
Secret wife of Devil

Aria was a beautiful blonde with a petite figure. She just completed her secondary education and was about to get admitted to her university but something unfortunate happened. Someone kidnapped her who turns out to be a man she dated once. Aria tried to question him why he kidnapped her but that man slapped contract marriage papers on her face. Helpless Aria had no choice other than sign the contract marriage. After she signed the contract, that man introduced himself as Mafia Boss Felix Floyen of Floyen House. World's wealthiest and scariest Mafia Boss who was known for his merciless killer personality. Later on Aria started harboring feelings for Felix. She fell in love with him. When everything was going fine, Felix Floyen's dad Adrian Floyen kidnapped Aria. He wanted to meet his daughter-in-law but his son Felix never thought of it. It turns out Felix Floyen is the step uncle of Aria. She's the illegitimate granddaughter of Adrian Floyen. How will their relationship turn on from here? Note: No incest, no rape.

Heartless_queen · Urban
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19 Chs

Chapter 7 (Part 2)

"Aria gets ready to go to the University".

In the morning. Her maids come to wake her up.

Luna ( smiling & calmly): Good morning ma'am!

Olivia (smiling & calmly): Ma'am! The sun is shining in the sky.

Aria Floyen (confidentially): Oh! Today is my first day of University.

Luna and Olivia (smiling & calmly): Yes, ma'am!

Aria Floyen (confidentially): Luna my bath is ready!

Luna ( calmly): Yes, ma'am.

Olivia (calmly & fastly): Ma'am, your dress is ready.

Aria Floyen (fastly): Luna come and help me.

Luna (calmly): Yeah! Ma'am..

She takes her bath and comes out of the washroom. Luna and Olivia helped her get dressed. Now , she was going to have her breakfast. She entered the dining room. There was only her.

Aria Floyen (sweetly & surprise): Is sir Felix not here?

Luna (calmly): Today, sir Felix has some important meetings.

Aria Floyen (surprise): Who's going to leave me at the university?

Luna and Olivia (calmly): I don't know. But sir Felix has told someone.

Aria Floyen ( mind): Okay! Never mind.

Now, she is done with her breakfast. And she was going outside the mansion. There was a Rolls Royce…a luxury car. And someone was waiting inside the car for her. After seeing her, that person came out of the car. She knows who that person was. He was the person who had gone with her to her family.That man started to say.

ETHAN: 7"2 inches tall , muscular body pack with broad shoulders and light brown eyes, black hairs . Having thin attractive lips. He was the most trusted person of Felix.

Ethan (cold): Ma'am,my name is Ethan. And today onwards, I'm going to leave and receive you from the university.

Aria Floyen (annoyed & awkward): Nice to meet you sir Ethan.

Ethan (cold): It's getting late ma'am! Please come.

Aria Floyen ( mind): Once again! I have to go with this man. But never mind..he's just going to leave me and pick me up from the university.

Aria Floyen (sweetly): Yah! Of course.

Then, Ethan pulls out the door of the car and she gets inside the car.

Ethan (cold): Ma'am,put on the car's belts.

Aria Floyen (in attitude): I know that! You don't need to tell me.

She was annoyed by this man. Because she was irritated with this man. He behaves like an old man.

But, she has forgotten to put on the car belts. It has been many years since she has not gotten into the car so she forgot.

Aria Floyen (talking to herself): Oh! What should I do? I don't know how to put the car belts.

Aria Floyen ( mind): I ask him to help me. No, I've rejected him then how.

Then she put the car belts by tieing. She was sitting in front of the car seat next to him.

Ethan (cold): Ma'am, have you done!

Aria Floyen ( irritating): Yes, I'm done.

Aria Floyen ( mind): Is he blind or what? Doesn't he recognise that I have not put the car belts properly.

He started to drive the car. The car was going at full speed. But , she was not afraid. Then, suddenly she fell on Ethan and her one hand was on his muscular chest. And the other hand on his muscular arms.

Aria Floyen (in low voice): O- Ouch!

He stops the car. And started to say are you okay ma'am?He was holding her in his muscular arms.

Ethan (cold & serious): Are you okay ma'am? Didn't you get hurt anywhere!

Aria Floyen (awkward): ( By getting away from him)  No, I'm fine.

Ethan (cold & strange feeling): Ma'am, I have told you to tie up the seat belts.

Aria Floyen (sweetly & loud voice): Are you blind? Have you not seen that I don't know how to put on the seat belts?

Ethan (cold): Ma'am, you told me that you know…that's why I did not help you.

Aria Floyen (in attitude): Okay fine! Help me now fast…I'm getting late.

Then after that Ethan helps her to put on the seat belts. He started to drive the car. And in a few minutes they reached the university. Now, he gets out of the car to help her.

Ethan (cold): Please, come ma'am. We have reached the university.

Aria Floyen (happily): Yeah! I have reached.

Then Ethan gets inside the car and is gone.

When she reached the university all the girls there were looking at her in a strange way. Then from a crowd a girl came out. Her name was Jenny. She has been Aria's best friend since childhood.

JENNY: 5"6 inches tall, fair looking girl, with perfect body posture. Having light brown hair with light green eyes, sharp nose and red rosy lips.

Jenny (smiling): Hello! Aria, how are you?

Aria Floyen (sweetly): Hey, Jenny! I'm fine…what about you?

Jenny (smiling & happily): I'm also fit and fine.

Then they both started talking to each other.

Suddenly, the students of the University started shouting. Wow, they're coming. Please all of us be aside, give space.

Aria Floyen (confused & irritated): For whom ! Is there any prince or what?

Jenny(calmly): Aria be quiet! They're the most handsome billionaire's sons.

Aria Floyen(in attitude & fearless): I'm not scared of anyone!

Jenny (calmly): Aria you stay here! I have something to do.

Aria Floyen (in attitude & calmly): Okay dear Jenny go!

Jenny ( a little scared): Aria, please don't do anything!

Aria Floyen (surprised): Don't you believe your best friend Jenny?

Jenny ( calmly): Yah! Of course I believe my best friend…more than myself.

Aria Floyen (in attitude): Then go ! And don't worry too much.

Now,her friend is gone to do some work. Aria was standing there and watching all the students waiting for their charming prince.

Aria Floyen(mind): Are these girls mad for them? Such a shit .

Then outside the university a luxury car stopped. And two handsome young boys came out of the car. They both were looking handsome and stunning at the same time. All the students including girls started cheering for them.

Aria Floyen ( talking to herself): These girls are behaving like that,they have never seen a handsome boy in their life.

To be continued…