
Bad Day

Scarlet went to school and walked with her friends like usual. She was thinking about the dream she had. She wondered if what she saw was actually a flashback to Felix's past. Maybe he forgot about his past with his mother. Scarlet kept thinking about it, until Layla's voice burst into her thoughts. "SCARLET!" yelled Layla. "H-huh?" Scarlet said. "I've been calling you're name for 2 minutes! Is something wrong?" she asked. "Of course, i'm just thinking.." "About your science test?" Dave said, "Wait...TEST?!" Scarlet didn't study for a test, she didn't even know about. She freaked out. When they made it to school, Scarlet saw Felix talking to some boys. She smiled and was happy that, well that didn't last long. She didn't know half the questions, the other half was either easy, and she just guessed the most logical ones. After take her test, she went to her locker. Thinking things were as worst as it gets, Scarlet ran into Valarie. "Hey, loser." Valarie said, "Where's your little boyfriend?" Scarlet stared at her. "Don't play dumb! You know who I'm talking about!" Valarie yelled. Scarlet rolled her eyes and tried to walk away, but Valarie stopped her. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?!" She said angrily. "Meet me in the bathroom upstairs at lunch." "And if I don't...?" asked Scarlet, "Then I'll make your life a living hell." said Valarie. "Fine. I'll come, but if your'e waiting to steal money from me, then your'e out of luck!" After saying that, Scarlet walked around Valarie and headed for her next class.

When lunch started, Scarlet went directly to the restroom and couldn't find Valarie. "Wow," Scarlet mumbled, "She didn't even show up." Just when she was about to leave, somebody grabbed her and covered her mouth. Scarlet was thrown into a wall at the back of the room. She hit her head hard on the wall, "Ow.." she said while her head was throbbing. She looked up and saw Valarie and her friends. Valarie's friends laughed, "Weakling!" said her two friends. "Scarlet attempted to stand up, but Valarie's foot slammed on her shoulder making her fall back down. "Look, you and Felix obviously have a secret." Valarie said, "Either tell me or we beat you up." "Jeez, that's kinda violent." said Scarlet. "Well, duh," said Macy, "It's suppose to make you scared and tell us the little secret you have." Scarlet looked at Valarie. "Alright, you got me." She said, "I'll tell you the secret." "W-wait, really?" Valarie seemed surprised, "Yup." Scarlet said. Valarie removed her foot from her shoulder and Scarlet stood up. Her head was still throbbing, "Well? What's the secret?" Valarie asked. "Felix is my...long lost cousin. We actually forgot about him." Valarie and her friends were shocked, "I don't believe you." said Valarie. "Then ask him yourself." Scarlet said stupidly, what was she thinking? Felix and she never planned anything if someone got suspicious of them. Valarie looked at her friends and nodded, they both walked out of the bathroom. Scarlet was freaking out in the inside, but on the outside she seemed pretty chill. "Well...can I leave now?" asked Scarlet, "Not until I know that what you said is true." After 5 silent minutes, Macy and Katie came back and whispered into Valarie's ear. Scarlet was waiting to get punched right in the gut, but surprisingly, Felix said the same thing. Valarie let Scarlet go, she was so relieved. She ran to find Felix feeling super lucky.