
Secret of the Silent Schoolboys "SSS"

This "Gothic Mystery" is about to be told.... However, we shall shhhh...

BushyMan · Horror
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5 Chs

Chapter 2. One fateful night.

One fateful night, as the three friends snuck into the headmaster's office to search for clues, they stumbled upon a shocking revelation. The headmaster, a respected figure at the academy, a millionaire himself, was not who he seemed to be. He was a puppet of the darkness that lurked within the school, a willing pawn in a game of deception and deceit.

As they raced to expose the headmaster's true identity, Rabiem, Malum, and Nox found themselves face to face with the source of the darkness that had plagued the academy for so long. A shadowy figure, cloaked in darkness, emerged from the shadow of Nox, its eyes filled with malice and its whispers filled with menace.

But the three friends refused to back down. Why? Maybe beacause it would have helped them to finally forget about their own traumas? Nonetheless, with courage and determination, they faced the darkness head-on, revealing the secrets of the silent schoolboys to a first student Joshua Primus , and setting him free from their silent prison. And as the first rays of dawn illuminated the academy, the student finally found his voice, his laughter ringing through the halls as he embraced the light that had been hidden for so long.

The three transfer students had uncovered the secret of the silent schoolboys, but their journey was far from over. As they prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, they knew that they would always have each other, bonded by "friendship" and a shared desire to conquer the darkness that threatened to consume them all. As your narrotor, my most important question today is "Did you realise what the secret is?".

I'll give you a little hint. It is one of the biggest issues in the modern world.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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