
Memory (1)

*Ring Ring* "Ae-young get up!" Ae-young opened her eyes slowly and said in a low voice "I'm getting up" Her mom slightly annoyed said louder " I've been calling your name for the last 5 minutes you better get up before I get the ice water!" As Ae-young heard that she got up as fast as she could and threw on the uniform she had already prepared. Then Ae-young said " don't worry I'm already about done just need to do my hair" As she said that she ran in the bathroom with her phone realizing it was already 8:00 and class started at 8:30! Oh no i need to hurry how much did I sleep in or stay up at night!! Ae-young hurried brushed her hair and teeth and was on her way out. Running down the stars she yelled "bye love you mom!! See you later" Not giving her mom a change to say something back she ran out the door. As Ae-young was running down the dirt road she saw that the bus had already left. By that time she was very upset and angry so, she yelled at the top of her lungs " wait wait please I'm right here" Ae-young didn't spare another moment she ran as fast as she could behind the bus until she was out of breath she tripped over a rock. Oh no i missed the bus did I rip my uniform? Ae-young hurried to check " that was a close one" then she looked at her knee and found a cut. " mom is going to kill me!" At that moment Ae-young looked at what time it was " what how it's already 8:25 I don't have time for this!!" Worred that she'll be late and have to stay after school again she hurried and got back up and started walking. By the time she got their it was already 8:40 so, she got her late slip and went to class. Once the teacher saw her she said " Are you ok! you've been late all week so far to this class go to the nurses office your knee is scrapped bad" embarrassed she handed her math teacher the late slip and went to the office. " here again is this your favorite place" said the nurse with a giggle " I guess I'm always running late because i always miss the bus in fact I chased the bus almost a whole block" said Ae-young looking down.

"Well... sit here while I go get the supplies to cover your knee" The nurse pointed to a chair. "ok" As Ae-young sat down some boy came in limping. Ae-young looked at him for a while and then said "Are... you..ok what happened to you" The little boy stood their like he didn't here her at all and igorned her. Again the girl asked " Did you sprain your ankle!" This time the boy looked at her annoyed and turned the other way. This time the girl looked down embarrassed. Then the nurse came out with the supplies and didn't even notice the boy. So once Ae-young was bandaged she told the nurse " Miss their is a boy" and Ae-young pointed to him. "Oh.. thanks Ae-young" said thr nurse in a whisper. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting are you ok" said the nurse in a louder voice"

Suddenly Ae-young woke up dripping sweat as she sat up fast.

"it was just a memory" Ae-young said breathing fast as she held the covers tightly. "just...a..memory"