
Chapter 108

"I will discuss this with the duke when he comes back. Lord Zilehan, even if I decide to not follow his will, I have a duty to tell him about it first."

"Your Grace! Now isn't the time for that."

Zilehan glared at Rubica on purpose. She could see he was trying to pick a fight with her, so she didn't get mad and glared back at him like an idiot. Instead, she looked down.

Then, she tried to recall the sad and painful things she had witnessed. She was sorry to use the noble people who had sacrificed themselves for others to put an act. However, as she was stopping people from dying for nothing, they wouldn't mind.

First, she recalled a child who had covered her little sister from the bombs. Then, a mother who tried to breastfeed her baby while dying. Then, a father who volunteered to join the army for his family.

War was were the humans' evilest side was shown. But, at the same time, humans' best side was also there. Her eyes became teary in less than ten seconds.