
Change (continue)

"I know, it always happens___ a sigh____ although I don't like change but I have to do it for my survival, it's for me, for us I've to give this sacrifice" mournfulness could be feel is these words.

Ok mam you've ordered a plant, so we will deliver and set that plant into your house you don't know how to do that and because it is rare species so we have to take responsibility" shopkeeper was explaining.

"Ok I don't have any issue here is my address, come here at 20 o'clock"

"Sure, have a safe journey madam, thanks for coming"

19 o'clock

Ablah is sitting in her living room on sofa there is another sofe beside that and a table in center having black color wood ablah likes that table a lot because it was from her mother.....she is drinking black-current juice she took a sip and placed glass on table again….…the house is clean and tidy as always windows are open but there are curtains in front of the windows so the little bit fresh air is coming, there are three rooms in her house, in front of living room there's a kitchen which is beautifully furnished….life is good for her but sometimes tough, as in your hardest times off and on you need someone to support you, to give you some advices but she doesn't have anyone.….and she's just 18 years old girl who doesn't know much about world and she faced a lot in her past 18 years….. her father left her mother and she lived with her mother until 10 years her mother was always busy and she didn't have enough time for her, she always understands her 'cz it was obviously tough to raise a child without a father, she takes in that but sometimes it was hard, sometimes she needed her attention…..on her 10th birthday she moved to hostel for her further studies, when she entered in her higher studies her mother gave her a home, her own home….now she's in college and living a good life until she remembers her life with her parents, her mother gave her everything but love and care she always admitted that, always…... because her mother had a lot of responsibilities when her father left both of them and life was not so simple for her mother and for ablah too, a change had come to their lives and they had to accept it.

And now most of the times she needs her but....life doesn't give you what you want.

She's reading "the family upstairs" and got struck at a line:

"All men are weak,' said Phin. 'That's the whole bloody trouble with the world. Too weak to love properly. Too weak to be wrong.'

She thought about her dad, he was like that too, he was too weak that's why he left us behind, if mum was not here______ a drop of tear roll down on her cheek____ it's all because of him, he was always weak, he wasn't able to take the responsibility and when we needed him the most he left us he was always like that, a weak coward person I'll not forgive you dad, never" she cried but silently. She was always like this she cried in silence she used to it.

20 o'clock

Doorbell's ringing….someone is in front of ablah's door with a box in his hand…... he has gray eyes, beautiful, but mysterious, red shirt and black pant, he's looking handsome a sharp pointed nose and wide grayish eyes.

Ablah asked "Who's there?" a voice heard "there is a delivery of your plant".

"Oh yeah yeah" …. She opeond the door asked him to come in

"Would you like something I was drinking black-cur..…."

He interrupted, "No mam thank you but I'm here just to fix a plant"

"That was rude" ablah thought

"Okay sir, place it here in front of sofa right after windows"

"Na na, in the corner please"

"Okay yes, it is actually the best location for him" delivery man thought

She was again busy in her novel.

After 15 mints;

"It's all done mam, you can check it"

She took a glace "it's lovely I love it"

"Thank you for your service, but you always set plants like this in customers home?"

"Yes" a short, to the point answer came.

"Okay, is there any delivery charges?" ablah asked

"No that was already in the bill which you've paid"

"Oh okay"

Then he moved towards the gate and ablah followed him to lock the door.

"What a weird man! Huhh"

"She looked at him, maybe he just listened me, oww, it's okay he is weird he should know about it, was my voice too loud, no no he didn't hear it"

"Okay then" said the man

"Okay have a safe journey" ablah replied

After that he stepped out from gate, she locked the door.

"Yea he didn't hear it, never-mind"

Whatever ohh my plant (she ran inside to look at the plant)

"Look at you beautiful, I think first time I've spend my money on a good thing" ___a joyful smile she gave___ "look at you" ____ she touched leaves, so soft to touch____ "okay lil planty have a good night I'm going to sleep, I've to go to college too tomorrow" she said in a sleepy and gloomy tone.

She go to her bedroom and check some notifications from her mobile after that go to the bathroom, to do brush and then she come back, towards her bed put a blanket on herself... turns her lights off and try to sleep…..

1 o'clock

Ablah was sleeping on her bed when she woke up from a noise like something dropped.

"Aahh I think its neighbours again I don't know why they always wake up at this time…." She mumbled in sleep.

She slept again.….but there is something behind her back near bed, a shadow maybe or something else hard to see, hard to tell, smiling at her, whispering something too…...

To be continued...