
Chapter 97

"Why on earth are you doing this? You say that in front of people right after I give up? Why did you make me give up if you were going to do this? Did you disagree with me just to make me angry?"


Edgar poured a cup of warm water and offered it to her.

"Just calm down."

"I can't calm down! Do you, do you like it when I get mad? Do you want to see me mad? We're not getting mana quartz? What are you talking about? You told me, it's the family's tradition that must be kept and your relatives will be mad if we don't do it."

Edgar glanced at the door that was slightly open. Was it Ann? Or Carl? They were trying to eavesdrop. Rubica's yelling was going out through that crack and echo in the hallway. Edgar decided to use that.

"So what? I don't care about my relative's opinion. I'm the duke. And as the duke, I have the duty to do what I believe is right. Even if it's a tradition, I must get rid of it if it's wrong."