
Secret Marriage:The Wolf And The Sheep

Every girl dreams of forbidden kisses and a bad boy of her own. But what happens when fate has other ideas? Xie Eun is a young girl who has only two dreams-Being a successful photographer and finding the love of her life. But the day she turns an adult,he father marries her off to a stranger-for her own good! Wolf has no interest in marriage.Born a genius,nothing holds his interest for long but the next challenge.However, his mentor,the man he owes his life to has asked him for only one thing.Marry his daughter. Reluctantly he agrees.But what is this?Xie Eun proves to be his biggest yet challenge and one he is determined to conquer. And so the two people who were destined to wed are wedded! Excerpt: "Little lamb,we are married now. Won't you even look at me?" Xie Eun kept mum and did not dare to lift her veil. Amazingly,she had not yet seen her husband's face. In a fit of anger over being forced into this marriage,she had refused to do so. Keeping her eyes trained on the ground,she said,"I don't want to look at you! You are my nightmare. Someone who would force me to wed!You could have stopped this farce and refused! But you did not. I don't even want to look at you!" The outburst and the confession of hate would have angered any other groom but not Wolf-he was amused. Ambling over to the bed,where the bride sat,he bent down to her and lifted her veil upto her eyes only so that they would stay covered,"My poor little lamb. Why don't I give you a small kiss to shoo away the nightmares?" With that the wolf gave the sheep her very first kiss and as he said,"She only dreamt of his kisses after that!" Hello everyone.The cover does not belong to me. *credits to the rightful owner!*

har_k · Urban
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230 Chs

A Good Show

Lawyer Wen rubbed his hands and grinned in anticipation.He then cast another look at his secretary cum granddaughter and explained,"In normal circumstances, the winner would be Lu Yeona.She has been modelling for a few years and has her own brand reputation.She also comes with the backing of chairwoman Lu and a few investors.Her upbringing is perfect and so is her education.When compared to Xie Eun, her upbringing has nothing to do with business, her education is focused in liberal arts with a minor in business management.She comes from a small village and has no network to speak of..As Shan Shan listed the points, she felt that her grandfather was right.The girl Xie Eun did not have much when compared to Lu Yeona..

But her grandfather was sure that Lu Enterprises was going to be transferred to Lu Yeona..Why?

Lawyer Wen then explained,"Ha!I had the same feeling when I'd run approached me the other day.It was a lost cause.I planned to say a few words of consolation and send her on the way but then she showed me the files....The old man then handed another open file to Shan Shan and said,"Read this agreement.This will does not require Xie Eun to have the right upbringing or education..It asks for a husband and what you can bring into the corporation.And Xie Eun has the trump card!The girl has been married for two years and even if we keep aside the much needed capital for Lu Enterprises, the tie up is enough to not just raise back the Lu Enterprises to it's former glory but take it even higher."

Shan Shan was also amazed as she went through the contract that was made in entirely one party's favor.And it was even signed by the famous reclusive CEO..Shan Shan shook her head and asked in amazement,"How did a village girl comebinto contact with such a predominant figure?No one in the trust is going to dare take the old woman's side and risk offending CEO Wolf's person.Because it would mean offending him directly!Grandfather how did that simple girl achieve that feat?"

Lawyer Wen could only resignedly answer,"I have no idea but I know that today's win belong to Xie Eun so Shan Shan,be prepared.We may even have the respected CEO Wolf visit us.I have already received a call from his lawyers that they are going to confirm Miss Xie's identity as his apprentice this afternoon.They are waiting for the go ahead of the CEO.This means that the news is going to be released when all the trustees are here..Until now, they are not too sure of they should believe the agreement but the timing of the press conference of Alpha Companies is clearly to warn everyone..

Shan Shan grinned at this and then suddenly pleaded in front of her grandfather,"Please let me sit in on today's meeting,Sir! Please!I want to see that uppity back stabbing bi*** fall on her face!Please grandpa,am I or am I not your favorite granddaughter?"

Lawyer Wen looked at his granddaughter who was in her twenties but behaving like a child and murdered,"Shan Shan you are my only granddaughter!Rest of your cousins and siblings are all males.."

"Yes Yes...grandfather is right!Inam your only granddaughter.Pretty please grandfather?"

The girl had inherited his wife's eyes and he could never say no to her so he agreed but then added sternly,"But you will behave seriously and with decorum!Take the notes throughout the meeting..!"

"Yes yes!Thank you grandfather!" With that Shan Shan raced out of the office and immediately started to work on her computer so that she would have no pending work at the time of the upcoming show..

A few minutes later, the receptionist guided Xie Eun who had come alone into the office waiting area.Seeing Xie Eun, Shan Shan who had been reserved last time shed that gloss and warmly welcomed the girl.She extended her hands to clutch at Xie Eun to congratulate her and then when the girl winced,Shan Shan checked her out and muttered her concern for the scratched hands as if they had been friends for years.She hissed and sympathetically muttered,"What happened?How did you get the scratches?"

Xie Eun felt a little wary of the over friendly Shan Shan so she replied with narrowed eyes,"I was bored so I climbed a tree to have a conversation with a snake!"

Xie Eun had expected Shan Shan to retreat and look at her as if she was mad but the girl just grinned and said,"Really?That is so cool!You know to climb trees and you know how to talk to snakes?Will you teach me?Uhh..not talking to snakes they are kind of slimy but I would love to learn to climb trees!I am a city girl you see so I never had a chance to learn!But I think it would be cool..."

Xie Eun:".."

Meet Xie Eun future best friend!Because every girl needs a girl friend who is wackier than her!

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