos of it, and then I said, "forest, some ruins from buildings, we will have problems with cleaning it."

"Yes," she said.

"But still it can't be so difficult, a lot of money can be made from there. As I think now a lot will go there, but the mall and other buildings around will be there," I said, while slowly making plans on what will be there.

"I know, you will say it, so I booked a meeting with the owner," she said.

"So you should go," I said, but when I looked at her, I said, "no, I will go as you will have more work to do."

"Oh, don't be like that," she said.

"I will be," I said while smiling at her. When she saw it, she said "evil."

"Maybe, but I have a clean heart, and what is more important, I'm not making jokes on a friend," I said to her, and when she looked at me, I walked out while saying, "some meetings which I have tomorrow you will need to go oh right and no slacking". When I had done this, I walked back to my office, and while being there, I continue my work. When I was doing it, time passed fast as rest meetings which I have been by phone, and as I was having them I worked too, and as I had done them I walked out as sixteen hits. When I walked to Joe's office, I said: "tomorrow in the morning we are going north."

"OK," he said.

"Be here around six," I said, and when I looked at him, I walked out, and then I go home to rest as tomorrow will be a tiring day.