
Secret Plan Inn

"You are not a god to judge, you are not a father to punish." Committing a crime in King Gustaf's Kingdom is a crime. Secret Plan Inn The love volume about love, rights and justice. Miss Pan Varke is a transgender every time looking for an adventure with her big bull in Thailand. Our Ban Toya is a hard man to deal with from Latvia. Bradley Mat is a true Congolese man out there to fight neo-feudalism and racism. They have a true friend Renato Olympo from Lithuania. Author was inspired to write from my personal relationship lesson. He had to develop from an amazing love story he researched from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Author dedicates his work to his past fiance, she could earn his forgiveness because as much there is love there is hate.The best wishes from a dedicated family. The story is written from true facts.

Audrius_Razma · Fantasy
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70 Chs

I am so fine

Ban Toya's fun in Thai Prison with the good times crew was when she loved her business.

Her good business attracted her school students' rich fathers and younger university students who were great pass time players.

The modern and erratic love teacher before she needs to relax with a good massage and one day she dies.

He was locked up sharing a prison cell with Thai protesters.

He walks in drinking his morning coffee to learn the cup broke.

"You like Cafe?"

"You think this is the wild west!?"

He smacks one across the face with his palm slapping the protester hard across the face.

"You broke my cup here protesting?"

The biggest one was sitting in his bunk bed. "You stay quiet, farang."

He was looking away, speaking without holding his gaze to our Ban Toya.

"My cup fell and you think I am in a cafe, bIat. You focking native fleeces I show you who is a bad fock in here."

He took a mug without a remaining handle with black coffee residue and smacked it in his teeth hoping it would brighten up his smile.

They were red vest freedom protesters. He took them out like garbage off the balcony to a plastic bin box below and he binned them one after another.

"Blat, I told you I am not in a good mood! You focking short eyes, idiots."

He walks in before the prison guard runs to him.

"I fock your whores and you talk shat to me in here. I focked you guys too."

They had nothing impossible in BKK Central Prison for inmates within the high risk category.

"You just wait, I will come out of my cell once more or find you sitting in here. I break you more like whores sucked my dick outside prison gates."

He then thought once more who was the mysterious angel who was riding him in the middle of his dream and who now was sleeping with Miss Pan Narak in her bed.

"It was a great possy but it is lost now. I think losers will be focking her now, blat "

He applied for a retrial of his fake case. They made him look like he sold a lot of A class drugs.

He was hoping his cousin Igno Bazuka was looking for evidence.

"They were total willful Frankenstein dicks, blat."


She is stabbed to death in a street alley by Igno Bazuka blade out BKK Central.

"You focking biatch I told you to die."

He stabs her three times in the stomach, turns her over and stands holding her neck behind her breathing her neck.

"It is a love message from Ban Toya. You die from the blade you love so much to die."

He pulls his balls close to her evening dress, closing her heavy breathing mouth. She would not be screaming and delivers two final blows in her liver.

He was twisting his love in and out letting her per say virgins blood out under moon shadow in the dark with his unstable blistering mortal hate.

He whispered to her ear her last words.

"You die biatch, you biatch die."

He releases his palm off her cute face and walks and allows her to slump over in the back alley spreading her dead legs open to a first witness to see it.

"That is a proper love."

"You watch closer."

When Si Si opens Yuri Tilsi's eyes with her palms to see his fiance, a homicide victim, she grabs one hand over his balls.

"You see I said she focks good. You see this homeless guy filling in her destiny."

She kisses him on the cheek and rests her neck on his shoulder, smiling and brushing her fingernails over his shoulder feeling his heart vibrating. The biatch Slayer grabs her nails harder in his balls.

"I thought this marriage Sin Sod was to have it only on the ceiling. I did love riding her in her bed and no one would say she was a good ride when she was over you finishing you off."

He places his hand over hand holding his balls and squeezes harder.

Their lips join to a kiss with their passionate tongue swirl exchange both close their eyes smell each other noses brush close.

They felt happiness, joy and love in the moment.

"Miss Thailand is dead."

His love mushroom was creeping up their both palms to feel it he was ready to have her in the alley across the dead body they witnessed killed.

"I want to be totally frank with you. I love your dick so much I can massage you to the day we die."

"Yes babe big Georgian bull will love. It is like a royal cockpit and we can have our flight through our journey in time with no trouble."

Si Si rubs him gently hoping for his love juice out sooner than he knew.

"Yes I can be your stewardess because I remember I did not suck you yet in our domestic flight taking you to the toilet to sit on you."

Her hand squeezes him harder feeling the pulsing heart below him.

"You are taking so slow I feel like wanking it off."

She laughs and turns away letting go of his joy. Her composure was lost to his big Georgian bull.


The other side of living sketches of pure relationship is a good example to Toya's misery how Yo Water has her freedom in the coin of life.

Renoto Olympo with his friends from London was helping Tom Han find his lost family in Thailand.

"Do not worry, our friends are fresh off the toilet seat and sweat from punch bags will find anything with a couple beers they are up to no good. They already had a good time in the field."

"Ok. Let's look for her, her name is Yo Water and here is her picture. I heard she is working in markets."

They were walking and crossing roads in TukTuk patrol to have her found looking in their mobile phone pictures they must find her.

It was a long way along a nice cold breeze before he noticed a polish pervert talking to a girl with a Spanish looking guy.

"Yes, let's have a great time."

The old man told TukTuk patrol to stop and they took a footpath to two Kings of evil crime looking for no evidence further.

Olympo places his hand and turns an evil looking person over while talking to a girl.

"I told you if I see you now I have laid you flat."

Renato Olympo smacks him right in the face, not waiting, throwing left jab raises his hands higher with final full swing of right lower cut he breaks his ribs apart letting air out.

His friends screams to Spaniard surrounding him.

"We told you 15 meters from here or we fock you too."

He gives a straight line kick in his face break-in. Podla in his mind loses his sight.

They take him with them on their shoulders.

When their two kickboxing comrades surround Powers and hit him hard to the floor.

"This cock sucker did not have enough." They both start kicking him on the floor.

"This is focking dirty Spanish royale crying on the floor."

They spit over him and are kicking, not stopping associating him to a villain they hated all their lives.

"Let's spill his drink over him and twist his dirty ass in a Tuk Tuk patrol before we murder him."

They all drive off making Tom Han think what was wrong leaving him behind.

Our Renato Olympo, later pissing over the polish pervert's face, wakes him up holding one foot on his shoulder and holding him tighter in a grip.

"I would hit him harder but those loose joints in my shoulder would hurt. I know no massage would fix it later."

His two friends start kicking him on the floor when Renato Olympo shows him a Yo Water picture.

"I knew these two has something to do with lost beautiful girls and forcing them to a sex slavery!"

He swings his foot, throwing his face to the side, knocking the front tooth out.

He orders him tell her story otherwise they would find time to keep hitting him.

"You better stay up bleeding piece of shit from illusion."

"How about this Spanish royale?"

"You keep hitting his balls hard to see him bleed and continue. He is no good at walking along with him."

They both join in pressing him to a twin palm tree with their feet and kicking him to stay low, damaging his love organs not letting him leave.

"You better see tell your story quick or they will keep working on your sex buddy and if they feel hungry the time you not stop they will work with you."

"You are like criminals!"

"I am the bad man who broke your couple teeth, you better keep talking! Where is she?!" Who is she!?"


Renato Olympo stares at him with gestapo eyes.

"You will be like dick of the will placing a big dildo in his ass."

"You march left, you turn right like a soldier."

They both start singing, kicking Tom Powers against the vibrating Palm Tree and enjoying the beach view on white sand.

"Vodka criminal."