

Abay felt like he couldn't control his body and it was as if he had been snared by the pair of snake eyes that had just spoken.

The proof was, without being able to stop his feet, he stepped forward towards the bushes which opened a path of their own, making it easier for him to see that there was a hole under the rock.

The snake slithered into the hole.

Abay hesitated, he didn't feel confident that his body, which was quite strong, could fit into a hole that only fit one leg.

But suddenly Abay felt someone pulling his leg and dragging him into the hole.

Abay screamed and tried to see what was wrapped around his right ankle. It turned out to be the tail of a snake and when he felt his body was about to hit the hard rock, he closed his eyes.

"Open your eyes!"

A soft whisper floated into Abay's ear.

Abay opened his eyes and to his surprise, he was in a fairly spacious stone room. He was in another world.

"Who are you? Where am I? What is this place?" Abay asked in succession.

"Me yes I am! Can't you see how beautiful I am? You are also a strange man, what kind of eyes can't you see where you are right now? This place is not your place, but our place!"

Abay was stunned. Instead of getting any information, he became even more confused. His face also changed color

"Hihihi, sorry for your cute face! OK, I'll explain myself. My name is Garini. I'm a waiter at this place, oh, I'm also the snake you met earlier." Garini looked at Abay.

"Snake? You're a snake? Ah, you're lying! The proof is that you're very beautiful, like an angel!" Abay doesn't believe it.

"Hihihi, wait until you meet Nyi Malini, your eyes will definitely jump out!" Garini's cheeks turned red.

"Who is Mrs Malini?" Abay asked interestedly.

"She is our Queen. A snake fairy who can give you wealth easily. It's not like you want to be rich, right? That's why I invited you in. But..." When she stopped talking, Garini's eyes flashed red.

Abay's heart shuddered, his body trembled.

"We will not force you to enter into contracts and agreements with the benefit of wealth for you. It's just that, if you refuse, then I, the one who dared to invite you here, will die. Therefore, before I die, I need a travel companion. You understand what I mean, right? ?" Garini asked firmly.

Abay swallowed his saliva. He didn't expect that his presence, being forced in, would actually cause his soul to disappear.

"This is my fault. I should have let you come alone and ask to meet Nyi Malini, then carry out a ritual to make contact so that your get-rich-quick dream is fulfilled. If you like the conditions, you can continue. If not, that's fine. It's just that, "We just moved to this hill. There's no one to act as an intermediary yet. Now, since I invited you in... then there are three choices for you!" said Garini.

"What is that choice?" Abay asked without thinking.

"Hihihi, wait a minute! There's no need to rush!"

"Why?" Abay asked in surprise.

"Your body stinks! There is a pool of water there, take a shower and clean your body. I'll talk while accompanying you in the shower." Garini pointed behind Abay.

Abay looked back. Behind the mattress hanging and tied to root ropes, there is a box-shaped water pool. The pool is not too big and seems only enough for one person to soak.

"Come on, take off your clothes!" Garini ordered.

"In front of you?' Abay's face turned red.

Garini laughed, then he moved his hand as if he was grabbing something in the air.

Abay screamed, then he ran towards the pool. Because the clothes on his body suddenly shattered into pieces.

Garini chuckled amusedly. He walked slowly towards the pool, where Abay had entered.

In the pool, Abay felt how fresh and fragrant the pool water was. Then he looked at Garini who was coming. He quickly buried his body, but couldn't. Because the depth of the pool was not much and to be able to hide his entire body, he had to bend even tighter. Even though he was sitting in the pool with his knees bent.

"Those three options, you can bargain on the conditions given by Nyi Malini and you can have gold that can make you rich and this is the first option. Next, you can refuse by sacrificing me and yourself, I don't think you will be that evil to make "I died with a body and face this beautiful. I'm still too young to die!" Garini squatted in front of Abay at the edge of the pool.

Garini's hand went into the pool and deliberately stroked Abay's calf.

Abay's body trembled. He felt his lust rise because of the soft touch of Garini's fingers. But he tried to survive.

"What is the third option?" Abay asked to ward off his lust which had begun to rise.

"Oh, that last one... you become the caretaker and look for people to ally with Nyi Malini. But you won't get anything, except the kindness of the people you bring! It's just that, you can't make an agreement with them "As far as I know, being a caretaker for us means you'll be poor. It's a loss, isn't it?" Garini smiled sweetly.

"Yes, it's a big loss! But..." Abay shivered because the touch of Garini's fingers wouldn't stop. Now his right shoulder is the target.

"But what?"

"You said you guys just moved. What happened to the old place?" Abay asked.

"Oh, Nyi Malini has just been released by our most majestic and greatest Queen. The Queen who not only controls the sea, but the surrounding land. Nyi Malini was given full power to establish her own kingdom and of course remains under the supervision of our great Queen!" explained Garini without covering it up.

"Who is your greatest Queen?" Abay asked.

"Garini, are my first guests ready?"

"Well, listen to that! Nyi Malini has called and is waiting for you!" Garini pinched Abay's cheek.

Abay also heard that the voice asking about his condition sounded really melodious. But he didn't see who was talking, because there were only him and Garini in the room.

"Come on, finish your shower. Get dressed on the bed and meet Nyi Malini. But remember, my soul is in your hands and vice versa!" Garini then left. But not walking on his feet.

Abay was shocked because he saw Garini creeping with his big tail.

Abay's heart shuddered. But he was confused about how to make a decision. Accepting Nyi Malini's conditions will make him rich according to his heart's desires and make it easier for him to meet Dina. Rejecting the offer, he will sacrifice two lives, his and Garini's. Choosing the latter to be the caretaker, he will still live in poverty.

Abay couldn't make a decision yet, but he had to immediately get out of the pool and put on clothes, because the pool water suddenly started to get hot and smelled a little rotten.