
Secret Plan Inn

"You are not a god to judge, you are not a father to punish." Committing a crime in King Gustaf's Kingdom is a crime. Secret Plan Inn The love volume about love, rights and justice. Miss Pan Varke is a transgender every time looking for an adventure with her big bull in Thailand. Our Ban Toya is a hard man to deal with from Latvia. Bradley Mat is a true Congolese man out there to fight neo-feudalism and racism. They have a true friend Renato Olympo from Lithuania. Author was inspired to write from my personal relationship lesson. He had to develop from an amazing love story he researched from Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Author dedicates his work to his past fiance, she could earn his forgiveness because as much there is love there is hate.The best wishes from a dedicated family. The story is written from true facts.

Audrius_Razma · Fantasy
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All You Can Eat

If you like to continue have free sex continue to read further.

Jona Jona Jonas was his name of porn vassalage sworn in Polish blood swords offering his own mother on his knees before logistics gods.

I am a true Congolese man and this is my story. He was the mountain of problems to Zbigniav and Damien News for them to deal with him holding his birth mother's legs spread open.

They could sworn in sick Queen of Netherlands Kurva Polish sexual SODRA sect.

"Kurva you keep quiet. " A true Polish henchman spoke with him in a polite manner holding their guns out to his mother naked spread legs. Her flower skirt is wide open.

"You are a true sworn agent now." Damien News spat and rubbed his tip.

"You better strap your seat belt son holding your mother." Zbigniav News pushed a slide in his pre-moist tip in mother. Her breath twists backwards and exhales from a long time waiting no fun.

He starts to pump and I walk past brushing my teeth ignoring them shut doors. They keep their business to themselves.

I think I heard them later make him lick out his mother's content. They scream you keep quit loser and stop crying. It is Polish at work in the Netherlands Kingdom and it is in the Netherlands Kingdom.

They did him like Putin in genitals riots. I loved it but the poor Lithuanian male labourer might have thought it strange to use his mother like this.

It was the Netherlands Kingdom.


"I would like to continue my business." I had a journey in Polish evil Overlord business as usual in the sick Kingdom of Netherlands.

We did continue to monitor and manage their sick Kingdom.

Our story to continue fighting Polish and Dutch neofeudalism of racism and vassalage of prostitution to their drug run cartel of Polish kurva sexual SODRA sect for sick Queen of Netherlands.

"I heard Queen of Netherlands had a sexual disease of crabs."

"The sick Queen of Netherlands, dear my true Congolese friend."

"Yes Cuban Pete. I think she is wide open and widely accessible."

"I would love to see her. I felt lonely when the Filipino love maker left my bed to her loser Lithuanian husband to eat my content between her legs."

"I think she was a true lover."

"I miss out lately on my true miss Daisy. I have my heart broken I find difficult to have sex with Polish Overlord wife Justina Valentine."

"I am happy we have Nina Kalashnikov from the United Kingdom."

"Yes she is a proper stallion she took us both down in the Netherlands Kingdom."

I think you should read further if you would like to have a free sex in my story.

"I wonder how his henchmen Damien and Zbigniav News. I think those Polish wankers had enough fun with poor Polish girls turning them into sexual sect victims for sick Queen of Netherlands."

"Yes and Cuban Pete and I had fun with their wives. They even throw a pack of tobacco paper for us asking us to keep it down."

I think you had a great smoke out of it.

"I think you smoked their wives."

"When I was young I never knew Warsaw had such a fashion. I had my family emigrate to England from Congo. I studied business first degree in London."

"Yes brother from another mother you did study Polish fashion well wide open here in our beloved Netherlands Kingdom. I hope you had enough fun to meet our sick Queen of Netherlands. Queen Patricia Willingness' spread is too great to be missed on."

"I know they have elite Estonians prostitute unit guarding her and Polish Kurva sexual SODRA sect it is like a warehouse full of sex toys."

"I wonder how is doing Prime Minister Mark Rudolph and his secret ministry of sex education library."

"I think he continues utilising his majesty's services, smoking joints and enjoying his time ruling this swamp of tulips."

"We should continue this fight of his oppression and slavery. I mean not matter how much I enjoy sex, the human trafficking and sex slavery does not help us."

"Caramba I hit them like pinatas."

"I am with you a true Congolese man will hit these toys and sweet candies fake reality only to have your sweet tooth decayed."

"I had a great nightmare when all the world wars victims and soldiers were marching undead into the Hague Royal Palace Courts of the Netherlands Kingdom."

"I think it was an awesome dream you had."

"No really I dreamed it."

"I wish my dream came true."

"What is that?"

"I love to fock sick Queen of the Netherlands Kingdom Patricia Willingness."

"I hope your dream comes true."

"Yes. I hope my dream comes true before your dream comes true."

"I wish we should not speak about this ginger Queen of Tulips Kingdom and enjoy our working life. I for no good reason attended good business school in England to fall for Polish slavery in sick Kingdom of Netherlands."

When I never knew I had my friend from the past I did enjoyed having sex with would return to help me deal with the problem.

Her name was Sarah Aika Reika. She had her girlfriend Mako Sito with her. A sexual abuse and rape victim she did saved in failed eurotrip in Netherlands Kingdom.

"Hey we are sitting here by the pond drinking Dutch beer and I had a text message from a hot Japanese girl I loved so much. Her invitation is open for us to have our weekend in Hague Court's bar near the sea pier."

"I am ok about it. Let's go."


I never knew when I leave Yale university I will be enjoying the Netherlands in a porn movie with a hot young Philippines teacher holding a baby devil trident tattoo on her.

Her passion for money I knew she would eventually choose our camera stroker Tim from Australia. Therefore I enjoyed my love holidays and slept with every woman in Elle's Recruits Agency from Polish Holidays Park in the Netherlands.

We had a great day today, our Nina Kalashnikov taking us to meet her two influential figures near the sea pier. Her promise to masturbate me underneath was more intimidating.

I never ever had so much fun when I left Yale. The Modern Buddhism lessons made me more psychologically aware of myself and my urges spiritually connected habits but I see nothing wrong about it.

We had great unholy orgy in Netherlands and sex was the priest and prayer in our Kingdom of Netherlands. We had no religion and sick Queen of Netherlands Kingdom with her harem of elite Estonians Prostitutes controling every escort of Polish Kurva sexual SODRA sect lead the way for Elle's Recruits Agency.

I could never be more happy. It made my career gap year more nourishing back to the United States of America. The lesson to bring home I will learn later for a true Congolese man.

The tale of the Netherlands.

I watched fields of harvest crops and tulips with windmills passing along the coast on ticket journey from Amsterdam to Hague.

Nina Kalashnikov was stroking Australian Tim holding half of her hand under raincoat watching me while Australian Tim in his crazy Arcade fight simulator haircut tilting his head back trying to relax did listen to us speak.

We played a role play game imitating each other's spouses.

"How are you darling today?"

"I feel great love. I am happy our uncle is with you." She strokes her uncle per say harder and rubs his tip looking and smiling at me in the eye.

I arch my back more comfortably from Ren Wildflower sucking on my tip under Kalashnikov's sweater shirt.

We were on the journey.

"I think our poor guest teacher from abroad just fell harder asleep on the passenger seat close to the window." Miss Wildflower sucks it harder and looks up licking it and stroking it not thinking or hoping ever to stop it.

Yes, it was Elle's Recruits Agency on the way to Hague Courts.

Her promise was for a joke to stroke me under that bridge but it was far greater. I had my love out a few times, letting it drip in the hot stream. Her lips are collecting and covering me for an alibi. It was a great feeling for the start of the weekend.

The change for the better? A true Congolese man? I only knew all you can eat.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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