
Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Every girl dreams of forbidden kisses and a bad boy of her own. But what happens when fate has other ideas? Xie Eun is a young girl who has only two dreams-Being a successful photographer and finding the love of her life. But the day she turns an adult,he father marries her off to a stranger-for her own good! Wolf has no interest in marriage.Born a genius,nothing holds his interest for long but the next challenge.However, his mentor,the man he owes his life to has asked him for only one thing.Marry his daughter. Reluctantly he agrees.But what is this?Xie Eun proves to be his biggest yet challenge and one he is determined to conquer. And so the two people who were destined to wed are wedded! Excerpt: "Little lamb,we are married now. Won't you even look at me?" Xie Eun kept mum and did not dare to lift her veil. Amazingly,she had not yet seen her husband's face. In a fit of anger over being forced into this marriage,she had refused to do so. Keeping her eyes trained on the ground,she said,"I don't want to look at you! You are my nightmare. Someone who would force me to wed!You could have stopped this farce and refused! But you did not. I don't even want to look at you!" The outburst and the confession of hate would have angered any other groom but not Wolf-he was amused. Ambling over to the bed,where the bride sat,he bent down to her and lifted her veil upto her eyes only so that they would stay covered,"My poor little lamb. Why don't I give you a small kiss to shoo away the nightmares?" With that the wolf gave the sheep her very first kiss and as he said,"She only dreamt of his kisses after that!" Hello everyone.The cover does not belong to me. *credits to the rightful owner!*

har_k · Urban
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230 Chs

Her Husband

After a while,Housekeeper Su entered the study,announcing that it was time for master's rest and medicine.Not giving the General a chance to say anything, Xie Eun skipped to her room,intent in making plans for her future.She had relayed the matter of her marriage to a corner of her mind,all but forgotten since she had already considered the fact that her so called husband would agree to the annulment and so decided to continue making her plans for university.She would have to convince her father to move to the city because she could not leave him alone here.And her dreams lay towards the city.She also convinced herself that the medical care available in the city would be much better than here where there was a single doctor for every illness. But her happiness was cut short when she took the note out of her pocket and read it.He was willing to give her an annulment..but only after three years!And the dastardly coward man had left her with no way to contact him other than a stupid golden card! The note made these things clear and Xie Eun realized that she had shot herself in the foot.Now she really was married to a stranger and had no way of getting out of it until she was able to find him!Maybe she could steal the relative information from her father's desk...

Meanwhile,General Xie had been left staring pensively at the door.Housekeeper Su came forward to ask her master to come rest but he instead indicated for her to sit.

Housekeeper Su tried to protest indicating that General Xie needed to rest first but she knew the master could be stubborn when he wanted to be so she sat.

General Xie seemed to be lost in thought before he took a deep breath and turned to look at her.

"Housekeeper Su.You have been with us for as long as I can remember.When I came here with that little girl and still carrying the grief of my wife's death,you took Xie Eun in hand and never let her feel motherless.You are like family to her.I know that you too have disagreed with my decision to marry her off but cough cough....."

The general broke off in a fit of cough and his breath started to catch.Housekeeper Su rushed to his side and handed him he pump to ease his breath..Only after the coughing fit had stopped did General Xie try to speak again but Housekeeper Su cut him off and said,"Master.It doesn't matter whether I agree or not. I know you have your reasons.My only objection was that she is too young and even now..her husband of not even a day has already left for the city...if only you had chosen the man she liked..."

General Xie leaned back in his chair and gestured for Housefkeeper to sit again

"Sit and don't interrupt.I am giving you these papers for safekeeping.Take a look at them and you will know my reasons. Regarding the man that Xie Eun thinks is perfect for him, Housekeeper Su, you have to protect her. He will show his true colors soon enough.I can expose him right away but at present Xie Eun trusts him most and may be swayed by him.

General Xie handed the papers to the perplexed Aunt who took them.He then slowly began,"Do not let anyone get their hands on these papers.Not even Xie Eun,at least until she does not get rid of the riff raff.Apart from this paper, there is a card inside.It belongs to Xie Eun's husband.After..after I am dead call him to protect you because the vultures will surely descend."

Speaking this much seemed to pull all of General Xie's energy and he closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath.

Housekeeper Su looked at the papers in her hand with trepidation as she started to read them..Though she did not understand the legal jargon much, what she did understand made her hair stand on end.Almost stuttering, she said,"Sir...this.."

"Yes. This is the reason for the hasty marriage.I think..I know that Wolf is the best choice for her.Like you, Wilf also strongly protested this marriage sighting that Xie Eun was too young and had the right to choose for herself.I had to twist his arm to get him to agree grudgingly.And he will not return without being asked."

This brought Aunt Su another shock,"What do you mean Sir?"

"Wolf does not want a wife who would feel imprisoned with him which is why he has returned to the city.For now his name is enough to protect her once she goes there and you have to help her traverse these waters.Thus this card is for you.If there ever comes a time that you feel that you can not protect Xie Eun, you just have to show the card and help will reach you.

Aunt Su looked down at the card in her hand and turned it around.She frowned at the blank piece..she guessed the card was expensive but there was nothing written on it.It was only the picture of a carved wolf.

"Don't be fooled. This really is a card. Wolf is well known in the city.As long as you possess this card, nobody would dare to cross you."

Housekeeper Su out the papers and the card back into the envelope and pleaded,"Sir, please go and rest. All this can wait.Your health is more important.And please keep these with you.I am gratified that you think me so capable but Sir these things are..not something a servant like me can handle.Eun is making preparations to go to the city.I plead you to agree to go with her."

General Xie, took hold of his walking stick and slowly walked out of the office.He knew he did not have much time left.Xie Eun would have to go to the city without him...