
Secret Tail

What would you do if on your sixteenth birthday you found out you were something magical from a fairytale, the impossible suddenly became a reality. Chloe Blake woke up on her birthday thinking it was like every other day only to grow a tail. She discovered she had great powers but with it came great responsibilities, a family she never new she had, enemies trying to kill her so they could absorb her power and take her position. As if that was not hectic enough a soul mate she never expected or even thought existed popped in to lay his claim. All these in just an average day in Chloe Blakey’s life, only her courage, bravery and passion will give her the strength to face every challenge that she will encounter on her way to discovering her origins and finding happily ever after.

Jenssy1 · Fantasy
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22 Chs


I have kept all these changes a secret from my friends and family as much as I could although it was difficult to do so, I had taken to bringing my own water to school and anywhere I go to and for the physical part they just assumed puberty visited me all over again. Everything has been going well so far but today I could not just help feeling restless. I woke up this morning feeling uncomfortable in my own skin like there was something I should be doing that I was not. Since then, the feeling has not reduced but rather it increased two times, I found myself many times today taping my feet without my knowledge in class and it was only when the person sitting close to me gave me a dirty or weird look that I would realize what I was doing.

          During lunch, I forced myself to eat my lunch quietly and tried to act as normal as possible throughout the day but I could not keep my attention there long enough, I knew I had to be somewhere and my body wanted to take me there. Katie and Jane tried to ask me what was wrong but I could not give them any answer. After school, I ran all the way home instead of riding with Katie like I normally did. A journey that would have taken me twenty minutes took me just five and I was not tired or even out of breath by the end of it.

         That evening after dinner, I felt something calling me and when I looked outside, I saw the moon and my gaze was captured. It was a full moon and it had never looked so beautiful to me before. It was like I was no longer myself and before I knew it, I had climbed out my window and was heading for the beach.

            As soon as I laid my eyes on the ocean, it felt like I was home. I took off my clothes and walked into the water, when I was deep enough for the water to get to my waist, I felt an intense pain in my spine and it spread out to the different parts of my body. I let out a loud scream because of the pain and fell into the water. Rolling around, I tried to stop the pain but it did not work.

          After what felt like an eternity and when I had lost the strength to scream, the pain started reducing and I was left with a feeling of comfort so deep that it was unexplainable. It was like a heavy weight had been lifted from me and I let out a sigh in contentment. This was when I opened my eyes and saw that I was deep in the ocean, the waves had probably carried me out while I was distracted.

          Looking around I saw a tail attached to my body from the waist down, it was as blue as the ocean, the same color as the scales. It was covered with scales, the scales also covered my breast and a little part of my stomach with lighter and transparent ones on my arms, from my elbow down to my finger which was a little webbed.

           I took in a deep breath but I was not as surprised as I should have been because subconsciously, I think I was expecting this. I realized I was breathing under water, but it felt weird, like it was not my nose working and I saw that those slits on the top of my waist were moving up and down, so those are gills I thought to myself. I used my hands to feel my face and hair if there were any other changes, I could tell that my ears were curved and longer but I would need a mirror to see the extent of the difference and I could also feel a slit at the back of both my ears which I guessed were gills.

                  I am a freaking mermaid, I let out a squeal and swirled in the ocean, this is so cool. After swimming for a while in the sea, I returned to our special cove. This was when it occurred to me that I had a tail and I could not go home with one, everyone would consider me a freak and I will probably find myself locked up in a lab somewhere if I was not careful. I recalled what had happened with my scales and how they usually appeared when I touched water but disappeared when I was dry.

                I looked around to make sure that there was nobody near me just to be safe before I pulled myself out of the water with my hands. As soon as I left the water, my tail disappeared and I was left with the normal blue scales. I let out a sigh in relief and stood up to look for any abandoned clothes around the beach because I was naked and I definitely could not go home like that and I don't remember where I left my clothes.

Thank you for reading, please comment and tell me what you think...............