
Secret Plan Inn

"You are not a god to judge, you are not a father to punish." Committing a crime in King Gustaf's Kingdom is a crime. Secret Plan Inn The love volume about love, rights and justice. Miss Pan Varke is a transgender every time looking for an adventure with her big bull in Thailand. Our Ban Toya is a hard man to deal with from Latvia. Bradley Mat is a true Congolese man out there to fight neo-feudalism and racism. They have a true friend Renato Olympo from Lithuania. Author was inspired to write from my personal relationship lesson. He had to develop from an amazing love story he researched from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Author dedicates his work to his past fiance, she could earn his forgiveness because as much there is love there is hate.The best wishes from a dedicated family. The story is written from true facts.

Audrius_Razma · Fantasy
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70 Chs

Sadist Masochist Union

The Virgin of Parasites had her journey continue.

"She should spread her legs."

"Come on covron. It was a long flight. You should pound her good."

"Hahaha...it feels great."

A Spanish man is looking back at a Polish man while he is on top of a woman spreading her dress skirt open on a leather sofa.

Miss Pan Narak is thinking why it is taking so long.

"The ones that will happen, they still can. How long can he still be pumping in me?"

"I was wondering how long I keep hitting this Thai waste. It's like dead meat."

He brushes off the towel forehead and disposes of it in a waste container. He throws used protection spandex pieces.

"Amigos, did polish man like you hid his head under the bed when these cock terrorists broke in?"

"Hey Pan Narak, show them how big dick you need."

She lifts her t-shirt to show her breasts to his guests.

"You see she got it. Now off to your Sunday temple."

"Si amigos. I left my wife and daughter in Spain because there is no better fuck in Thailand."

"Yeh she was great but not like Lithuanian President's wife. She was a one hell of a ride in her."

"Kurva blat you had told me you did her. How was it?"

"She kicked a little but was a great joy in Lithuanian Capital hotel. I turned her in to my sex toy in the hotel room while her husband was singing karaoke in the bar."

"I must confess I have known you for a long time as a polish pervert but I am sure you are quite some amigos when it comes to focking possies."

"Let's drink to that and open another couple bottles of corona."

"Na zdrovju."

"Kepaso amigos."

They hit their bottle necks.

"I wonder who would win if Miss Narak would fight versus Taiwanese female soldiers?"

"I would fock them all amigos."


Her University Group fellow students were praying under the image of her naked in between love fruit.

It was said it will raise the spirits of fertility spirits in their makeshift library corner temporary temple they built to explore the origin of orgy studies group.

"Oh our god of fertility, please, allow our spirits to see her before our eyes. We know she is the best in our lives."

They were kneeling and throwing chicken blood off wooden spoons on her picture from her personal research album.

"We should have this body by the fire!" They chanted in chorus.

One was from a Korean student exchange programme and rest native future teachers.

She was coming back from her meeting with her polish sex Lord.

It was great. He paid her in advance a couple thousand baht to see him pleasure her business partner.

He said he had a long flight and felt exhausted after a long haul jet lag in time difference from Spain to Thailand.

She felt exhausted learning her Master Degree in Teaching Foreign Students Speaking English.

It was not long before she returned back to campus to join her university Grand Project Research Group.

She was thinking about her Ban Toya above all, how to let him know she was engaged to Yuri Tilsi because he pays her good money.

She did prefer Ban Toya to have her feel great rather than a poor guy from Georgia in her bedroom.

But how she was able to let him know she was a man one day before she turned to a woman and about her career in legit business man club.

She knew she would never give birth to a child but she felt so great about cheating men in her bedroom letting them know she could love them.

"It is narak ka, those boys think they can play apple pineapple pen with me feeling tempted to wear protection to avoid me pregnant. Those students, lecturers, men in the street I find amusing."

Miss Pan Narak held her hand grip tighter on her sedan driving it much faster than before.

"Oh I forgot I have got no license yet. I think I should visit my driving instructor to have it printed for me while I see him under the table to scratch my tooth."

She remembers how not long ago it was she had him sweat in her dad's car back seat to convince this fool to have him make it for her.

Miss Pan Narak said after she gave him some money from her dad's welfare bank account it was designed for the homeless or severely ill to assist them in awful living conditions, she was now seducing government driving instructors kissing and showing her money behind her new car she cheated out of him.

But suddenly it brought her new past experience, how Ban Toya brought her to a zoo to see a group of tigers and lions while he was rubbing her in between to see her smile for the camera to take a group photograph.

"Yes it was a great experience, but now I must drive to my research study group to offer my prayers."

She was thinking which first fellow student will feel brave to have first and who will be second approaching her from side twisting her sideways to have their spiritual engagement complete. They could speak space about their origin of orgy.

Her heart felt broken and at the same time singing she made good money.

"Impossible." Miss Pan Narak spoke while behind the steering wheel of her new red car.


"I sometimes go to light incense at Chinese Buddhist temples rather than Thai Buddhist temples. Do not tell my mother."

Ban Toya in the corner of the temple pulls out his large love saber before her eyes.

"You can light this incentive smell."

She felt focus and had her mouth round it looking at it going in forcing her out her breathing like her lungs are collapsing.

She had it out for a moment to catch her breath feeling her saliva running off her jaw.

"Blat, you got arsonist jaws babe. You have it now back inside it."

He forces her to unload his daily worries in the project team office, overseeing her cute looking face and sucking it looking straight in his eyes.

When he walks away to have him questioned and handcuffed, throwing in a police vehicle reading him his Miranda rights to remain silent under the charges of cocaine raid bust.

He made his last call to his cousin in BKK Central.

"I was busted like a narco baron here for a cocaine paradise. You have to know."

"What do you mean you do not know?"

"Have them all killed, blat!"

He shuts his last call in the police station before he boards express transport to Northern Chiang Mai Central.


Marciuzawa's brother screams in central Bangkok turning in a circle holding a bottle of local Thai beer.

"Somebody give me Taiwanese Tampo."

Renato Olympo sitting behind the bar stool with Marciuzawa are blinking at his brother.

"I think we had a great mission even though your brother had great fun."

"Let's drink that mochna."


We can hear bottle necks touching and beers going in their throats without limits the night they felt great they did it once right.

Their smiles high up their cheeks.

"You remember this story once about a dead Korean in my garage."

"Let's leave it aside, maybe our children will figure it out."

They continue to celebrate their remaining vacation under the stars with palm trees with Thai massage women in bikinis drinking local rice whiskey.

But they felt sad, unable to reach our Ban Toya.


Ban Toya was arrested in Songrak festival because Miss Narak's school lover, the police sergeant, felt he should repay her debt.

He set him under false charges for handling and attempting to sell A Class Narcotics.

"You will be in two weeks, Mrs Tilsi. You should now not worry about this farang. I will help you."

He was putting uniform pants on remembering their good times, assisting her once more in her trials of her love triangle.

"I feel so sorry for him but it is impossible for me to tell him I was just a holiday girlfriend."

When Yuri Tilsi felt great she got an obstacle out of his way to have her feeling him in her bedroom.

"It is like I told you Si Si the Biatch Slayer. She did like I said and Latvian stud was nothing. We Georgian's are a great conspiracy machine when it comes to women."

"Yes my big bull you just felt great between my legs. I know how to make you come twice. "

"Yes they were not aware we were working for US intelligence services with Miss Pan Narak to break the kingdom apart like I just took you apart."

"It was just a sad-poor little girl who had all the dicks in but no clues. She was a US intelligence whore."

"We sell her later to the sharks once I finish my fish dinner with you."

"Yes you, love, my Yuri Tilsi, the real possy intelligence."

He rubs his hand over her love part feeling still moist from his last two shots.

Mr Tilsi uncovers their bed sheets and has her groom once more before he is married, it would feel right to compare after.

They felt great in Krabi Motel; their Dutch King of Crime arranged for them to be filmed in.

He could find a way to blackmail them, increasing his pervert collection of summer love.

"I would love to see you right the third time. I feel my Georgian Bull is out for the thirds."

She climbs on top to see if he is ready to go again and can feel a hard pulse under her groin feeling if she knows what body language it spoke to her.

"Yes, slide me in. I can set you free."

It was telling her to spread her underwear apart to have it inside so she could have his third engagement night load in her.

She could climb the mountain training her hips up and low before she strokes him up.

They were watching Ban Toya's sex tape they blackmailed her emotionally to believe in her brazen head she should have him sabotaged before her wedding night with her Georgian Yuri Tilsi.

It was great having Yuri Tilsi in her legs holding her up like on a spike watching his chest forcing her up and low.

Si Si the Biatch Slayer felt no remorse riding her fellow agent from a polish pervert legit businessman club.

He was all hers tonight and any time she sends him a message to talk over another secret meeting to plot and plan her sabotage.

"Ahh...yes Yuri!" She was screaming, smiling and looking above him.

"You can do it, force it more. Yes, you make me cum. Oh yes. You had me twice make it third."

She knew Miss Pan Narak was no competition field agent and she was about to get rid of her once time came right and she had enough of her Georgian Bull.

She was happy enough Miss Pan Narak had her part in assisting to sabotage Thai Monarchy but it went off the plans and Si Si the Biatch Slayer had to cut her ties loose.

"I am glad I am a nurse and can count his pulse before he unloads it to me."

"I have these kurvas." A Polish pervert spits on the floor.

"They will know my name is Podlas Pirdila."

Meanwhile our Ban Toya is sitting chained in his express seat to Prison thinking how sadistic life can turn out.

"One moment the hottest Thai flower was licking it hard, another I am going nowhere for something I never knew I have done. Blat, I miss Power Punch Radio in Riga."

He knew one day he would come back and show the world it is not good to hate strong men.

He felt right in his heart he never did wrong and he will live his life not allowing others to live his.

"I will look in the eyes of fools to let them know I am back."


"Hey Tom Powers, it brings back days watching those arousing young swallowers."

"Yes amigos even polish pervert knows whose face fall in his dogs piss from one punch while one retard made his caterpillar pregnant in his own bathtub."