
Song Jai

Chapter 70


Upon returning to the city, Ma Liling decided to go to the company and report to her boss first. She was a bit exhausted after that fight and so she wanted to lie down a bit.

When Yi Beiwei saw her she immediately walk towards Ma Liling and hugged her.

"I am sorry, I did not know that this would happen. If I've known I would not have asked you to return sooner." Yi Beiwei said with a worried and sad expression.

Ma Liling removed her thick coat and then lay down on the sofa.

"I need some rest… My hands are sore…" Ma Liling said as she massages her arms.

"Who told you to fight anyway? You're a girl and a superstar for crying out loud. I have not seen any woman in the showbiz that's like you." Yi Beiwei said with a tone of scolding at the same time fascination.

She knew that Ma Liling likes to practice martial arts even before she joined the entertainment industry. The reason why she became famous is that she would always do her own stunts.

Plus her reflexes seem to be above normal as she would always see any accidents in the set and would be able to save herself every time.

"I know… I know… If I have a choice, I would not want to fight. But, in certain cases, I have to… So…"

"Okay, I know… I think you are in the wrong industry. You should be a bodyguard, or a soldier or something…"


The two of them talk and at the same time laughed inside the office. They discussed her next projects and what they should do since the scandal that somewhat 'banned' her is now gone.

A few weeks later…

Ma Liling went with her manager just finished a photo shoot and is currently taking a break in a restaurant.

At this time, in the airport, the 2nd son of the Song family, Song Jai, arrived with his bodyguard. As soon as he arrives, he immediately went to visit his brother.

While abroad he heard what had happened to him and instead of consoling his youngest brother, he despised the guy instead.

How could he stoop so low as to fight against a makeup artist and shame himself? Though he wanted to teach that woman a lesson, he decided that it is below him to do such an act. Instead, he is interested in a particular female who became well-known in the entertainment industry, in the country, and also abroad.

So he asked his bodyguard to get the information on where the woman is currently is.

After 30 minutes, they left and directly went to a restaurant in the city.

After entering the restaurant with his sharp eyes, Song Jai immediately saw Ma Liling and her manager eating at a table by the window.

"Hi…" he said as he walks closer to them and carefully taking a seat and sitting next to Ma Liling's manager.

"I'm Song Jai, the 2nd son of the Song family… I just came back to the city and discovered a great treasure that it possessed. I am truly awed…" he said with eloquent speech.

Manager Lan was a bit taken aback and wanted to say something, but stopped as the handsome young man extended his hand to her.

"You are?" Song Jai asked with a gentle smile.

Lan Quibing did not expect to see such a handsome man offering to shake her hand. She was a bit taken aback. Although she is already married, it did not mean that she is oblivious to handsome men. She could not deny the fact that this man named Song Jai is one of the most handsome men she has ever seen so far.

"Lan… I mean… I'm Lan Quibing the manager of Ma Liling… How may we help you sir?" she asked politely after the introduction.

"Hehe… I'm just here to see the woman that I, Song Jai, have taken a fancy of."

"Excuse me?" Lan Quibing could not believe the air of superiority in this guy.

She could not deny that he is really handsome but his air of arrogance made her uncomfortable being with the guy.

"You are Miss Ma Liling, right? The angel of the entertainment industry… The goddess amongst men. And I… am one of your admirers…"

He said with fervor and a glint of desire in his eyes. But his cool demeanor made it looks like he has the right to say such a thing.

Those women on the side who are hearing this could not help but show their glistening eyes as they feel that the man is very romantic.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Song." Ma Liling said politely.

Seeing that the woman he fancied says his name Song Jai suddenly grabs his chest as if he was hit by the arrow of love from cupid.

"The voice is perfect, the beauty is supreme… Truly lovely, truly beautiful…" he said with an admiring gaze.

"Miss Ma… it would be my honor if I can have lunch with you… My treat…" he said confidently.

Upon hearing this, Ma Liling and Lan Quibing look at each other and then at the empty plates in front of them.

They have already eaten their lunch, can't he see that? But it seems that this guy is oblivious to this fact, so Ma Liling decided to break it to him.

"Sorry, Mr. Song, we already had our lunch…"

"Huh? Oh, that's okay… How about dinner? We can go to another restaurant; I know this fancy restaurant that serves…"

"Mr. Song, you are very kind. However, we still have a job to do… Sorry…" Lan Quibing said.

The two women stood up from their seats. However, the bodyguard behind Song Jai suddenly blocked their path.

"Mr. Song, what is the meaning of this?" Lan Quibing asked with a stern expression.

"Sigh… I just wanted to invite you to have a meal with me. Is it really that hard to accommodate your fan, Miss Ma Liling?" Song Jai said with a sly smile on his face as he sits comfortably on the chair.

"We still have a photoshoot, we could not be late. Please be reasonable…" Lan Quibing said with a worried expression.

She could not believe that someone would suddenly look for them for trouble only after one week of Ma Liling's comeback.

"I should have checked the calendar if it is my unlucky day today…" Lan Quibing thought.

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